
èr wéi kōnɡ jiān
  • two-dimensional space
  1. 我们看一下二维空间中的SOA层。

    Let 's take a look at SOA layers in the two-dimensional space .

  2. 二维空间中函数Radon变换的奇性研究

    Research on Singularities of Radon Transform in Two-Dimensional Space

  3. 并用计算机仿真方法实现了一维、二维空间中轨迹规划的B样条插值算法。

    In addition , one-dimension and two-dimension B-spline interpolations have been fulfilled on computer .

  4. 二维空间紫外LED阵列实现单光斑辐照固化系统的设计

    Design a single spot UV-curing system with two-dimensional UV-LED array

  5. 离散空间的拓扑关系模型二维空间的离散W变换

    A Spatial Topological Relation Model for Discrete Space On Two-dimensional Walsh Transform

  6. 本文在参考了史文中博士提出的G带模型后,研究了基于相关的二维空间目标误差模型。

    This paper referred G-band model proposed by Dr. Shi Wenzhong , then researched the related-based error model .

  7. 德国平面设计师维丽娜眠腭(VerenaHennig)创作的Roll铝合金座椅是其二维空间艺术观的延伸。

    German graphic designer Verena Hennig 's powder-coated aluminium Roll seating is an extension of her two-dimensional art .

  8. 给出P-G算法在二维空间上的实现方法&连续与离散两种情形的表示,并将其应用于图象恢复处理技术之中。

    The authors give the method of the P-G algorithm in two dimensions it ′ s formulations both in continous and discrete , and apply them in graph recovery .

  9. 提出了一种基于2R树的双时态二维空间索引模型BT2DIndex。

    Bitemporal 2D-spatial index & BT2D-Index was proposed based on 2R-Tree .

  10. 365nm紫外LED二维空间阵列光学系统设计

    Optical System Design of Two-Dimensional Array of 365 nm UV LED

  11. 对主要的非一致地震激励模型进行分析和评价,基于HongHao的二维空间相干函数模型,采用矢量随机过程建立非一致地震激励模型。

    Based on Hong Hao 's two dimension coherence model , asynchronous seismic model is developed by two dimension stochastic vector process .

  12. 较为深入的分析了场景管理基本技术,对二维空间划分(BSP)和八叉树这两种场景管理中主要的空间划分技术进行了研究。

    BSP and Octree which are two main space partition technologies are studied .

  13. 一种新的二维空间谱估计方法&二维组合阵列ESPRIT

    A New Method of Two-dimensional Spatial Spectrum Estimation based on ESPRIT Using Combined Array

  14. Chui与ChunLi研究了R上有界一致连续函数空间的小波构造和分解,但在许多实际问题中,用到的是二维空间的情形。

    Chui and Chun Li studied the construction and decomposition of wavelets in the space of bounded uniformly continuous functions on R.

  15. 由谱方程出发,考虑低边界上的声重波强迫为高斯谱型,采用差分方法,我们计算了ω-KH二维空间中的高层谱响应。

    Starting from the spectral equation , considering an AGW force with two-dimensional Gaussian spectrum at lower boundary and by using differential method , the AGW spectrum at higher level is calculated .

  16. Schlieren方法中的二维空间滤波效应

    Effect of 2 D Spatial Filtering in Schlieren Methods

  17. 在RUP中,软件开发生命周期根据时间和RUP的核心工作流划分为二维空间。

    In RUP , the core work of the software development life cycle time and RUP flow is divided into a two-dimensional space .

  18. 二维空间中具有积分型非线性Schrodinger方程组的初值问题

    On the Initial Value Problem of the Schrodinger Equation with a Nonlinear Integral Term in Two Dimensional Space

  19. 为了降低维数,x、y的二维空间坐标用柱坐标的径向距离代替,其波数通过汉克尔变换求得。

    To reduce the dimensions , radial distance of cylindrical coordinates replaced 2 D spatial coordinates ( x , y ), and the radial wavenumber is obtained by a Hankel transform with respect to radius .

  20. 在二维空间中研究一类非线性扰动KleinGordon方程初值问题解的渐近理论。

    The asymptotic theory of initial value problems for a class of nonlinear perturbed Klein_Gordon equations in two space dimensions is considered .

  21. 将粒子滤波器(PF)与扩展卡尔曼滤波器,在二维空间运动目标跟踪中进行了性能比较,经过多次实验仿真,结果证明在非线性和非高斯情况下,粒子滤波器跟踪性能要优于扩展卡尔曼滤波器;

    Several experiments results demonstrate that the performance of Monte Carlo-particle filter is better than that of Kalman Filter under conditions of nonlinearity and non-gauss .

  22. 从等厚干涉的解释出发,推导出了二维空间的相干方程.基于空间相干方程,利用SLM产生了一个新的空间非相干光源。

    Based on the interpretation for the fringes of equal thickness , we proposed the two dimensional longitudinal spatial coherence function .

  23. DK-1面波震级偏差在二维空间的变化研究

    Study on difference of the M_S magnitude for DK-1 instrument in two-dimensional space

  24. 本文对二维空间模型&培模型(WallRepresentation)进行深入研究,提出了墙模型的两个定理,为用专家系统技术解决平面布局问题提供了理论据。

    An in-depth investigation is made on a two-dimensional space model , the wall representation . Two theorems of wall representation which can serve as the theoretical basis for the application of expert system technology to floor planning problems are proposed .

  25. 前者通过处理平面图像获得初始裂隙的二维空间分布,后者通过一组CT扫描图片构造出岩样裂隙分布的三维模型。

    By using the former method , two dimensional space distributions of the initial fracture can be obtained . While by using the latter , a set of CT scanning pictures can generate the 3D fracture distribution model of the core sample .

  26. 本文介绍两种新的电视测试图,可供电视工程技术人员检测、校准CCD摄象系统的二维空间频率特性,尼奎斯特效应,滤波线路的缺陷以及光学系统的校准都是非常方便的。

    This article introduces two new TV test charts which can be conveniently used to detect and align two-dimensional frequncy response , Nyquist effect , defect of filtering circuits and optical systems in CCD camera systems .

  27. 本文将一维Otsu算法和一维最大熵算法拓展到二维空间,提出了二维阈值算法;同时还提出一种过渡区加权的算法。

    This article develops one-dimensional Otsu algorithm and one-dimensional maximum entropy method to two-dimensional space ; and also proposes an algorithm based on edge weighting .

  28. 本文介绍了在二维空间推广了的自然样条函鼓印薄板样条函数表示地表曲面的原理,并结合功能强大的数值计算工具MatLAB,通过绘制地表变形曲面实例,分析比较了其诸多优点。

    This article introduces the principle describing curved surface with the thin plate splines which is promoted from the natural splines in two-dimensional space , and talk about its merits by an example with help of the mathematical tool MatLAB .

  29. MIMO技术可以在二维空间上对信号进行处理,即时间维与空间维,同时可以增大信道容量,提高系统的抗衰落能力。

    MIMO technology can be used for signal processing in the two-dimensional space , namely the time dimension and spatial dimension , and can increase the channel capacity , improve the system capability against fading .

  30. 应用Du和Delos等人的半经典闭合轨道理论,将研究范围由二维空间推广到了三维。

    By the semiclassical closed-orbit theory of Du and Delos et al . , the research space is extended from two-dimensions to three-dimensions .