
zhǔ yìng lì
  • principal stress;primary stress
主应力[zhǔ yìng lì]
  1. 利用MATLAB绘制剪力图、弯矩图、应力圆以及求解最大弯矩和主应力。

    The bending moment diagram and circle of stress are drawn ; the most flexural torque and primary stress are solved in MATLAB .

  2. 确定主应力方向的一种解析方法

    A New Simple Method to Determine Primary Stress Direction

  3. 因此,产生最大正应力的方向就是相应于主应力的方向。

    Thus the directions that emerge for extremizing the normal stress are the directions corresponding to the principal stresses .

  4. 分析了c、φ的异步发挥,土的剪胀性,土单元主应力方向旋转,孔隙水压力以及损伤软化对侧阻发挥的影响。

    It analyses the influence of , dilatancy , rotation of soil cell 's principal stress , pore water pressure and the damage softening .

  5. 用X射线应力测定仪进行了三个方向残余应力的测量,建立了主应力计算公式,分析其形成机制与分布特性。

    Residual stresses of three directions are measured by XRD , and the counting formula of the main stress is built .

  6. AE法油田最大主应力值的测量及其与油产关系

    The major principal stress of oil field determined by AE and its relation to production

  7. 因此文中所给出的解可以灵活应用于各种性能的材料,可以充分反映材料的SD效应及中间主应力效应。

    The obtained results can be used to fit the properties of different kinds of materials with SD effect and intermediate stress effect .

  8. 利用GPS位移和主应力方向观测资料进行川滇地区边界力的联合反演研究

    Jointly Inversing the Plate Driving Forces on the Boundaries Around Sichuan-Yunnan Area Using GPS Measurements of the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China and the Principal Stress Orientation Data of China Area

  9. 测量结果表明:该工程区的原地应力以水平应力为主,最大主应力方向为NNW,与区域地质分析的结果相吻合。

    The results show that the horizontal stress is predominant .

  10. 空心圆柱仪(HCA)模拟恒定围压下主应力轴循环旋转应力路径能力分析

    Analysis on ability of HCA to imitate cyclic principal stress rotation under constant confining pressure

  11. 根据试验结果,建立此3种应力路径下岩体切线弹性模量Et与主应力差间的经验关系式,分析边坡岩体的变形特性。

    Based on the testing data , the relationships between the elastic modulus and the principal stress difference under such loading paths are acquired , and the deformation properties of the slope rock mass are analyzed .

  12. 分别在15种不同载荷下,计算出牙体组织的最大主应力、最小主应力和VONMISES应力。

    15 loadings were applied respectively , and the maximum principle stress , the minimum principle stress and the Von Mises stress of the tooth tissue were calculated .

  13. 因此,Mohr-Coulomb准则、Druck-Prager准则均不能很好的反映中间主应力对岩石破坏作用的影响。

    Therefore , the Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the Druck - Prager criteria are not well reflected intermediate principal stress on the role of rock damage .

  14. 地应力大小分布主要受控于埋深、构造应力大小、断层分布。水平最大主应力基本上为NW-SE向。

    The in-situ stress size distribution is mainly controlled to the burying depth , the tectonic stress size , the fault distribution .

  15. 研究表明,多轴应力状态下NEPE固体推进剂强度与应力相关,八面体剪应力随平均主应力的增加呈非线性增加;NEPE推进剂的破坏强度随拉伸速率的增加而提高。

    The results show that strength of NEPE solid propellant under multi-axis stress state is related to strain ; octahedral shear stress nonlinearly increases with the average main stress .

  16. 在GPS测区附近中强地震前约1年,可观测到该区GPS测站的形变异常及主应力方向发生转变异常;

    The P1 station in the center of Ordos has a sinking trend by year ; ② The deformation abnormity for GPS stations and the change of maximal principle stress direction are observed by GPS survey before the moderately strong earthquake occurred near this area around one year .

  17. DruckerPrager准则和Murrell准则中包含中间主应力,但并没有得到真正三轴试验结果的检验,也难以表示应力状态对岩样强度的影响。

    Drucker . Prager criterion and Murrell criterion including medium principal stress are not verified by the results of true triaxial stresses testing thoroughly .

  18. 最小主应力的最大值出现在中部断层FS51处;

    Of the minimum principal stress presents to mid fault FS51 ; the max.

