
  1. 供应链与电子商务环境下的仓储信息化建设

    Stock Information System Based on Supply Chain and E-Commerce

  2. 研究了企业物流仓储信息化逻辑流程和仓储物流企业信息模型设计及运转效率。

    The paper studies the design model and operational efficiency of warehousing information system in business logistics .

  3. 物流与电子商务密不可分,仓储信息化建设要与电子商务融合。

    The information-based stock with the e-commerce , just as logistics with e-commerce , cannot be divided in working .

  4. 人员进行合理配置和优化,更新和调整硬件条件,推广仓储信息化进程,并对仓库管理流程进行了重组和优化。

    Optimize configuration , update the warehouse personnel , promote the informationization of hardware , and storage warehouse management restructuring and optimizing the process .

  5. 因此,研究青海石油管理局物流仓储管理信息化问题,对企业有重要的现实意义。

    Under this situation , to research the management Information system of logistics and inventory management is very important to the company .

  6. 信息技术在各行各业得到广泛应用,采用先进识别技术对物流仓储实行信息化管理是物流仓储管理的大势所趋。

    Information technology is widely used in various industries , and using advanced recognition technology to implement information management to logistics warehouse is the trend of logistics warehouse management .

  7. 随着物流管理信息化建设的发展,作为物流信息管理中的重要组成部分的仓储管理信息化也越来越多地被关注,同时,计算机技术和自动识别技术被越来越多地引入库存管理及整个供应链系统中。

    With the development of logistics management , the informatization of storage management , as an important part of logistics information management , has been increasingly paid attention to . Meanwhile , computer and automatic identification technology are being brought into inventory management and the whole supply chain system continuously .

  8. 通过大型化、信息化设计,成功地开发了新型密集架系统,这将大大提高仓储物流系统的信息化、自动化管理水平。

    The informative design structure is simplified , and the informative management is improved of compact shelving system .

  9. 该指标体系综合考虑了物流企业运输绩效、仓储绩效、物流信息化绩效、财务绩效以及客户服务绩效等五类的绩效指标,全面地反映了物流企业的实际运营信息。

    The system takes consideration of five key indices that comprehensively reflect the actual operation of the enterprise , including the performance on transportation , warehousing , information , corporate finance as well as customer service .

  10. 由于各省电力管理仓储的模式与本文研究对象大致相同,该系统对电力企业仓储自动化与信息化建设,具有很强的工程应用与推广价值。

    Because of the warehouse management patterns of most provincial electricity enterprises are similar with that of the system studied in this thesis , the system also has the engineering application and promotion value in warehouse atomization and informationization in electricity enterprises .

  11. 研究基于供应链管理的航材仓储保障,提出供应链管理的航材保障模式,并构建包含航材库存管理系统、航材跟踪管理系统、自动订货系统三个子系统的航材仓储信息化保障系统。

    Based on the storage of navigation material supply chain management , offering supply chain management models of aircraft equipment , including and building navigation materials inventory management system , tracking navigation materiel management , automatic ordering system for the three subsystem of navigation materiel storage indemnification management information .