
  • 【地名】【日本】Nakamura
  1. 下一站是去纽约中村清池火葬场美国骨灰安置所(U.S.ColumbariumatFreshPondCrematory)火化。

    Next stop was U.S. Columbarium at Fresh Pond Crematory in Middle Village , for the cremation .

  2. Munchies网站主办人西蒙·克洛斯最近拜访了中村,亲自试用这款餐叉后,他表示这种“食品黑客”的形式是他最难忘的美食体验之一。

    Munchies host Simon Klose , who recently visited Nakamura to try out the fork himself , called this form of ' food hacking ' one of the most profound eating experiences he 's ever had .

  3. 你和中村必须赶到德州的奥德萨。

    You and Hiro need to get to odessa , texas .

  4. 我告诉中村说这样做太冒险了。

    I told Hiro do over , is too risky .

  5. 中村是特别型号的义体人吗?

    Does Nakamura have some sort of special cyborg body ?

  6. 以往只是简单地将面向文本集的TF.中村插牌分田&耕者有其田的一次重大实践

    Before , the TF . On the Practice of Land to the Tiller

  7. “也许两个星期”之前中国出口的恢复,中村说。

    " Maybe two weeks " before Chinese exports resume , said Nakamura .

  8. 但中村希望它们都是红色。

    But Mr Nakamura wanted them all red .

  9. 我要在这里等中村。

    I will wait for hiro .

  10. 中村说可能和袭击啦啦队员的是同一个人。

    Hiro says maybe it is the same man that is going to attack the cheerleader .

  11. 而工作之馀,中村先生每二周会打一次高尔夫球,也喜欢到交通大学游泳。

    For recreation , he plays golf once every fortnight , and enjoys swimming at Chiao Tung university .

  12. 建筑师中村和神野声称“没有其他的架构已经过以这种方式实现。”

    Architects Nakamura and Jinno claim that " no other architecture has ever been realized by such method . "

  13. 中村获此强援实属非常幸运,而且很快,他又从另一好运中受益。

    Nakamura was extremely fortunate to receive such strong support , and he was soon to benefit from another piece of good luck .

  14. 早于1917年,关良东渡日本学习,毅然放弃学习数理科学,转读东京太平洋美术专科学校,在中村不折和藤岛武二指导下学习写实风格油画。

    In1917 , Guan had abandoned his studies on mathematics and science in Japan before he transferred to the Pacific Arts School in Tokyo .

  15. 过去的三至四年里,中村一直都在吃“通电食物”,试着更好地认识它。

    Nakamura has been eating ' electric ' food for the past three to four years , in an attempt to understand it better .

  16. 第2小点论述湖州市内城中村治理的成效,通过第1小点的分析,概括目前湖州市城中村治理取得的有效成果和成功经验。

    Second , it discusses the governance effect of urban village in Huzhou , it summarizes the current village governance effective achievements and successful experience .

  17. 中村和她的团队把一根电线连接于一个9伏特的电池上,然后将这跟电线穿过一根插在甜柠檬水中的吸管。

    Nakamura and her team connected a wire to a 9-volt battery and threaded it through a straw placed in a cup of sweet lemonade .

  18. 为提升城市品位,改善城市人居环境,二七区重点推出齐礼闫城中村改造项目,将其作为试点进行改造。

    In order to improve city grade and urban residential environment , Erqi District takes Qiliyan Project of Urban Village Reconstruction as its priority and pilot reconstruction .

  19. 作者中村和太阳神野安娜在一个办公室的狭缝和各种潜力是不断追求在其他项目中的应用程序。

    The office of Anna Nakamura and Taiyo Jinno are in a continuous quest for various potentials of the slits and their applications in other projects as well .

  20. 为了他们,中村把一半菜单用来呈现那些,说得委婉点,不那么复杂的菜肴。在这些菜里,只用一种耳熟能详的食材来奠定基调。

    For them , Mr. Nakamura devotes one-half of his menu to fairly uncomplicated , if refined , dishes in which a single , familiar ingredient carries the tune .

  21. 其次归纳总结出城中村存在的主要问题以及城中村改造中存在的主要难题,并尝试性的探究问题的主要矛盾进而提出一些解决对策。

    These were followed by summary of the main problems exist in villages and in the transforming process , then try to explore the principal contradiction and give some solutions .

  22. 去年4月开始担任这家餐厅主厨的中村在慕尼黑出生,并在当地学习烹饪,后来又去了日本和荷兰的餐厅学习新技巧。

    The chef since April , Mr. Nakamura was born in Munich and learned to cook there before going off to study new techniques at restaurants in Japan and the Netherlands .

  23. 中村认为以韩国、泰国为主的亚洲国家和地区的经济增长率将大幅下滑。

    Nakamura thought that the rate of economic growth of asia 's countries and regions , with Korea and Thailand being the most prominent , would slide downward to a large extent .

  24. 中村和宫下芳名教授如今称这一理念为“增强味觉”,他们已经改善了技术,使电荷能通过餐叉和筷子传导入食物中去。

    Nakamura , along with professor Homei Miyashita , now call the idea ' Augmented Gustation ' and have refined the technology to be able to transfer an electric charge to food through forks and chopsticks .

  25. 村干部的角色研究一直是农村社会学研究的重要课题,而社会转型过程中村干部角色变迁研究更是具有其借鉴意义和现实价值。

    The role of village cadres research is always an important topic in the research of rural sociology . While in the process of social transformation , the research of village cadres ' role change also has its significance and realistic value .

  26. 本文首先从村民的整治意愿、游客的体验评价及相关管理部门的思路态度三个方面对西湖风景名胜区其中7个景区11个村庄进行了景中村建设的综合调查。

    First , through to the willing of villagers , the evaluation of tourists and the attitude of administrative authority , this article conducts general investigation of 11 different national park villages in 7 scenic spots of the Hangzhou west lake famous scenic area .

  27. 城市化进程中城中村村民政治参与研究

    The Process of Urbanization Research on Political Participation of Non-agricultural Villages

  28. 对新区开发中城中村改造的思考

    Considerations on renovation of the village in city in new zone development

  29. 股份合作制崛起中的村治模式转换&以广东省万丰村为个案

    The Transformation of Village Administration in the Rise of Stock Cooperation System

  30. 退耕还林工程效益评价案例分析&以湖北省秭归县中坝村为案例

    Case Study on Benefits Evaluation of Grain for Green Project