  19. 采用主应力法和修正的Tresca屈服准则,可分别导出缩径成形力和壁厚变化规律的计算公式。

    In addition , the equations for calculating the sinking force and wall change are derived by using the slab method and the modified Tresca yield criterion .

  20. 同时,利用井壁崩落法、钻井诱导缝法和DSI快横波方位法确定了新疆迪那气田目的层的水平主应力方向。

    Furthermore , the horizontal stress direction of the target zone in the gas field is determined by means of borehole breakout data , drilling-induced fracture and DSI Fast shear azimuth .

  21. 压应力场下VONMISES屈服应力分布同拉应力场,但第一主应力很小,法向应力变为负值;

    In the case of compress stress , the distribution of von Mises stress is the same as under the case of tensile stress , but the first major stress become smaller , and the divisor stress is of minus .

  22. 在探洞深部地应力应力值较高,最大主应力为40MPa左右,作用方向近直立;

    The in-situ stress at deep depth of tunnel is higher , the maximum stress is about 40 MPa , and the direction is about vertical .

  23. 运用广义Mises准则导出了考虑中间主应力的煤体塑性区宽度和垂直应力的计算公式,分析了煤壁片帮破坏机理,并提出了相应的煤壁片帮的防治措施。

    Using broad sense Mises criterion to lead out the width of plasticity district of coal mass and calculation formula of the vertical stress , analyze mechanism of rib fall of coal wall and put forward corresponding measure of prevention and cure .

  24. 在水平面内,对4个方向的试件进行声发射Kaiser效应试验,得到相应的各个方向的压应力,由此估算的水平最大和最小主应力分别为21.2MPa和12.1MPa。

    In horizontal plane , for four directions rock specimen , AE Kaiser effect tests were carried out and their corresponding normal stresses were gotten . The horizontal maximum and minimum principal stresses are 21 2 MPa and 12 1 MPa respectively .

  25. 各坝址孔中最大水平主应力值最高约为17MPa,最大水平主应力方向受局部地形地势影响变化较大,但大多数孔方向仍为NNE或NEE;

    The largest amplitude of maximum horizontal principal stress is about 17 MPa in all the boreholes in the dams areas , and the orientations are mainly NNE or NEE though influenced by local topography ;

  26. 在20℃时,SGP夹层玻璃的最大主应力集中在对角线附近的矩形区域,随着温度的升高,矩形区域长大,变为方形区域。

    Stress in SGP laminated glass in temperature of ~ 20 ℃ is a rectangular area on diagonal of the plate . As temperature rises , the rectangular stress area increases , and becomes a square area .

  27. 综合水压致裂法、室内岩石Kaiser效应试验和有限元数值模拟计算研究成果,最大水平主应力方向与隧道洞轴线小角度相交,对隧道围岩稳定性有利;

    The method of hydraulic fracturing , Kaiser Effect experiment and the Finite Element Numerical simulation computation results , the direction of maximum horizontal principal stress intersect the small-angle of tunnel axial line , it is favorable to the stability of tunnel peripheral rock ;

  28. 新汶矿区超过1000m深井地应力以水平应力为主,最大水平主应力方向主要集中在N3°E~N43.5°W。

    And ( 4 ) the in-situ stress field in Xinwen coal mining with buried depth more than 1 000 m is dominated by horizontal stress ; and the orientations of the maximum horizontal principal stresses mainly concentrate on N3 ° E – N43.5 ° W.

  29. 作者在裂缝长度、裂缝导流能力优化设计的基础上,进行了J2s2气藏井网优化设计,确定开发井网部署应按最大水平主应力方向布置,井排方向为N120°~130°E。

    Based on the optimum design of the fracture length and its diversion capability of the fracture , the design of the well network should been laid in the direction of the maximum horizontal principal stress . The direction of well array is N120 °~ 130 ° E.

  30. 在上述基础上,基于统一强度理论,考虑中间主应力对地基承载力的影响,给出了静止侧压力系数K0≠1条件下的地基临塑与临界荷载公式。

    Based on the unified strength theory , a new formula of critical edge pressure and critical load of subsoil with taking account of the effect of the intermediate principal stress ( 2 σ) and K 0 ≠ 1 is deduced .