
  • 网络price shock;price impact
  1. 这种大宗商品价格冲击令全球需求缩减约3%,并成为大萧条(greatrecession)和股价暴跌的罪魁祸首,超出了很多人的想象。

    This commodity price shock subtracted about 3 per cent from global demand , and was more responsible for the great recession , and the precipitous decline in equities , than many people have realised .

  2. 基于动态CGE的铁矿砂价格冲击经济效应研究

    Research on the economic impacts of iron ore price shock based on a Dynamic CGE model

  3. 避免20世纪70年代两次石油价格冲击的情形再次出现,这是沙特阿拉伯和其他一些海湾石油国家一致关心的问题。

    Saudi Arabia , in company with some other Gulf oil states , is concerned to avoid any repetition of the two oil price shocks of the 1970s .

  4. 但是这次价格冲击以及其他几次均事出有因——苏联的干旱,美国玉米带的庄稼产量萎缩热等。

    But this and other price shocks were event-driven —— drought in the Soviet Union , crop-shrinking heat in the U.S. Corn Belt .

  5. 格兰杰因果关系检验揭示了石油价格冲击和GDP之间存在单向的因果关系。

    The test for Granger causality between the variables reveals that a uni-directional causality relationship exist from oil price shocks to GDP .

  6. 最初,许多研究认为,石油价格冲击和GDP之间存在着显著的负向关系,但最近的实证研究表明石油价格冲击与宏观经济变量之间的关系呈现递减趋势。

    Initially , many studies argue that there exist a significant negative impact of oil price shocks on GDP , but recent empirical studies suggest a diminishing relationship between oil shocks and the macroeconomy .

  7. 德意志银行(deutschebank)驻伦敦的迈克尔刘易斯(michaellewis)表示,库存的下降和许多亚洲地区供应日益短缺的情况表明,2008年“可能带来又一年的价格冲击”。

    Michael Lewis , of Deutsche Bank in London , said the decline in stocks and rising shortages in large parts of Asia suggested 2008 " could deliver another year of price shocks " .

  8. 本文以VAR计量模型为基础,采用线性方法和非线性方法,通过运用脉冲响应分析及方差分解,计算各经济变量对石油价格冲击的弹性来讨论油价冲击对我国经济的影响。

    This paper use linear model and non-linear model to describe oil price shocks , than import it into VAR model , use impulse response function 、 variance decomposition and elasticity analysis to learn the impacts of oil price shocks .

  9. 文章通过估计和检验结构VAR模型,发现货币冲击、供给冲击和价格冲击都对短期利率产生了持续显著的影响,而对长期利率则没有显著作用效果。

    By estimating and testing the structural VAR model , we find that the monetary shock , supply shock and price shock have significant and persistent effects on the short term interest rates , but have no significant effects on long term interest rates .

  10. 联合国粮农组织(FAO)警告,世界面临粮食价格冲击。该组织的农产品价格基准指数上个月大幅上涨,创下名义新高,超过了2007-08年粮食危机时的水平。

    The world faces a food price shock , the Food and Agricultural Organisation warned , after its benchmark index of farm commodities prices shot up to a nominal record last month , surpassing the levels of the 2007-08 food crisis .

  11. 石油价格冲击、内生技术进步与日本经济增长

    Oil Price Shocks , Endogenous Technological Progress and Japanese Economic Growth

  12. 容易受到原料市场的价格冲击。

    Tend to impacted by prices in the raw material market .

  13. 石油价格冲击与货币政策作用及选择

    The Effects and Choices of Monetary Policy and Oil Price Shocks

  14. 国际原油价格冲击对我国经济影响的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Impacts of Oil Price Shocks on China 's Economy

  15. 因此,能源价格冲击极其不利于印度经济稳定。

    So energy price shocks would be very destabilising .

  16. 这份报告还提出了降低商品价格冲击影响的一些新机制。

    The report suggests new mechanisms to reduce the impact of commodity price shocks .

  17. 价格冲击是随机形式;

    Price impact function was stochastic ;

  18. 价格冲击是变现速度的非线性函数。

    Price impact function was nonlinear .

  19. 欧佩克丧失影响力的另一个原因,是价格冲击帮助推动的技术发展。

    Another reason why OPEC has lost clout are technological developments that price shocks have helped spur .

  20. 本文运用时间序列分析方法,实证检验了欧盟和美国的价格冲击向我国传导的总体效应。

    Employing time series analysis , this paper provides empirical evidences on international transmission of inflation to China .

  21. 然而,这一预测伴随着两个重大事件:金融危机和大宗商品价格冲击。

    Yet these forecasts coincide with two huge events : the financial crisis and the commodity price shock .

  22. 研究结果显示,石油价格冲击对加纳的产出和经济活动有显著的负面影响。

    The findings reveal that oil price shocks have significant negative impact on output and economic activities in Ghana .

  23. 第二个问题是,在严重的大宗商品价格冲击依然存在的情况下,如何实施货币政策。

    The second question is how to run monetary policy when a large commodity price shock is under way .

  24. 由于燃油税相对较低,美国遭受的价格冲击远比其它国家更为严重。

    Because its fuel taxes are relatively modest , the US has suffered a much sharper price shock than elsewhere .

  25. 于此同时还要面临价格冲击效应,导致基金售出或者购买股票的成本加大,理论上会对基金的收益造成影响。

    At the same time they are confronted with the price impact , which will increase the cost of shares .

  26. 面对又一轮零售价格冲击的美国消费者,将减少前往购物中心的次数。

    US consumers , faced with another shock at the pump , will cut back on trips to the mall .

  27. 它是由于,或者说部分由于,萨达姆导致的石油价格冲击引发的,那场对萨达姆。侯赛因的战争。

    It was caused by well partly by an oil price spike caused by the Saddam the war against Saddam Hussein .

  28. 但这个卡特尔组织似乎有信心认为,随着中国需求增长,市场能够避免不少人预测会出现的价格冲击。

    But the cartel appears confident the market can avoid the price shock many are forecasting , as Chinese demand grows .

  29. 研究表明:中国证券市场的大单买卖价格冲击存在显著不对称性,且该不对称性与市场环境相关。

    The results indicate that : asymmetries in price impact of block trade are significant , which is associated with market condition .

  30. 目前的石油价格冲击预期将是暂时的,因为其起因是若干预料之外的短期因素共同作用的结果。

    The current oil price shock is expected to be temporary , since it was generated by a combination of unexpected short-term factors .