
The Cleveland Clinic , a hospital operator , has reorganised its medical staff into teams to focus on particular treatment areas .
Frank Martino also applied a lesson from the IBM training to complete a staff reorganization .
Reforming personnel system to conduct reorganization of staff in departments ;
Another issue expected to be decided at the four-monthly meeting and announced following is the reshuffling of current government ministers .
However , that didn 't prevent the company from announcing plans to lay off6,500 employees this summer as part of a larger reorganization .
During its four-monthly meeting in Naypyidaw this week , Burma 's military junta reportedly decided to reshuffle its regional military commanders and other senior military posts .
Summarized and buys after the conformity process , including the strategic conformity , the property reorganization , the structure reorganization , the personnel which KPC , service reorganization , the cultural conformity step and the content .
Fortunately , researchers have now sequenced banana DNA , producing the genome of a banana variety that may hold the secret to defeating the diseases .
To solve these problems , researchers apply themselves to the development of recombinant interferon , the transformation of antibody and optimization program carried out extensive exploration .
Hopefully , we won 't lose people because of the new drug testing regulation , either . gregory : This reorganization and the new company policies will make us leaner and meaner .