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qīn juàn
  • one's relatives;relative
亲眷 [qīn juàn]
  • [relative] 俗称亲戚;与其有血缘或姻缘关系的人;尤指有血缘关系的人

亲眷[qīn juàn]
  1. 为什么要捧我的妻,捧我的儿女和亲眷呢?

    Why would they flatter my wife , my children and my relatives ?

  2. 我若为王,我的女儿就是公主;我的亲眷都是皇亲国戚。

    If I were King , my daughter would be the princess and my relatives imperial kinsfolk .

  3. 长达三个月的空中管制包括圣诞假期,那时女王及其他王室亲眷在此处过节。

    The three-month restriction covers the Christmas period , when the Queen and other members of the Royal Family are in residence .

  4. 又快到每年这个时候了,我该怎么和家人亲眷解释我还是单身呢?

    It 's almost that time of the year , how should I explain to my family and relatives that I am single ?

  5. 后来这女人被亲眷拐子卖到他乡外县去作妻,又几次三番地被转卖,经过无数的惊险的风波,

    Later , the girl was abducted by a swindler in the family and sold as concubine in some far-off town , then sold several times more , passing through any number of trials and ordeals .