
zhǔ dònɡ jù
  • subject- predicate sentence
  1. 助理编辑挑出这些捣乱的被动句之后,就应该将其改写成主动句,就像上文中那句话应改写成“Swedishscientistshaveshownthat(瑞典科学家发现)”。

    Once a sub-editor has pinned passive sentences culprits down , they need to turn them around to make them active & " Swedish scientists have shown that * " .

  2. 主动句:他们在幼儿园里学了很多东西。

    They learn a lot of things in the kindergarten .

  3. 通常你应该写主动句而不是被动句。

    Usually you should aim for an active , not passive voice .

  4. 把无生命主语被动句译成无主语的主动句;

    Translating the passive sentences with inanimate subjects into no subject sentences ;

  5. 汉语主动句、被动句的命题表征项目顺序特点

    Item Order of Propositional Representation in Understanding Chinese Initiative and Passive Sentences

  6. 较之主动句,被动句有着自己独特的语用价值。

    Compared with the active , the passive sentences have special pragmatic functions .

  7. 主位推进与主动句、被动句的选择

    Advancing of the Main Postion and the Choice Between Active Sentences and Passive Sentences

  8. 有人发现,这两种物质的重量是比较恒定的。(加了“有人发现”,把被动句译成主动句)

    The ratio of the weight of these two substances is found to be constant .

  9. 不仅在它所提出的建议上表现其诚意,而且在行动上也表现了出来。(主动句)

    Its sincerity is illustrated not only by its proposal but also by its deeds .

  10. 日语中主动句和被动句认知语义的异同

    The similarities and differences of cognition semantics in the active and passive sentences in japanese

  11. 周总理受到全国人民的尊敬和爱戴。(主动句);

    Premier Zhou was respected and esteemed by the Chinese people all over the country .

  12. 中国二语学习者英语句子加工的心理机制初探:以主动句为例

    ERP Investigation into English Sentence Processing of Chinese ESL Learners : Taking English Active Sentences as An Example

  13. 传统语法中对英语主动句的讨论一般是结合语态进行。

    Traditional grammar always deals with actives by distinguishing ' active voice ' and ' passive voice ' .

  14. 存现句是汉语句式中区别于主动句、被动句的独具特色的句式。

    The existential sentence is a characteristic sentence pattern that is different from either initiative sentence or passive one .

  15. 又有哪种谓语动词构成的被动句应该译成主动句。

    And what kind of the predicate verb of the passive sentence should be translated into composed of active sentences .

  16. 所以,在英译汉时,我们往往尽可能把英语中的被动句译成汉语中的主动句。

    So , in english-chinese translation , we often passive sentences in English as much as possible in the active sentences into Chinese .

  17. 汉语主动句在日语中,根据主语选择的规则,视点的一致和行文简洁的需要,而用被动句表达。

    Chinese active sentences should switch to Japanese passive sentences according to the rules of subject selection , the viewpoint agreement and concise writing style .

  18. 致使结构是汉语中重要的句型结构之一,并在类型学中被认为与主动句、被动句同等重要。

    Causative constructions are one of the most important types of syntactic constructions in Chinese and considered as important as active and passive constructions in typology .

  19. 我总认为自己能生长在一个小城镇里是一件幸事,因为小镇有着浓厚的街坊感情和自觉的公益精神。(主动句)

    I always believe that I was very lucky to have been brought up in a small town with a great sense of friendliness and voluntary service .

  20. 这对俄语的典型主动句构造的衍生具有一定的解释力,也为俄语主动句的题元构造研讨提供了牢靠的实际根据。

    The Russian typical derivatives of passive sentence structure has to some extent , but also for Russian passive sentences topic yuan structure study provides the reliable theory basis .

  21. 该深层结构多半可以通过单位词的转换功能映现为主动句或被动句的表层结构。

    The deep structure can mostly be presented as the surface structure made up of an active sentence or a passive one , by means of the unit noun characteristic of transformation function .

  22. 句式义与词项:英汉共同耗用句式的比较日语中主动句和被动句认知语义的异同

    Construction meanings and lexical items-A comparative study of the English and Chinese constructions of " using and consuming jointly "; The similarities and differences of cognition semantics in the active and passive sentences in japanese

  23. 因此,被动句的理想化认知模式为致使因素→变化→状态。致使性事件不仅是主动句典型性事件,也是被动句典型性事件。

    Therefore , the ideal cognitive structure of the passive sentence is " the causative factor → changes → state . " Causative events are not only the typical event of the active structure , but also that of the passive structure .

  24. 汉语主动、被动简单句中的量词辖域释义

    Interpretation of Quantifier Scope in Chinese Simple Actives and Passives

  25. 还可以锻炼指挥员的主动性,讲句哲学语言叫发挥能动性。

    It also helped stimulate the initiative of the commanders , or in philosophical terms , helped them display their subjective initiative .

  26. 多用主动语态,少用被动语态。主动句更容易让人理解,它们更富有威力。

    Use active verbs instead of passive verbs . Active verbs are much easier to understand . They are much more powerful .