
  1. 第二章,是本文的重心,阐述了欧盟失业治理政策从强调被动失业治理政策阶段到强调主动失业治理政策阶段的演进过程,并评价其成效。

    Chapter 2 is the center of the thesis , narrated the EU 's process from stage of emphasizing " passive policy of managing unemployment " to stage of emphasizing " active policy of managing unemployment ", and make some evaluations to the policy .

  2. 政府应更主动地鼓励失业人士寻找工作。

    The government should be more proactive in encouraging the unemployed to look for jobs .

  3. 为此,应从修复内部劳动力市场运行机制入手,打通内外部劳动力市场,配套使用主动和被动的失业政策,才是减少国有企业就业弱势群体的根本途径。

    Thus , it is the basic approach to settle the problem that the operation system of internal labor market is corrected , external and internal labor markets are joined and active and passive policies are utilized comprehensively .