
  1. 煤炭产业辐射网络分析探讨。

    Analyzing and discussing the radiation net of coal industry .

  2. 产业辐射度及其测算。

    The degree of industry radiation and its measure .

  3. 论文的主要工作可归纳为以下几个方面:1.产业辐射基本原理。

    It mainly includes : 1 . The basic theory of industry radiation .

  4. 产业辐射理论及应用研究

    Research on Industrial Radiation Theory and Application

  5. 利用产业辐射体系中产业关系、产业辐射媒介流动规律,绘制产业辐射网络图。

    Using radiation systems in industrial relations , radiation , draw medium flow network radiation .

  6. 产业辐射动力研究。

    Studying the power of industry radiation .

  7. 产业辐射基本原理。

    The basic theory of industry radiation .

  8. 中部承接东部产业辐射,加速工业化和城镇化建设;

    Acceleration of the industrialization and construction of township with the radiation of the east in the middle part of the province ;

  9. 该论文围绕产业辐射这一经济现象,应用相关理论,着重分析研究了产业辐射网络、产业辐射动力、产业辐射度的测算和产业辐射体系的管理。

    This paper talks about industry radiation . It analyzes and studies the net of industry radiation , the power of industry radiation , the measure of industry radiation degree and the management of industry radiation system . , applying related theory .

  10. 该部分首先对辐射的概念进行了阐述,随后分析了产业辐射的媒介及其流动和产业之间的关系和作用,最后给出了产业辐射的基本特性,并着重论述了煤炭产业辐射。

    The part firstly expatiates the concept of radiation , secondly analyzes the media of industry radiation and its flowage , usage and relation between industries , lastly presents the basic identity of industry radiation , and emphasizes the radiation of coal industry radiation . 2 .

  11. 该部分首先分析了网络研究的现状及对产业辐射网络研究的作用,然后阐明了产业辐射网络的成因和属性,又对产业辐射网络的优化问题进行了探讨。

    The part firstly analyzes the actuality of net study and the effect on the net study of industry radiation from the net study , secondly illustrates the cause of formation of industry radiation net , and discusses the question of optimizing the industry radiation net . 3 .

  12. 打造文化品牌,增强文化产业的辐射力。

    Fifthly , creating a cultural brand and enhancing the cultural industries radiation .

  13. 高新区成为改造和提升传统产业的辐射源

    Radiation Sources in Transforming and Upgrading Traditional Industries

  14. 在此基础上强化区域主导产业的辐射与示范效应和工业主导产业的产业链;

    And above on this , to strengthen the example effects of these main industries and the industrial chains .

  15. 我国开发区的建设经历了二十年的发展,在发展外向型经济、培育高新技术产业、辐射带动区域经济发展等方面做出了突出贡献。

    After more than twenty years ' development , the Economic Development Zone in China has made a great contribution in the area of hi-tech open economic .

  16. 附加性说明公共资源运营所带来的价值并非单纯是自身价值的提升,更重要的是其对城市相关产业的辐射性和带动性。

    Additivity notes that the value arising from the public resources operation is not purely the promotion of its own value , but more importantly the driving force for the relative industry development .

  17. 例如巴黎、米兰、东京等国际时尚之都,其时尚产业的辐射力和影响力甚至能够跨越地区,超越本地区及本国范围。

    Such as Paris , Milan , Tokyo and other international fashion capitals , the radial power and influence of the fashion industry even across the region , beyond the region and the national level .

  18. 复杂产品系统已经成为现代工业的核心,复杂产品系统的研发、制造会对国民经济诸多行业和产业产生辐射和深远的影响。

    Complex products and systems ( CoPS ) have been the core of modern industry . The R & D and manufacturing of CoPS will have the comprehensive and deep influence on the national economy in many industries .

  19. 本文以区域经济理论为支撑,并引入供应链管理理论和第四方物流概念,以天津为基点,研究以天津物流产业的发展辐射和推进环渤海地区物流产业发展的有效途径。

    This paper , supported by the regional economic theory , supply chain and the fourth-party logistics theory , studies on how to promote the logistics development of Bohai Sea Economic Circle .

  20. 受香港创意产业园区的辐射和带动,广东的广州、深圳、珠海、佛山等地都相继建立创意产业园区,珠江三角洲地区的创意产业园区初具规模。

    Radiation and promotion of creative industries in Hong Kong Park , Guangdong , Guangzhou , Shenzhen , Zhuhai , Foshan and other places have been established creative industry park , the creative industry park of the Pearl River Delta region is beginning to take shape .

  21. 对于旅游产业投资而言,由于产业本身辐射之广泛,旅游投资环境也就更为错综复杂,值得探究。

    In terms of investment in tourism industry , due to the radiation of industry itself is very extensive , the Tourism Investment Environment is also more complicated , and it is worth exploring .

  22. 四川天然气产业经过多年的发展,天然气产业链的上中下游都取得了一定的成就,对全国天然气产业的辐射作用明显增大。

    Sichuan gas industry after years of development , natural gas midstream and downstream industry chain on certain achievements have been made on the role of the national gas industry significantly increased the radiation .

  23. 创意产业价值增值源于其文化和创新的本质内容,价值增值效应的大小则取决于其对相关的关联产业辐射的广度和深度,取决于其对产业群形成的示范效应的扩散程度。

    The value increase of creative industries comes from the content of culture and innovation , while the effect of value increase is decided by the extent and depth of radiation to the related industries , and by the diffusivity of showcase effect on the industries .