- 名Mica stone;sheet mica

Biotite , titanite , cassiterite , rutile , wolframite , scheelite and wolframoixiolite are essentially useful minerals in clarifying the ore-forming potential of granites .
The granulite facie rock shows lenticulars , mainly outcrops at about 500 meters to the town , east of river . The major minerals of these rocks are diopside , plagioclase , hornblende , biotite and garnet .
We use plaster as colloid material , sericite and Fibrous brucite as primary raw materials to product an adiabatic material with nice properties on heat insulation .
A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali metal group ; burns in air and reacts violently in water ; occurs in carnallite and lepidolite and pollucite .
The fractures and zones are filled with fluid inclusions . The decrepitation temperatures of andalusite range from 604 to 685 ℃ and the metamorphic temperature obtained using the biotite-garnet geothermometer is 592 ℃ .
The mineral assemblages in the main stage are garnet + phengite + quartz + magnetite ± paragonite ± epidote / zoisite in the mica schist ;