
  • 网络antenatal care;prenatal care;ANC
  1. 中国已婚育龄妇女产前保健服务研究

    Study on prenatal care services of married childbearing women in China

  2. 孕妇血清甲胎蛋白筛查在产前保健监测中的作用

    Serum alpha fetal protein determination of the pregnant women in prenatal care surveillance

  3. 105个项目县妇女产前保健现况分析

    Analysis on Women 's Antenatal Examination Situation in 105 Project Counties

  4. 定期的产前保健是早产发生的保护因素。

    Whereas , a regular antenatal care was protective factor .

  5. 今天下午我在产前保健所有一个约诊。

    I 've got an appointment at the antenatal clinic this afternoon .

  6. 比较对照组与各干预组之间产前保健服务利用的差异。

    To compare the differences among control and intervention groups in ANC utilization .

  7. 方法:由县卫生局组织有关产前保健专家对乡镇卫生院产科医务人员进行业务培训;

    Methods : The county MCH care experts trained the township hospital midwives ;

  8. 子痫围产儿结局与产前保健的关系分析

    Analysis of relationship between outcome of perinatal infant of eclampsia and perinatal health examination

  9. 不同时期育龄妇女产前保健及影响因素分析

    Analysis on influence factors of antenatal care in reproductive aged women of various period

  10. 充分利用产前保健服务,促进生殖健康

    Making Good Use of Prenatal Care Service for Maternity , Promoting the Reproduction Health

  11. 经济制约使许多人不去接受产前保健或延缓治疗小病。

    Financial constraints cause many to skip antenatal care or postpone treatment for minor ailments .

  12. 方法:收集深圳市各级医疗单位进行产前保健及分娩的全部孕产妇梅毒患者资料,进行流行病学分析。

    Methods : Data were collected and analyzed from pregnant women attending antenatal care in various hospitals .

  13. 目的探讨产前保健服务利用程度与围产儿死亡率的关系,促进生殖健康。

    OBJECTIVE Study the relation between the use of prenatal care service for maternity and the perinatal mortality rate .

  14. 经济欠发达地区农村产前保健项目对产妇知信行的影响

    The effect of prenatal care program on postpartum women 's knowledge , attitudes and practice in less developed rural area

  15. 需加强对西部地区和弱势育龄妇女产前保健服务的支持力度。

    More extensive efforts should be made to enhance prenatal care services for the western region , especially the vulnerable groups .

  16. 目的:对经济欠发达地区农村开展的产前保健项目的中间结果进行评价。

    Objectives : To evaluate the intermediate outcome of the prenatal care program in the rural area of less developed region .

  17. 强调了产前保健的重要性并讨论了分娩方式的选择、产后宫缩药的应用及预防性应用抗生素等问题。

    We emphasized the importance of antenatal care and discussed the type of delivery , the application of oxytocin and prophylactic antibioties .

  18. 结论玉林社区产前保健已获得较满意的覆盖率,但产后访视率和对服务的满意率尚需进一步提高。

    CONCLUSIONS Prenatal health care is good in Yulin , but post - delivery visits and satisfaction to services should be improved .

  19. 应加强产前保健,预防低出生体重等因素的发生;

    It is emphasized that antenatal care be enforced to prevent occurrence of risk factors , such as low birth weight , etc.

  20. 结论做好产前保健,定期产前检查,发现高危妊娠及时处理;

    [ Conclusions ] Make good antenatal care , regular antenatal examination , to discover high risk pregnancy and treat it promptly .

  21. 产前保健、计划生育或流产后保健是提供关怀、支持和求助于其它服务的潜在切入点。

    Prenatal care , family planning or post abortion care are potential entry points to provide care , support , and referral to other services .

  22. 经过干预,干预组在产前保健服务利用上并没有显著优于对照组,本次干预失败。

    After the intervention , the antenatal health service utilization rates in intervention groups were not higher than that of control group . The intervention failed .

  23. 因产后出血引起的孕产妇死亡降低一半,说明了广泛开展社区健康教育是农村边远贫困地区孕产妇提高利用保健服务的能力,获得产前保健,降低孕产妇死亡率的有效措施。

    The widely developing health education is a significant measure for the pregnant woman to raise health ability and reduce impregnation in an outlying and poor district .

  24. 结果:产科出血子宫切除发生率的高低与产前保健预防、产科并发症的诊治水平密切相关。

    Results : The occurrence rate of obstetrics hemorrhage treated by hysterectomy was closely correlation with prenatal care and level of diagnosis and treatment for obstetrics complication .

  25. 据美国妇产科学会称,流感疫苗应作为常规产前保健的一部分,而且为孕妇注射疫苗的最佳时间是10月和11月。

    According to ACOG , flu vaccination should be a routine part of prenatal care , and the ideal time to vaccinate pregnant women is October and November .

  26. 产前保健的目标是监测一个怀孕的进展,并确定潜在的问题,他们要么成为母亲或婴儿严重。

    The goal of prenatal care is to monitor the progress of a pregnancy and to identify potential problems before they become serious for either mom or baby .

  27. 1998~2000年间,95%以上城镇妇女接受产前保健服务,76%的农村妇女接受产前检查。

    More than 95 % of urban women received prenatal care services during 1998 to 2000 , the proportion of rural women who received prenatal examinations was 76 % .

  28. 只有四分之一的初级卫生保健设施能提供产前保健,仅仅十分之一能支持清洁的分娩和紧急产科保健。

    Just one in four primary health care facilities are able to provide antenatal care , and just one in ten can support clean delivery and emergency obstetric care .

  29. 这包括良好的产前保健、预防和及时治疗贫血,评估输血的必要性以及只在实际需要时进行安全输血。

    This includes good antenatal care , prevention and timely treatment of anaemia , assessment of the need for transfusion and safe blood transfusion given only when really required .

  30. 该损害赔偿责任侵害的是患者获得适当产前保健服务的合法权益,由此产生了一系列财产损害和精神损害。

    Such damages are compensated for patients whose legitimate interest of proper prenatal medical service had been infringed , and thus a series of property and mental damages arise .