
  • 网络Wuchang;wuchang city
  1. 对五常市旅游景区进行规划设计,同时,对旅游产品区域合作提出具体规划措施。对五常市旅游形象要素的主要组成部分、竞争优势进行分析。

    Tourist attractions in Wuchang City planning and design , at the same time , a major component of the specific planning measures for the tourism image elements in Wuchang City , regional cooperation in the tourism product and competitive advantage analysis .

  2. 五常市洪涝灾害的成因及减灾措施

    Cause of Flood and Waterlogging Disaster and Disaster alleviation Measures in Wuchang City

  3. 五常市农田灌溉逐年用水量分析

    Analysis on Farmland Irrigation Water Consumption Year by Year for Wuchang Municipality

  4. 五常市水利发展的探讨

    Discussion on water resources development in Wuchang City

  5. 五常市五常镇地下水水质现状评价

    Ground Water Quality Evaluation for Wuchang City

  6. 五常市发展绿色生态农业,开发绿色食品有得天独厚的自然条件。

    There is superior natural condition to develop eco-agriculture and exploit green food in Wuchang city .

  7. 对五常市山丘区小流域综合治理的两条有效途径进行了初步分析。

    This paper made an initial analysis for the two effective ways of small valley comprehensive regulation in hill district of Wuchang City .

  8. 本论文以黑龙江省五常市长山地域朝鲜语为对象,以阐明该地域朝鲜语方言音调的共时特征为主要研究目的。

    The discourse is on the basis of Changshan Area in HeiLongjiang Province to illuminate the purpose to transfer the characteristics of dialect and tone .

  9. 阐述了玻璃钢管在五常市供水管道工程中的应用效果,指出了玻璃钢管的特性及其施工要点。

    The paper introduces the fibreglass pipeline application of water supply conduit engineering in Wuchang city , poses the characteristic and construction method of the fiberglass pipeline .

  10. 简述了五常市坡耕地治理措施,分析了具体对策及采取措施后的显著效益。

    This paper briefly discusses the governing measure of slope form land in Wuchang City , poses the concrete countermeasure and analyzes the obvious benefit after adopting the measure .

  11. 根据五常市的旅游形象、特征和优势,提出具有震憾力、吸引力和号召力的旅游形象宣传口号。

    According to the tourism image of the five permanent members of the city , features and advantages put forward the slogan of the tourism image of shocking , attractiveness and appeal .

  12. 但五常市目前的旅游开发仍处于起步阶段,旅游资源没有得到充分的开发利用,目标定位不够准确,盲目开发现象普遍存在。

    But the amount of current tourism development is still in the initial stage , tourism resources did not achieve full exploitation , the target was not accurate enough , blind development phenomenon exists generally .

  13. 自从1998年在黑龙江省哈尔滨地区的五常市稻田首次发现二化螟以来,螟虫有逐年加重危害和快速蔓延的势头,严重影响到水稻的产量。

    Since 1998 , Chilo suppressalis was first found in the field of Wuchang city of Harbin region , it had became more serious year after year and spread widely which significantly reduced the yield of rice .

  14. 在实证部分,根据五常市安家镇、背荫河镇和龙凤山乡三个地区抽样调查的数据,对农户的水稻节水灌溉技术选择行为进行了实证研究。

    In the empirical part of the home according to the Wuchang City , town , back three regions of the shadow of the Town and the dragon and phoenix Township survey data , empirical studies on farmers ' rice water-saving irrigation technology choice behavior .

  15. 根据近、中、远期的时间对五常市旅游业提出发展目标,制订五常市旅游业发展的战略重点方向,区域精品旅游路线。

    Wuchang City tourism development strategy , and according to the time of close , long-term goal to make summarized . At the same time , according to the objectives and formulate the Wuchang City tourism development strategies focus on the direction of the regional high-quality tourist routes .