
  1. 是的,他一定得这样,而且谁又能比得过我们家的五个姑娘呢?

    Yes , he must indeed ! And who better than one of our five girls ?

  2. 霍夫曼的中文名字和中国唐朝时期的诗人李白相同,曾经是一个名为“五洲唱响”的女子团体的主唱歌手。这个团体由来自乌干达、加拿大、澳大利亚、法国和中国的五个姑娘组成。

    Hoffman , whose Chinese name is the same as China 's most famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai , once was a lead singer in a girl group named " Wuzhou , " or " Five Continents , " featuring five women from the countries of Uganda , Canada , Australia , France and China .