- 网络obligation theory

In comparison with other theories , the dual act obligation theory is more rational .
As to this , Chinese and foreign criminal theory circle have four view .
In the discussion of dismissal wage nature , the theory of employer help obligation centralized the legal thought of social law .
To accept the nature , throughout the domestic and international legislation and theoretical study , can be divided into obligations , the right to say .
The existing rural collective economic organization the qualification cognizance of the members in three ways : single census register said , household life to say , rights and obligations said .
With regard to the nature and status of acceptance of performance , there are mainly theories of duty , theories of right and the theory of compromise in the academic area .
At present , the textbook summarizes the standard of culpa identification as subjective culpa theory , objective culpa theory and economic analysis theory .
Subjective malign theory has long history and it mainly connotes the theory of obligation infringement , the theory of norm violation and the theory of moral harms .
Causal relationships among them firm belief is comparatively complicated , it include the causal relationship says , law and regulation purpose says , duty range speaks mainly including that direct result saying .
The main point of view the following : ownership of said lease , said deposit , said unjust enrichment that the obligations attached to a gift that said the conditions attached to the lifting .
About the limit of two , foreign criminal scholars put forward the subjective theory , the behavior control theory , the obligation offense theory and other theories , and on the basis of this has formed the principal offender doctrine , the accessory offender doctrine and the compromise doctrine .
It may be better regulated by the Fed than the Securities and Exchange Commission but counting it as just another bank , with the same privileges and obligations as retail banks and credit card companies , makes little sense .
Well , what about my obligations to my country ?
An actual duty is simply what my real duty is in situation .
The third chapter discusses the theory of property rights under the bank and depositor that the main rights and obligations , and property , said the strengths and weaknesses .
For example , most of us would agree that , if we can save someone from serious injury by lying , then we have more of an obligation to save someone from injury than we do to tell the truth .
At present , the scholars have different opinions on this question . This article mainly introduce four common viewpoints , which are the theory of violation marital contract , the social security , the unemployment compensation , and the extending protection of nurture duty between husband and wife .
The bill of lading is now also become a shipping company of the owner of a commitment , as long as someone holds the bill of lading , they think there is the obligation of payment of goods , or the existence of the relationship between credit and debt .
Option is a kind of special financial contracts which gives holder rights of doing something , but the holder have no obligation .
When researchers asked another set of people for much more if they 'd serve as an unpaid counselor for two hours per week for two years they all said no.
The Mainland law system from have form obligations and substantive obligations , while there is no provision in the criminal law on it at home . The problem to decide which obligations are suitable for negative crime becomes the business of theory .
The theoretical foundations for director 's duties after leaving the post include " goodfaith "," post-contract obligation " and " employee 's duty " .
The nature of the employer 's obligation of safe attendance should be suitable to the essential obligation of the employment contract .
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