
  • 网络industrial structure effect
  1. 外商直接投资的产业结构效应FDI对广东产业结构的效应分析

    The Industrial Structure Effect of FDI An analysis on foreign direct investment and the industrial structure effect of Guangdong

  2. 利用参数估计结果,对全要素生产率增长率进行了分解,并从分解中获得了产业结构效应。

    Using the result of parameter estimates , total factor productivity growth was decomposed , and gained the industrial structure effect from the decomposition .

  3. 基于SS的区域软件产业结构效应与竞争力实证分析

    Regional Software Industrial Structure Based on SSA : An Empirical Analysis on the Effect and Competitive Power

  4. 中国应该继续强化产业结构效应优势,进一步推动出口产业结构合理化和提升产业技术水平,只有这样,在越南加入WTO的新形势下,中国才能缩小纺织品对日出口的总体竞争力劣势。

    Now , Vietnam is the number of WTO , so China should strengthen the industry mix effect advantage , only in this way , could China reduce the inferior position of textile export to Japan .

  5. 本文利用Divisia指数分解法,分析了区域经济增长对环境污染排放量的规模效应、技术进步效应、区域产业结构效应和空间结构效应。

    This paper uses the Divisia index decomposition method to analyze the scale effect , technological progress effect , regional industrial structure effects and spatial structure effects of regional economic growth on environmental pollution emissions .

  6. 转型时期中国居民消费升级的产业结构效应研究

    The Industrial Structre Effect of Consumption Upgrading in Transition China

  7. 外国直接投资的产业结构效应如何对中国经济增长产生影响,本文通过理论和实证的分析回答了这一问题。

    The upgrading of industrial structure has great influence on China 's economic growth .

  8. 政府支出规模、要素积累与产业结构效应

    The Scale of Government Expenditure , Factor Accumulation and Their Effects on Industrial Structure

  9. 浙江林业产业结构效应与战略选择实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Effects and Strategic Choice of Forestry Industrial Structure in Zhejiang Province

  10. 产业结构效应是产业结构对经济发展的贡献度。

    The effect of industrial structure is the contribution degree of industrial structure to the development of economy .

  11. 实证发现,产业结构效应对解释东部和西部地区劳动生产率差异具有突出作用;

    The industry mix component plays the most important role in explaining the gap between eastern and western labor productivity .

  12. 现有的跨国直接投资理论和产业结构效应分析一直以制造业为主要分析对象。

    Manufacture industry has always been the main objective that analyzed by the-current cross-border FDI theories and effect theories on industry structure .

  13. 生产性服务业利用外商直接投资通过资本效应、技术效应、就业效应、产业结构效应对经济增长发挥作用,其中技术效应对经济增长的影响最大。

    The producer service using FDI impact the economic by capital effect , technology effect , employment effect , industrial structure effect , and technology effect is the largest .

  14. 一方面,高新技术产业结构效应影响了城市化动力机制,集聚效应则促进了城市外部经济的发展,使城市化表现出不同的模式特征和地域特征;

    On the one hand , the fabric effects of Hi-Tech industry influence the dynamics of urbanization and the cluster effects accelerate the development of the urban exterior economy . Furthermore , they make urbanization appear different developing models .

  15. FDI对广东产业结构的效应分析

    An analysis on foreign direct investment and the industrial structure effect of Guangdong

  16. 这也说明加入WTO以来FDI在对我国产业结构优化效应正在弱化,其负面影响正在逐渐体现。

    At the same time , the results show that FDI in China is weakening effect of industrial structure since the WTO accession and the negative impact is reflected gradually .

  17. 资产重组的产业结构调整效应研究

    The Study on Effect of Industrial Structure Adjustment of the Assets Rearrangement

  18. 产业结构关联效应的现代控制模型及应用

    The modern control model and application of industrial structure effect

  19. 中国金融发展的产业结构优化效应研究

    Research on the Industrial Structure Upgrading Based on the Chinese Financial Development

  20. 论体育产业结构关联效应

    Discussion on the Interrelation Effects of Sports Industrial Structure

  21. 黑龙江省农村城镇化进程中发挥产业结构聚集效应的思考

    On the Collective Effect of Developing Industry Structure in the Process of the Urbanization of Countryside

  22. 第三部分:日本对华直接投资对我国产业结构的效应分析。

    Part 3 : The industrial structure effect analysis of Japan 's direct investment in China .

  23. 在此基础上,本文对外商直接投资对产业结构调整效应传导机制进行了一般性分析。

    Furthermore , the article analyzes generally the transmission mechanism of the effect of the foreign direct investment on industry structure adjustment .

  24. 农业合作经济组织具有专业经济、规模经济、交易费用节约和农业产业结构调整效应。

    The agricultural cooperative organizations can achieve the marketization , specialization and enlarged scale of agriculture , promoting optimization of agricultural economic structure .

  25. 最后还分析了跨国并购的就业效应、产业结构优化效应以及经济竞争力提升效应等。

    Also analyzed finally that employment effects , industrial structure of transnational merger optimize the effect and economic competitiveness and promote the effect etc.

  26. 结果表明:独资经营方式的增加,强化了外商直接投资对北京市的技术进步效应及产业结构升级效应,但减弱了外商直接投资对北京市的资本形成效应及就业增长效应。

    The result shows that more and more foreign wholly owned enterprises will contribute to the advance of science & technology and industrial structure in Beijing .

  27. 本文定性分析了中国对外直接投资的主要经济效应,包括:经济增长效应、贸易效应、技术进步效应、产业结构调整效应和就业效应等五个方面,发现在理论上正面和负面的效应同时存在。

    It summarizes the effects of OFDI on Chinese economy , including growth effect , trade effect , technological progress effect , industrial restructuring effect , and employment effect .

  28. 在理论研究部分,本文借鉴前人的研究成果,认为承接金融后台服务外包为我国带来的经济效应主要包括就业效应、技术外溢效应和产业结构优化效应。

    In theory , the paper learns from the past research results , points out that undertaking financial back-office services outsourcing can bring employment effect , technological spillovers effect and industrial structure optimization effect .

  29. 附加值最大化具有产业结构提升效应,并且在国内贸易中可以和利润最大化相容,而在国际贸易中不一定相容;

    It 's concluded that additional value maximization has both industry structure and welfare effects , and that it is in harmony with profit maximization in domestic trade but is not necessary in international trade .

  30. 外资并购对东道国的产业结构优化效应来源于其有效地开发了东道国的比较优势或诱致东道国形成新的竞争优势。

    The industrial structure optimization effects of foreign capital MA on host countries derive from the efficient explorations on the comparative advantages of host countries and the initiations on establishing new competitive advantages in host countries .