
  • 网络active marketing;Initiative Marketing
  1. 基于协同过滤技术的CRM主动营销模型研究

    CRM Active Marketing Model Based on Collaborative Filtering

  2. 为解决XX电信当前营销工作中面临的营销支撑难题,开发了主动营销系统。

    Developing the Active Marketing System In order to solve the marketing support difficult problems in which the XX Telecommunication current faces .

  3. 而高校客户因其经营稳定、附加值业务可观等特点,成为各家金融机构积极营销的优良客户,银行对高校的贷款需求大都有求必应或主动营销。

    For their steady operation and considerable value-added business , university customers become good customers grasped actively by financial institutions ; banks mostly meet the need of university load or take active marketing .

  4. 其中主动营销服务子系统是能够加强客户联系、实现主动营销的子系统,本文对该子系统进行了系统机构、系统流程、功能模块的详细设计。

    Among them , the active marketing services subsystem is able to strengthen customer relationships and proactive marketing subsystem . This paper conducted a systematic organization of the subsystem , system processes , detailed design of functional modules .

  5. 聚类分析应用于客户关系管理有以下方面:客户细分,新客户获取,客户保持,删除客户,购物篮分析,需求预测与目标经营,交叉销售与主动营销等。

    Clustering analysis has been applied in CRM in the following aspects : customer segmentation , new customer acquisition , customer retention , customer deletion , shopping basket analysis , requirement prediction and target management , cross sale and active marketing , etc.

  6. 建立主动市场营销机制和全过程风险管理机制。

    Set up an active marketing mechanism and an entire-process risk management mechanism .

  7. 但是,困难时期也达到了一些创造性突破,主动在营销和服务上有所提升。

    However , tough times brought about some creative initiatives in marketing and service provision .

  8. 为避免反倾销对出口贸易的不利影响,出口企业应主动调整营销战略。

    The exporting enterprises should adjust their marketing strategies to avoid the adverse effects on the exporting trade .

  9. ,并决定今天就开始用Twitter通过一个积极主动的在线营销活动获得财政上的独立性。

    And you decide that today you will begin to achieve financial independence with an aggressive online marketing program using Twitter .

  10. 电信业必须迅速主动地通过营销创新,寻求和实现对入世后营销环境巨大变化的适应。

    Telecom industry should quickly and actively seek for and realize the adaptation of the marketing environment change after the entrance of WTO by marketing innovation .

  11. 在电信产业飞速发展的同时通讯市场的竞争格局也发生了巨大变化:消费者变被动为主动,市场营销理念取代了产品营销理论,市场结构由垄断走向竞争,市场竞争国际化。

    With these developments , the competitive patterns in communications market have undergone tremendous changes , under which passive customers have changed into active consumers and the marketing concept has replaced the product marketing theory . And market structure moved from monopoly to competition in international market competition .

  12. 而软营销强调企业在进行市场营销活动时,必须尊重消费者的感受和体验,让消费者主动接受企业的营销活动。

    Soft marketing emphasizes regard to customers ' experience and takes customers to accept enterprises ' marketing activities voluntarily .

  13. 由此可见,关心代理人的成长,注重代理人道德的培养,使每个员工都树立起敬业精神和主动精神是保证营销成功的关键。

    This shows that the insurance companies should concerned about the growth of agent , so that each employee has to establish professionalism and to ensure that the successful of the marketing .

  14. 这种影响是不可控的,电信企业只有主动地去适应营销环境,制定和不断调整营销策略,才能变不利因素为有利因素。

    These effects are not controllable , telecommunications companies only take the initiative to adapt to the marketing environment to develop and constantly adjust marketing strategy , in order to change the negative factors for the favorable factors .