
  • 网络Human capital accumulation;accumulation of human capital
  1. 政府支出、人力资本积累与经济增长

    Government Expenditure , the Accumulation of Human Capital and Economic Growth

  2. 农村地区收入差异与人力资本积累

    The Income Gap and the Accumulation of Human Capital in Rural China

  3. 本文第一部分的实证研究证明了CEO的实际任期与上市公司绩效间呈现显著的正相关关系,这种关系来自于任期同人力资本积累的密切关系。

    The empirical research confirmed a positive relationship between the CEO tenure and corporate performance because of a close relation between tenure and human capital accumulation .

  4. 文章选取我国1996~2004年的省际面板数据,运用门槛效应(thresholdeffect)分析方法,从人力资本积累角度,探讨适宜我国当前经济增长的技术进步途径。

    From the point of view of human capital accumulation , this paper utilizes the provincial panel data of China in the period of 1996 to 2004 and the threshold effect approach to explore the technology development method which is suitable to the current economic growth in China .

  5. 论人力资本积累主导型发展模式

    On the Main Development Model of the Accumulation of Human Resource

  6. 制造业吸纳、区位优势提升与人力资本积累

    Manufacturing Industry Absorption , Location Advantage Upgrading and Human Capital Accumulation

  7. 试析我国农村人力资本积累

    Analysis of the accumulation of human capital in the rural area

  8. 增加西部人力资本积累;

    To increase the capital accumulation of manpower in the west ;

  9. 耗竭性资源管理与人力资本积累内生经济增长

    Exhaustible Resources Management and Human Capital Accumulation Endogenous Economic Growth

  10. 人力资本积累对农户经济增长的作用分析

    Analysis of Human Capital Accumulation 's Effect on Rural Household Economy Growth

  11. 非人力资本积累追求:大学生就业难的新视角

    Pursuit beyond Human Capital Accumulation : A new angle of students'employment difficulty

  12. 本文对西部地区人力资本积累进行了路径设计。

    This thesis designs routine of human capital accumulation for western China .

  13. 人力资本积累的生成和扩张机理。

    Mechanism of creation and expansion of human capital accumulation .

  14. 人力资本积累与西部地区可持续发展

    Accumulation of Manpower Capital and Sustainable Development of Western China

  15. 技术模仿、人力资本积累与经济赶超

    Technological Imitation , Human Capital Accumulation and Economic Catching-up

  16. 教育借贷、人力资本积累与工作找寻

    Educational Loan , Human Capital Accumulation and Job Searching

  17. 资本深化、人力资本积累与中国经济持续增长

    Deepening of Capital 、 Human Capital Accumulation and Economic Sustained Growth in China

  18. 中部地区人力资本积累与经济相关性研究。

    The interrelations between human capital accumulation and economic development of central China .

  19. 加快人力资本积累促进地方经济发展&试论经济欠发达地区综合性大学的着力点

    Accelerating the Human Resources 's Accumulation and Promoting the Local Economy 's Development

  20. 人力资本积累的均衡增长路径

    The Equilibrium Growth Path of Human Capital Accumulation

  21. 信贷约束下的农村人力资本积累

    The Rural Human Capital Accumulation Constrained By Credit

  22. 人力资本积累在资源枯竭型城市经济转型中的作用

    The Function of Accumulation of Human Capital in the Economic Transformation of Resource-exhausted Cities

  23. 教育不平等、人力资本积累与经济增长:基于中国的实证研究

    Education Inequality , Human Capital and Economic Growth : An Empirical Study on China

  24. 人口质量的经济学特征与中国人力资本积累研究

    The Economic Characteristics of Population Quality and The Accumulation of Human Capital in China

  25. 改善人力资本积累效益是中西部地区缩小经济发展差距迫切需要解决的问题。

    It is very urgent to improve accumulation benefit in the middle and the west .

  26. 高中教育:中国人力资本积累的“瓶颈”

    High - school Education : " Bottleneck " of Accumulation of Manpower Capital in China

  27. 对华服务业直接投资对产业结构升级和人力资本积累的有限性

    Finiteness of China 's Inward Service FDI to Industrial Structure Upgrading and Human Capital Accumulation

  28. 农村人力资本积累指标评价&基于主成分分析法

    The Appraising the Rural Human Capital Accumulation Index & Based on the Principal Component Analysis

  29. 四是人力资本积累机制。

    Fourth , accumulation of human capital .

  30. 在这三个因素中,最重要的是人力资本积累。

    Of all these three factors , the most important one is human capital accumulation .