
  • 网络theory of rights
  1. 股东权利说;受益权说;债权人代位权说。

    Shareholders the right to say ; beneficial , said ; Subrogation said .

  2. 因而,在关于假释本质的各种学说中,假释权利说是合理的。

    The parole right theory is rational in these theories about parole essential theory .

  3. 她没有权利说那话。

    She 's no right to say that .

  4. 三是票据法上的权利说;

    The third version is the rights to claim arising out of the instrument law ;

  5. 记住,不管你猜测是谁,你没有权利说出去。

    Remember that whatever your conjectures may be , you have no right to repeat them .

  6. 目前的理论界的独立权利说并没有指明股东权利的本质。

    The current theory of the independent right to say does not specify the essence of rights .

  7. 利益说和主张权利说是知情权的具体理论依据。

    Doctrine of interests and doctrine for claiming right are the material academic basis to right to know .

  8. 他们需要知道自己有权利说不,就像南非前财长戈登和巴克莱的一些员工所做的那样。

    They need to feel they have the right to say no , as Mr Gordhan and some at Barclays did .

  9. 关于占有的性质历来都有很大的争议,有事实说和权利说。

    With regard to the nature of possession has always been much controversy , have the right to say and the facts .

  10. 文章在梳理各种学说的基础上,基本同意主观说中具体权利说,并采用发展和动态的方式来理解。

    By analyzing , this article agrees with the theory of material right in the subjective on ultimately but with a development vision .

  11. 对于受领的性质,纵观国内外的立法及理论研究,主要可分为义务说、权利说以及折衷说。

    To accept the nature , throughout the domestic and international legislation and theoretical study , can be divided into obligations , the right to say .

  12. 事实上,事实说中受到法律保护之事实的特征与权利说中所解释的权利指向的是同一目的&占有的保护。

    And the feature of " legal fact " in the legal fact-spoke has the same goal as " right " in the rights-spoke , the possession protection .

  13. 大陆法系国家偏重分析占有的概念、性质,主要观点包括事实说、权利说、全能说。

    Analysis of emphasis on civil law countries share the concept of nature , including the fact that the main point of view , the right to say that the all-around .

  14. 具体可归纳为:物权说、准物权说、债权说、债权物权化说、中间型权利说这五种。

    Generally there are 5 categories of theories in academic field : property theory , quasi property theory , right of credit theory , credit right-property right transformation theory , and intermediate right .

  15. 权利说虽有其不可回避的缺陷,但从否定答辩权入手来强化答辩状的提出是欠妥当的,较好的办法是以失权来制约答辩权的行使。

    Although traditional right theory possess fault that should not be avoided , denying reply to reinforce reply is unproper way and the better means is using loss of right to restrict the reply .

  16. 关于占有的性质,在各国民法理论和民事立法中有不同的认识和规定,主要包括事实说、权利说、折衷说、法律关系说、权能说等。

    On the nature of possession , in the theory of civil law and civil law have different knowledge and regulations , including the fact that , right , eclecticism , legal relationship theory , power etc. .

  17. 在减刑假释程序的理论基础方面,首先,就减刑假释的本质而言,主要有恩惠说、奖励说、权利说、刑罚执行方式说等多种论说。

    As for the theoretical basis , there are the Grace Theory , the Rewarding Theory , the Right Theory and the Implementation Penalty Means Theory , etc. , in the nature of the commutation and parole procedures .

  18. 在并合主义的指引下,假释制度的性质体现为:在假释决定问题上,假释是恩惠说和权利说的折衷:在假释执行问题上,假释是自由刑后的一种刑罚形态。

    Under the guidance of blend theory , the nature of parole demonstrates : parole is compromised between grace theory and right theory in decision-making ; parole is one of penalty model after enforcement for punishment against liberty in enforcement .

  19. 这种了解使招聘人员有权利说:“在你愿意提供的薪资水平上,在你要求的时限内,你是不可能找到一名能说五种语言、而且具有你想要的资质的会计的。”

    That knowledge allows a recruiter " to say that finding an accountant who speaks five languages is never going to happen at what you are willing to pay , with the quality you want , in the timeframe you want . "

  20. 在环境刑事责任客体理论方面,世界各国主要采用环境要素说、社会管理制度说、环境权说和复合权利说等学说。

    In the aspect of subject theory of environmental criminal liability , the main theories , such as theory of environmental elements , theory of social management system , theory of environmental rights , and theory of complex right , are adopted all over the world .

  21. 更倾向认定权利外形说。

    More inclined to identify the right to form said .

  22. 对权利本位说的法哲学思考

    Law 's Philosophical Ideas About The Theory Of Right Standard

  23. 二是票据权利残留物说;

    The second version is the remains of the rights of bills ;

  24. 他没有权利如此说。

    He has no right to say so .

  25. 紧急避险的内涵主要包括三种学说:放任行为说、意思丧失说和权利行为说。

    It mainly contains three kinds of doctrines : permissiveness 、 bereavement of free will and entitlement action .

  26. 我没有权利去说或做任何事来贬低一个人的自尊。

    I have no right to say or do anything that diminishes a man in his own eyes .

  27. 流浪者和公民权利倡导者说,该法令是市政府针对流浪者管理的又一尝试。

    Homeless and civil rights advocates said the ordinance is another attempt by city officials to target the homeless .

  28. 具体分析了三种理论,认为权利能力说应当作为胎儿利益保护的理论基础。

    It analyzes three theories specifically and holds that legal capacity doctrine should be deemed to be the theoretical basis for fetal rights protection .

  29. 受害人同意法律效力的基础有正当理由说、权利抛弃说、受害人过错说。

    There are three different opinions on the basis of this theory : sound defense , abandon of the right , fault on the victim .

  30. 英国自2005年民事伴侣关系就已合法化,同性婚姻合法化并没有给他们带来新的权利比方说合法收养的权利在2002年就已经生效。

    Civil partnerships have been legal since 2005 and marriage brings no new rights & the ability to adopt , for example , was introduced in 2002 .