
chǎn yè zhènɡ cè
  • industrial policy;property policy
  1. 产业经济学的应用性质突出地表现在产业经济学研究具有明确的政策含义,融产业经济理论与产业政策为一体。

    The application feature of property economics is realized as its specific content of policy , blending economic theory and property policy .

  2. 产业经济学是新兴的应用经济学科,它以企业的集合,即产业为研究对象,范围包括:产业结构、产业联系、产业组织、产业布局和产业政策等。

    Property economics is a newly-emerging applied branch of economy , taking " corporate business " of property as its research focus , including property infrastructure , property collaboration , organization , layout , property policy , etc.

  3. 土地利用年度计划,根据国民经济和社会发展计划、国家产业政策、土地利用总体规划以及建设用地和土地利用的实际状况编制。

    The annual plan for the land use shall be compiled in line with the national economic and social development program , the State industrial policies , general plans for land and the actual situation about the land for construction uses and the land utilization .

  4. 西部传统产业政策所保护的产业及其保护方法,在加入WTO后会受到严峻的挑战。

    After entering into WTO , the industries protected by western traditional industry policy and the protecting method are facing serious challenge .

  5. DMTO-II技术是我国新型煤化工领域的五项新技术之一,符合国家产业政策。

    The DMTO-II technology is our country new coal chemical industry domain one of five new technologies , conforms to the country industrial policy .

  6. 最后分析了淮南生态市建设SEIA的主要内容:土地利用规划、产业政策结构调整以及各项战略的环境影响评价,为生态市建设SEIA提供方法和技术支持。

    Finally , it analyzed the main contents of SEIA in constructing the ecological city of Huainan : the land utilization plan , the industrial policy structure adjustment and every strategies on the environment impact assessment , which provided the methods and skills for the ecological city construction .

  7. 首先对现有的战略性新兴产业政策进行分类描述。

    First to existing strategic emerging industry policy classification and description .

  8. 中国环保产业政策现状和对策建议

    Policy Status of China Environmental Protection Industry and its Countermeasure Proposals

  9. 环境导向产业政策体系:目标、功能与设计

    Environmental Oriented Industry Policy System : The Target , Function and Design

  10. 发展香蕉生产符合国家产业政策。

    Developing banana production is accorded with the national industrial development policy .

  11. 制定合理的产业政策,推动城乡工业结构调整。

    We also should make rational policy , and regulate industrial structure .

  12. 因此,对高新技术产业政策评估进行系统研究就有了理论意义和现实的指导意义。

    So it is meaningful for research policy-evaluating of hi-tech industry systems .

  13. 北京高新技术产业政策体系建设的历史及其特点

    The Formation and Characteristics of High-Tech Industry Policies in Beijing

  14. 天津市工业污染源结构分析与产业政策建议

    Analyses of Industrial Pollution Sources and Sector Policy in Tianjin

  15. 中日两国不平衡发展的产业政策比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Chinese and Japanese Industrial policies of Unbalanced Development

  16. 抽水蓄能电站的效益分摊与产业政策研究

    Study on Sharing Benefits and Industrial Policy of Pumped-storage Plant

  17. 高新技术产业政策体系的运行机制与效力分析

    The operation mechanism and effectiveness analysis of high technical industrial policy system

  18. 过去传统的产业政策利弊得失;

    Traditional industrial policy advantages and disadvantages of the past ;

  19. 不发达地区旅游产业政策的目标取向与内容框架

    Objectives and Outline on the Tourism Industry in Undeveloped Area

  20. 管理贸易、新贸易理论与产业政策

    Managed Trade , New - Trade Theory and Industrial Policy

  21. 二是其产业政策是产业的重点扶植政策;

    The second , the industrial policy is industrial emphasis fostering policy ;

  22. 韩国产业政策的成功演变及其启示

    The Korean Industry Policy Successful Development and Its Enlightenments

  23. 整合体育资源,制定产业政策。

    Integrate the sports resources and make industrial policies .

  24. 加快技术创新和产业政策调控。

    Fastening the technology innovation and industry policy adjustment .

  25. 2000年世界林业产业政策的发展趋势

    The Development Trend of World Forestry - Industrial Policies to the Year 2000

  26. 有效产业政策的具体准则构架

    Practical Rules for Evaluating the Efficiency of Industry Policy

  27. 日本反垄断法实施中的竞争政策和产业政策

    Competition Policy and Industrial Policy in the Implementation of Anti-Monopoly Law in Japan

  28. 产业政策实施评估机理的构建

    Constructing of Assessment Mechanism of State Industrial Policy Implementation

  29. 台湾汽车工业结构及其产业政策分析

    The Industrial Structure of Taiwan Auto Industry and Analysis on its Industrial Policy

  30. 确定科学的产业政策,加强宏观调控;

    Ensuring scientific industry policy to strengthen macro-control ;