
  • 网络Country road
  1. 我们经常看到在乡村路的两侧的沟渠。

    We often find ditches on the sides of country roads .

  2. 歌曲名:乡村路带我回家

    Song : Take Me Home Country Roads

  3. 他的歌曲《乡村路,带我回家》声名远扬,直到今天人们都还在演奏这首曲子。

    His song Take Me Home , Country Roods is well-known and people still play it today .

  4. 乡村路,带我回家

    Country roads , take me home

  5. 篱笆外面是一条乡村路,夏季满是尘土,是蛇的理想之所&它们喜欢卧在那里晒太阳。

    Along outside of the front fence ran the country road , dusty in the summer time and a good place for snakes & they liked to lie in it and sun themselves .

  6. 大量的路边碎石封住了通往边远乡村的路。

    Massive land slides have buried roads to outlying villages .

  7. 取道偏僻的乡村之路,经过和当地士兵的交涉,他们最终得以越过边境。

    Using back-country roads , they eventually got to the border crossing and talked their way over .

  8. 然而红色黏土地区的乡村土路,公路路基,建筑场地,水利防渗工程等,遇到下雨或雨后一段时间内,路面难以行车、行人;待到天晴,原来的路面已经面目全非。

    However , when the village dirt roads , temporary roads , building sites , anti-seepage projects of red clay meet rain , bad road traffic is too bad to use . When the weather is fine , the original road surface has changed dramatically .

  9. 由于五征以前以农用车为主,销售的用户群体主要是农民,常用路况多为乡村土路或乡间公路,路况差,因此他们要求车速不高,能多拉,但不需快跑。

    As the five main symptoms prior to agricultural vehicles , sales of the user groups are primarily farmers , used mostly for rural road dirt road or country road , poor road conditions , speed is not high , so they ask , can Dora , but no gallop .

  10. 部队经过乡村,一路抢劫掳掠。

    The troops crossed the country , plundering and looting as they went .

  11. 征服者穿过乡村,一路掠夺。

    The conquerors crossed the country , plundering as they went .

  12. 市区位于17世纪沦为葡萄牙殖民地的澳门半岛,此外还有两个岛仔(taipa),那里是公寓高楼林立的“郊区”地带,还有更远一些的“乡村”地区路环。

    There is the downtown area on Macao Peninsula , which was colonised by the Portuguese in the 17th century , and two islands Taipa , a " suburban " belt of high-rise apartments , and the " countryside " and village of Coloane beyond .

  13. 大力发展城镇企业,走乡村工业化之路;

    Expand rural enterprise and promote the industrialization of rural areas ;

  14. 当时并不知未来会怎样,可你们给了我机会,于是我踏上了乡村音乐之路。

    I didn 't know what my future would hold , But you gave me a chance , So I set out on the road .

  15. 在政府试图解决三农问题的同时,民间也在不断的探索实践着乡村建设之路。

    The government has been trying to resolve the Rural Issues . At the same time , civil organization has been to explore the way on rural construction .

  16. 伴随着西方教育思想与理念的引进传播,加之特定时代环境的影响,近代中国开始走上了真正意义上的乡村教育之路。

    Accompanied by the introduction of spreading of Western educational ideas and concepts , Modern China had embarked on the true meaning of " rural education " road in the specific times and environmental impact .

  17. 对于农业中国来说,社会变革与发展的重心在乡村,而改变乡村的路究竟怎样走,恐怕是尚未完成彻底转型的现代中国面临的一个重大问题。

    As an agriculture-centered country , China has its focus of social changes and developments in urban areas .

  18. 萨尔瓦多有一条“花路”,尼加拉瓜有一条连接殖民时期各个乡村的“白色乡村之路”。

    El Salvador has a " road of flowers ", and Nicaragua has a " road of white villages " connecting villages from the colonial period .

  19. 连续两次参加音乐周活动的“现代乡村音乐之父”马克·力文演奏《乡村之路》。

    Mark Levine , the father of modern country music , playing " Country Road " with a guitar .