
  1. 文胸销售商表示,他们的顾客中很少有人是做过丰胸的。

    Bra sellers say few of their clients are unnaturally endowed .

  2. 特别添加丰胸、美颜因子胶原蛋白。

    Collagen protein is specially added for breasts growth and skin care .

  3. 她如果知道你丰胸了,她也许会考虑下的。

    If she knew you got a boob job she might consider it .

  4. 其中一个最常用的药草丰胸药丸是八角。

    One of most commonly used herb in breast enhancement pills is Anise .

  5. 正是这款丰胸细腰、双腿修长的芭比娃娃将性带入了儿童的世界。

    Big-breasted , narrow-waisted and long-legged , she has helped sex intrude into childhood .

  6. 人们对待整容的态度是日新月异的,就像人们改变对丰胸手术的态度一样。

    Attitudes toward plastic surgery are constantly changing .

  7. 他只想让自己的照片像丰胸产品那样上到迈阿密前锋报。

    He 'll get his picture in the Miami Herald off a quick bust .

  8. 红酒木瓜靓汤让你丰胸不长肉,美肤还嫩肤。

    Papaya soup red wine is not your breast flesh , skin rejuvenation yet .

  9. 当人们更多地领会黑熊后,月经期间怎么丰胸,变得去更能忍耐它们了。

    People are becoming more tolerant of black bears as we learn more about them .

  10. 这种变化同整形丰胸并无关联。

    The reason for the size change is not , in fact , cosmetic augmentation .

  11. 研究表明,葛根为丰胸最佳的地区之一,植物,你可以找到。

    Studies have shown that Pueraria Mirifica as one of the best phytoestrogen you can find .

  12. 可以有效的预防和治疗所有的胸部疾病有丰胸的效果。

    It can effectively prevent and treat all the chest disease and having the breast enhancement effect .

  13. 这种植物可以发现,在同一生境作为葛根丰胸也是山区。

    This plant species can be found in the same habitant as Pueraria Mirifica and also the mountains area .

  14. 艾美现在的女人不只割双眼皮,还做鼻子、抽脂、丰胸

    Amy Women these days are not only getting eyelid surgery , but also nose jobs , liposuction , breast augmentation

  15. 广电总局最近还重申了在涉性广播电视广告的禁令,诸如丰胸广告之类也在受限之列。

    It has also recently reiterated its ban on sex-television and radio advertisements , such as ads for breast enlargement surgery .

  16. 而且,记住要对她改善后的容貌加以恭维(除非她做的是丰胸手术,如果是那样,最好就别恭维了)。

    And remember to compliment her on her improved looks ( unless it is breast enhancement , in which case better not ) .

  17. 然而,不管中国有多少起整容失败案例见诸报端,人们渴望拥有大眼丰胸这些西方外貌特征的愿望仍丝毫未减。

    No matter how many botched procedures are reported in China , the desire for Western-looking features such as wide eyes or large breasts continues .

  18. 卫生部甚至还出资赞助了一个项目,鼓励女性学会自扇乳房来丰胸,以替代隆胸手术。

    The Ministry even sponsored a programme that saw women learning to slap their own breasts to enhance their size as an alternative to surgery .

  19. 因为在薇薇秘密的丰胸疗程中,你完全不需要担心有任何风险,疼痛,压力或恢复期等接受隆胸手术需要考虑的问题。

    You no longer need to be concerned with the risk , pain , stress or recovery time that 's ordinarily associated with breast implant surgery .

  20. 不顾传统消费者将会震惊于芭比丰胸的可能性,她开始顶住压力,在加州投资生产这种迥异于传统娃娃的乖巧可人而改走性感路线的芭比娃娃。

    Ignoring traditional marketeers shocked by Barbie 's breasts she began an uphill battle in California to manufacture this sexy creature , so unlike cuddly baby dolls .

  21. 今年暑假很多大学生和中学生到医院做双眼皮,隆鼻和丰胸手术。

    Double eyelids , nose jobs and breast enlargements are what a growing number of Chinese college and high school students sought during their summer vacations this year .

  22. 于是,自从进医院后,她进行了丰胸、吸脂、收腹、头发移植,还向嘴唇注射胶原蛋白。

    So since she 's in the hospital , she gets breast implants , liposuction , a tummy tuck , hair transplants , and collagen injections in her lips .

  23. 为了进一步满足现代女性对于美体的综合需求,诗俪美为顾客们提供各种各样的肌肤护理服务、瘦身服务以及来自法国的美肤丰胸服务。

    To further address the comprehensive beauty needs of contemporary women , Slimming Sanctuary offers our customers an extensive range of skin care , slimming and beauty enhancement products from France .

  24. 从股市的视角来看,要迎接这种潮流有很多方法。我们可以关注健身俱乐部、减肥股、肉毒素股、丰胸股。

    There are lots of way to attack this trend from a stock market perspective ; we can look at fitness clubs , obesity stocks , botox stocks , breast implant stocks .

  25. 这位3个孩子的妈妈住在剑桥郡圣尼茨的一套价值50万英镑、有4间卧室的住房里。去年她曾经对外炫耀说,她给女儿赠送了一张价值6000英镑的丰胸礼券。

    And last year the mother-of-three , who lives in a 500,000 four-bedroom home in St Neots , Cambridgeshire , boasted that she gave a 6,000 breast enlargement voucher to her daughter .

  26. 以上海为例,眼睑成形、隆鼻、丰胸以及其它旨在放大亚洲人典型的细眼、塌鼻和不够傲人的胸部的外科手术业务正在蓬勃发展。

    In Shanghai , for example , business is booming on eyelifts , noselifts , chestlifts and other surgery aimed at enlarging classically Asian narrow eyes , flat noses and unobtrusive mammary glands .

  27. 本论文目的是研制一种定位促进脂肪生长药物,不使用任何激素或类激素达到丰胸目的。

    The aim of this thesis is to create a new drug delivery system which will promote the growth of adipose tissue in objective site without usage of any hormone or their similarities .

  28. 但胸部整形并不仅仅是丰胸,它还包括下垂矫正、缩胸和男性乳腺发育(即男性乳腺的不正常增大)手术。

    But augmentation is only one type of breast surgery , a category that also includes breast lift , breast reduction , and gynecomastia surgery ( reduction of abnormally large breasts in men ) .

  29. 女孩进了整形手术室,当她躺在手术台上时,整形师先用工具进行脸部塑形随后再用手工泵来为她进行丰胸。

    The girl checks into a plastic surgeons office . As she lies on an operating table , the surgeon uses a hand-held pump to enlarge her breasts , before giving her a face-lift using putty and a chainsaw .

  30. 对前额、颞、颊、鼻根等部位抗老化治疗,对额纹的充填,获得了面部的年轻化效果;自体脂肪丰胸、丰臀等临床应用也日益增多。

    In aesthetic surgery , to the forehead , nose , cheeks , temporal anti-aging treatment areas such as the root and forehead wrinkles after filling , won the facial young ; Still can do self fat breast enhancement , abundant buttocks , and so on .