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  1. 二班捷足先登,把最艰巨的任务抢走了。

    Class two beat the others to the most difficult task .

  2. 相反,二班的杨柳以两秒的优势获得了第一名。

    Instead , Yang Liu from Class 2 came first by two seconds .

  3. 今天早上去上了难度相当高的DSP原理及应用,我们班现在也就我一个人没有退选了,不过二班和三班还是有很多同学在上。

    This morning , I went to have a class about the DSP and application of the principle which was very difficult , my classmates ban it now but I am a person does not withdraw from the election .

  4. 二班的运动员把接力棒掉在了地上。

    The Class Two runner dropped his stick on the ground .

  5. 一班和二班要进行一场篮球比赛。

    Class One is going to play Class Two at basketball .

  6. 在友谊比赛中,我们能战胜二班。

    We can defeat Class Two in the friendly match .

  7. 液化天然气电厂调度和二班制运行能力的探讨

    Inquire into Dispatching Flexibility and Two-shift Operation Capability in LNG Power Plant

  8. 你们下星期和二班比赛吗?

    Are you going to play Class Two next week ?

  9. 下星期后一班将和二班踢足球。

    Class one will play football with class two _________ next weekday .

  10. 他是在我们班和二班之间的比赛。

    It 's a soccer game between our class and Class Two .

  11. 他在急诊室的第二班工作。

    He works the second shift in the emergency room .

  12. 我们班的球队昨天轻取二班的球队。

    Our class team polished off the team of Class Two yesterday .

  13. 三班的学生比二班的多得多。

    I 've much more money on me than you .

  14. 我们在找第二班轮换的人。

    The man we 're looking for works second shift .

  15. 笔者将一班设定为实验班,二班设定为对照班。

    Class One had 29 students , and Class Two had 27 students .

  16. 露西从三班调到了二班。

    Lucy exchanged from Class Three into Class Two .

  17. 我七岁了。我在一年级二班。

    I 'm seven . I 'm in Class Two , Grade One .

  18. 二班有些学生外出作短途旅行去了。

    Some students in Class Two have gone away on a short trip .

  19. 二班演的戏剧你觉得怎么样?

    What did you think of the play put on by class two ?

  20. 二班20名学生,而三班有30名。

    There are twenty students in Class Two and thirty in Class three .

  21. 一班和二班每周一都在一起举办一场英语晚会。

    Class One and Class Two have an English party together every Monday .

  22. 二班是实验班,一班是控制班。

    Class two is the experimental class and Class one is the controlled class .

  23. 黑板上写着明天我们有一场对二班的足球比赛。

    The blackboard says that we 'll have a football match against Class Twotomorrow .

  24. 一班人数为43人,二班41人。

    There are 43 students in Class One and 41 students in Class Two .

  25. 这是四年级二班吗?第四等级(新闻界的别称)

    Is this Class 2 , Grade 4 ?

  26. 他在二班游泳最好。

    He swims the best in class two .

  27. 他们与二班比赛。

    They played in a match against class .

  28. 一班学生人数为六十名,二班学生人数为六十二名。

    There are sixty students in Class one and sixty two students in Class two .

  29. 昨天二班学生和他们的吴老师一起参观了一艘船。

    Yesterday the class two students visited a ship with their teacher , miss wu .

  30. 叫葛瑞泰和第二班向左移动。

    Tell guarnere to move left with2nd .