
  • 网络Warehousing and distribution
  1. 各个电子商务物流企业纷纷抢滩武汉,在此建立华中地区最大的仓储配送转运中心,在满足全省电子商务物流服务需求的同时,将服务范围辐射至整个华中地区。

    Amount of e-commerce logistics companies have vied for Wuhan , and establish there largest warehousing and distribution hub in central China . When meet the needs of e-commerce logistics serves of the whole province , they extend their services scope to entire central China .

  2. 仓库是承载物资存放、衔接上下游配送活动的结点,仓库规模和布局合理与否都影响着整个仓储配送系统能否高质、高效、低成本的运作。

    Warehouse is used to deposit materials and also is the cohesive node of upstream distribution activities and downstream distribution activities . The reasonableness of warehouse size and layout affects whether the warehousing and distribution system operation can be high quality , high efficiency , low cost or not .

  3. 分销仓储配送中心定货决策模拟系统研究

    Research on Simulation System of Order Decision for Center of Goods Storage and Distribution

  4. 仓储配送是供应链的中枢,而仓库是供应链的核心。

    Storage and delivery is the center of the supplier chain and the warehouse is the core .

  5. 因此,加强物流基础设施的规划与建设,尽快形成配套的综合运输网络、完善的仓储配送设施、先进的信息网络平台等,越来越成为现代物流发展的重要物质基础条件。

    Consequently , reinforcing the programming and construction of logistics infrastructure is becoming the important basic qualification of modern logistics .

  6. 为了有效利用库存资源,同时降低大型仓储配送中心的运行成本,需要对随机需求下的多品种库存问题进行深入研究。

    Multi-item inventory systems in stochastic demands were studied to reduce operation costs of large scale distribution centers and effectively use resources .

  7. 电网公司实现现代化物资管理、保证物资及时配送的一个关键环节是建立合理的物资仓储配送体系。

    Establishing a reasonable material warehousing and distribution system is the key to realize the modern management and to ensure timely delivery of materials for power grid companies .

  8. 现代港口特别是大型枢纽港的地位越来越突出,港口码头的运作和管理逐渐与整个交通运输和仓储配送的大链条融合在一起。

    Modern large hub ports occupy a more prominent position . The operation and management of wharves are gradually brought in a harmonious chain with the whole transportation .

  9. 随着现代物流快速发展,其已经成为国民经济中的重要产业部门和新的经济增长点。因此,与现代物流密切相关的仓储配送也同时成为影响企业经济增长以及获取利润的重要因素。

    As the logistics developing , it has been an important part in modern economy , and the distribution also has been a significant factor to impact the companies growing .

  10. 供应链其实是企业现金流、订单信息流、仓储配送流三流合一而成,其根本在于价值和信息的传递。

    In fact , the enterprise supply chain , cash flow , order information flow , storage and distribution flow " third-rate one " formed , the basic is the value and information transfer .

  11. 文章研究成果对提高华中物流仓库作业效率、实现管理规范化、构建仓储配送一体化的物流体系具有重要的参考价值和指导意义。

    The achievement of research in this article has important meaning on guiding and consulting to improve the HuaZhong logistics warehouse efficiency , achieve the management standardization , build the integrative logistics pattern in storages and distributions .

  12. 主要承担货物装卸运输、仓储配送、加工分拨、中转换装和船舶代理、外轮理货、港务工程、机械检修等港口业务。

    Transport is mainly responsible for cargo handling , warehousing distribution , processing , distribution , loading and shipping of the conversion agent , ocean shipping tally , port engineering , mechanical maintenance , such as port operations .

  13. WTD保税仓储物流配送流程优化研究

    The Procedure of Logistic Distribution Optimization in Bonded Warehouse of WTD

  14. 探析行动导向的《仓储与配送管理》课程教学改革

    Behavior Orientation the Teaching Reform of " Warehousing Distribution Management "

  15. 面向任务的《仓储与配送管理》教学内容体系构建

    Task-oriented Course Content Architecture of Warehouse and Distribution Management

  16. 根据客户的要求,组织安排货物的仓储,配送服务。

    According to clients demand , organize and arrange goods storage and delivery service .

  17. 提供运输、仓储、配送、物流、货运等服务。

    Provide transportation , warehousing , distribution , logistics , freight and other services .

  18. MB+网络技术在现代物流仓储及配送系统中的应用

    Application of MB + Network Technology for the Modern Logistics Storehouse and Distribution System

  19. 仓储与配送作业智能决策系统研究

    Research on Storage and Delivery Operation DSS

  20. 公司拥有齐全的仓储物流配送中心和专业的销售团队。

    Our company has a full range of logistics distribution centers and professional Sales team .

  21. 有鉴于此,本研究特别以花莲地区物流业之仓储与配送现况,做进一步之了解分析。

    The study particularly analyzes the current situations of transportation and distribution of the logistics industry in Hualien .

  22. 烟草公司的运行主要涉及烟草的流动,其运作从进货到仓储,配送等都离不开信息系统的支持。

    The operation of tobacco company involves tobacco distribution from inventory to warehousing which is supported by information system .

  23. 并向各方客户提供仓储及配送等综合解决方案并开展全国各大城市的上门提货服务。

    To the parties to provide warehousing and distribution customers integrated solutions in the major cities and the home delivery service .

  24. 而现行烟草系统主要是单个的功能系统,只是完成一些仓储,配送等单一功能的日常管理。

    However , the existing tobacco system is mainly a single function system which can only fulfill some single-function daily management such as storage and distribution .

  25. 分析了仓库现有组织作业流程和运营模式,指出了现有作业流程中信息技术运用不足所产生的总体效率不高、物流信息不一致造成仓储、配送不协调、水平不高的必然性。

    This project also analyze the warehouse organizing flow pattern in existence and point out the inevitability of the low logistics level because of not enough information technology .

  26. 功能型第三方物流应在物流运作过程中的物流设计规划、物流信息系统的建立,以及在采购、仓储、配送等方面有所突破。

    Thirdly , it made detailed analysis for the logistic planning and establishment of logistic information system , plus the operation model in the section of procurement , storage and delivery etc.

  27. 在传统的装卸、转运业务基础上,港口大力拓展包装、加工、仓储、配送、提供信息服务等高附加值综合物流功能。

    In the traditional handling , transshipment business , based on the port vigorously expand packaging , processing , warehousing , distribution , high value-added information services to provide integrated logistics capabilities .

  28. 然而客户对物流服务的需求已经由单纯运输、仓储、配送等转变为希望第三方物流企业根据自己的实际需求提供定制的、柔性化的一体化物流服务。

    However , customer demand for logistics services from a simple transportation , storage , distribution and so on into a third-party logistics enterprises hope that the actual demand in accordance with their own customized and flexible integration of logistics services .

  29. 物流公司是和经营物流相关的运输,仓储,配送等行业的公司。它是连接供货商与零售业的纽带,负责集货,理货,库存,配送等角色。

    Logistics Company is and business logistics related transportation , warehousing , distribution , etc. It is the only link to bond with suppliers , responsible for retail integrating goods , tally , inventory , and distribution , and other roles .

  30. 现代物流是使用众多的物流资源,向客户提供运输、仓储、配送、分拨、包装、信息服务等众多服务综合业务。

    The modern physical distribution is the use multitudinous physical distribution resources , provides the transportation , the warehousing , the allocation to the customer , transfers , the packing , the information service and so on the multitudinous service comprehensive service .