
  1. 任庆泰青年时在日本学习过照相技术,1892年在北京开设第一家照相馆——丰泰照相馆。

    Ren Qingtai went to Japan to learn photography when he was young and then launched the first photograph studio , " Fengtai Photo Studio " in Beijing , 1892 .

  2. 1905年秋,由北京丰泰照相馆拍摄了中国第一部电影《定军山》的片断,至今已整整100年。

    100 years ago , viz . in the fall of 1905 , a fragment of Peking Opera " Conquering Jun Hill " was filmed by Peking Fengtai Photograph Shop .

  3. 1905至1909年间,丰泰照相馆共拍摄了八部京剧电影,所有电影均在北京拍摄并获得公众的热烈欢迎。

    Fengtai Studio produced a total of eight films based on Beijing Opera from 1905 to 1909 . All of them were made in Beijing and were warmly received by the public .

  4. 此部影片改编自京剧,由著名京剧艺术家谭鑫培在北京丰泰照相馆拍摄完成的,标志着中国电影的诞生。

    It was adapted from a Beijing opera of the same title by a notable performer of Beijing Opera Tan Xinpei and shot at the Feng Tai Photo Studio in Beijing , The shooting of the film marked the official birth of Chinese film .