
  1. 低通量慢中子对Bi系超导体的辐照效应

    Irradiation effect with slow neutrons of low fluence on Bi-based superconductors

  2. 中子对Si及GaAs半导体材料位移损伤的数值计算

    The numerical calculation on displacement damage of Si and GaAs semiconductor material irradiated by neutron

  3. 在本文中用速度有关的核子核子作用势在Born近似下,计算了158Mev及340Mev的中子对氘核弹性散射截面。

    The elastic scattering cross-sections of 158 Mev and 340 Mev neutrons by deuteron with velocity-dependent nucleon-nucleon interactions have been calculated in the Born approximation .

  4. 用剂量为5.74×1018cm-2的中子对MgO晶体进行了辐照,利用吸收光谱、荧光光谱等手段观测了中子辐照引起的损伤及其恢复。

    MgO single crystal was neutron-irradiated with a dose rate of 5.74 × 10 ~ 18cm ~ - 2 . The radiation damage was studied by means of UV-VIS and EM spectra .

  5. 研究了低通量(~10~8n/cm~2)慢中子对Y系、Bi系及其掺杂高Tc超导体(HTSC)正常态电阻的影响及其机理。

    This work studies the effect and mechanism of slow neutron irradiation of low fluence ( ~ 10 ~ 8n / cm ~ 2 ) in normal resistivity of Y and Bi system and the doped high T_c superconductors .

  6. 厚闪烁体内次级中子对快中子图像质量的影响研究

    Effects of secondary neutrons on fast-neutron image quality in thick scintillator

  7. 低剂量快中子对紫胶虫刺激效应的研究

    Stimulating effect of fast neutron radiation with low dosage on lac insects

  8. 用快中子对燕山板栗辐射育种的研究

    The study of radiation breeding of Yanshan hairy chestnut by fast neutron irradiation

  9. 中子对氟聚合物力学性能的影响

    Neutron irradiation effects on mechanical properties of fluoropolymers

  10. 热中子对大豆的诱变效应

    Mutagenic Effect Of Thermal Neutron On Soybean

  11. 激光、r&射线、中子对向日葵不同品种辐射效应的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Effects of the Radiations of Laser , r-Ray , and Neutron on Sunflower

  12. 屏蔽狗的头颈部,可减轻由于中子对口腔粘膜直接损伤作用而产生的大片溃疡。

    Shielding of head and neck could mitigate the ulceration of oral mucosa as a result of direct neutron injury .

  13. 中子对空间反对称的结构与对称性的结构对截面的贡献处于同等重要的地位。

    The antisymmetric space structure of the neutron pair participated in the process is as the important as symmetric one .

  14. 本文首先说明末碰撞过的聚变中子对第一壁发热和损伤上的重要性。

    First , it is shown in this paper that the uncollided fusion neutron plays an important role in causing heating and damage of the first wall .

  15. 通过与相邻偶偶核芯130Ce的比较表明,价中子对核芯形状变化的影响大于价质子的影响。

    From a comparison with the neighbouring even-even nucleus 130 Ce it follows that influence of the valence neutron is stronger than that of the valence proton on shape change of the core .

  16. 低通量慢中子辐照对高Tc超导体正常态电阻的影响及其机理探讨

    Effect and mechanism of slow neutron irradiation with low fluence in normal resistivity of superconductors

  17. 中子辐射对M1植株株高有一定影响。

    Neutron radiation had some influence on plant height of M1 .

  18. rhG-CSF治疗可促进免疫组织的恢复,尤其是大剂量rhG-CSF治疗不但能减轻中子辐射对免疫器官的损伤,而且还可增强脾脏的免疫功能。

    Administration of rhG-CSF could promote immune tissues recovery , especially high dose rhG-CSF .

  19. 利用直流D-D中子发生器对水泥生料元素含量进行检测的基础研究

    The Study in Detection of Raw Cement by Direct Current D-D Neutron Induced

  20. 中子辐照对6H-SiC晶体比热容的影响

    Effect of neutron-irradiation on specific heat capacity of 6H-SiC crystal

  21. 中子可对机体造成多种损伤而导致ARS(急性放射病)。

    Neutron radiation will exert seriously lesions on body and lead to acute radiation sickness ( ARS ) .

  22. 用X射线衍射、磁测量和中子衍射对Nd2Fe(20)Cx化合物的晶、磁结构和基本磁性进行了研究。

    The crystal and magnetic structures and magnetic properties of Nd_3Fe_ ( 20 ) C_x intermetallic compounds have been studied by X-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction analysis and magnetic measurements .

  23. 目的研究中子辐射对血清总胆汁酸(TBA)和葡萄糖(GLU)的影响。

    Objective To study the biochemical effects of neutron irradiation on the BALB / C mice including blood total bile acid ( TBA ) and blood glucose ( GLU ) .

  24. 在用241Am-Be中子源对BF3中子探测器阵列探测效率标定的基础上,用蒙特卡罗方法对其探测效率进行了模拟计算,获得了比较满意的结果。

    Based on the detector efficiency calibration of BF_3 neutron detector array , this paper computes the detector efficiency with Monte Carlo method , and gains a good result .

  25. 在相对论平均场的框架下,对208Pb中子皮对新的同位旋依赖的高阶核子-ω-ρ介子耦合项的敏感性进行了研究。

    The sensitivity of the neutron skin thickness S in ~ ( 208 ) Pb to the new addition of the high order isospin-dependent nucleon - ω - ρ coupling term in the relativistic mean field model is studied .

  26. 中子辐照对绝热材料的影响

    The effect of neutron radiation on the thermal - insulation material

  27. 慢中子束对钢板的静态测厚研究

    Static measurement of thickness of steel plate using slow neutron beam

  28. 中子辐照对隧道二极管性能的影响

    The Effect of Neutron Radiation on the Behaviour of Tunnel Diode

  29. 低剂量中子照射对大鼠细胞外基质成分的影响

    The Effect of Low - dose Neutron Irradiation on Extracellular Matrix

  30. 快中子辐射对春小麦诱变效应的研究

    Studies on the mutagenic effect of fast neutron irradiation on Spring Wheat