
rén tǐ ɡōnɡ chénɡ xué
  • Ergonomics;human engineering
  1. 浅谈船艇设计中人体工程学的应用

    Discussion on the application of human engineering in the ship design

  2. 儿童图书馆的建筑设计与人体工程学研究

    Architecture Design and Human Engineering Research on the Children Library

  3. 这些都是LCD显示器符合人体工程学设计的计算机。

    These are all ergonomically designed computers with LCD displays .

  4. 如果MINI能改进其质量低劣的仪表板和怪里怪气的人体工程学设计,我会喜欢它远胜过现在。

    I will like mini a lot better once it updates its cheesy instrument panel and eccentric ergonomics .

  5. 这是符合人体工程学设计,重量仅为二二三克,包括AA电池,使长达60个小时的作业。

    It is ergonomically designed with a weight of just223g , including its AA batteries , which allow up to60 hours of operation .

  6. 因此,每个椅子和沙发,IMG使得设计尽可能的完美,既舒适和符合人体工程学。

    Every chair and sofa that IMG makes is therefore designed to be both comfortable and as ergonomically correct as possible .

  7. 纽约市肌肉疼痛科医生诺尔曼·马库斯(NormanJ.Marcus)说,笔记本电脑本质上是不符合人体工程学的,除非你身高只有两英尺。

    ' Laptops are inherently unergonomic & unless you 're 2 feet tall , ' says physician Norman J. Marcus , a muscle-pain specialist in New York City .

  8. 本系统以汽车人体工程学[7]的基本理论为指导,分别以SAE标准和国标为依据,来指导汽车的视野设计。

    It is guided by automotive ergonomics theories and based on SAE and GB standards . This software system is mainly used for automotive visual design .

  9. 另外,据开发团队的高级顾问JeffreyJacobsen表示,他们设计这套系统时在如何优化目镜的人体工程学设计以及光学性能方面也花费了很多心血。

    Jeffrey Jacobsen , senior advisor on the project , said a lot of design work had gone into the optics and ergonomics of the eyepiece .

  10. 就像他的同类产品笔记本桌2.0版本和无限轻盈一样,futura的两个设计特点提供了人体工程学的造型,以及v型契合转面的设计。

    Like its Laptop Desk 2.0 and UltraLite siblings , the Laptop Desk Futura 's dual-purpose design provides an ergonomically-sound workspace across the lap , and folds into a wedge-shaped stand for desk use .

  11. 厨房用具KitchenUtensil这件礼物不仅实用,而且还有心理治疗的功效。“前任”刀架组包含了五把刀和一个刀架,采用不锈钢制造,锋利无比,刀把采用人体工程学设计,手感舒适实乃送礼之佳品。

    Not only functional , but also therapeutic , " The Ex " Knife Set and Holder is a five-piece knife set plus holder that makes for the perfect gift . Constructed with heavy-gauge durable stainless steel , each knife offers a razor-sharp precision , ergonomically designed for comfortable handle .

  12. 运用人体工程学原理设计的日本照相机

    Japanese Cameras Designed According to the Principle of Human Body Engineering

  13. 从服装卫生学和人体工程学角度看鞋类设计

    Study on Shoe Design from Clothing Hygiene and Human Body

  14. 简单明了的图标,符合人体工程学的操作控制。

    Control panel is easy to understand with ergonomic design .

  15. 密度电脑配色的研究人体工程学与全方位电脑桌椅的设计

    Computer Colour Matching Density Ergonomics and design of multi-direction computer desk chair

  16. 这些变化在人体工程学和整体便利性方面是有意义的改进。

    These changes amounted to meaningful improvements in ergonomics and overall convenience .

  17. 本文从人体工程学角度论述了椅子的设计要求。

    The paper discusses design requirements from the perspective of manikin engineering .

  18. 人体工程学在计算机辅助汽车驾驶室布置中的应用

    The Application of Ergonomics to the Computer Aided Design of Automotive Cab Layout

  19. 因此,人体工程学的知识在这里大有用武之地。

    Therefore , knowledge of human engineering will play a great role here .

  20. 人体工程学在服装卖场展示设计中的运用研究

    Ergonomics Applied in the Display Design of Clothing Outlet

  21. 人体工程学及其在采运系统中的应用

    Study on ergonomics and its use in harvesting system

  22. 音乐符合人的听觉,人体工程学。

    Music is suited for people 's sense of sound , human engineering .

  23. 你将探索环境和人体工程学设计日益流行的原则。

    You 'll explore the increasingly popular principles of environmental and ergonomic design .

  24. 人体工程学在客车内装设计中的应用

    Application of Human Body Engineering in Design of Inner Decoration of Passenger Cars

  25. 中国传统家具和人体工程学的关系

    The Relationship between Chinese Traditional Furniture and Ergonomics

  26. 斜背式设计,符合人体工程学,速度快捷,稳定。

    Taper back design , according to Body Engineering , fast speed and stability .

  27. 鼠标设计师在人体工程学上已经实现了突破。

    Mouse designers have made leaps in ergonomics .

  28. 设计的核心是以人为本,同时也是人体工程学的宗旨之一。

    The design core is people-oriented and is one principle of Ergonomics as well .

  29. 人体工程学在人力资源管理中的实践

    The Practice of Ergonomics in Human Resource Management

  30. 本论文是基于人体工程学对女装设计中肩部造型的结构设计方法进行了研究。

    This paper to female outfit design special modelling method to use the shoulder .