
  • 网络President for Life
  1. 他是该国的终身总统。

    He was perpetual president of the country .

  2. 在上合组织的峰会期间,他奉承普京,实际上怂恿他加入终身总统俱乐部。

    During the SCO summit , he flattered Mr Putin by virtually urging him to join the presidents-for-life club .

  3. 玻利瓦尔的集权思想主要表现在他要求设立世袭参议院和终身总统上。

    The democratic essence in Bolivar 's totalitarianism thought is mainly embodied in the hereditary senate and lifelong tenure system president .

  4. 对一个拥有一切的人物,或者至少表面上是一个中亚共和大国的终身总统,您会赠送他什么礼物呢?

    WHAT do you give a man who has everything , or at least the seemingly permanent presidency of a big Central Asian republic ?