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  • 网络Sino Japanese Culture;chinese and japanese cultures
  1. 中日文化的同与异

    The Similarities and Differences Between Chinese and Japanese Cultures

  2. 同时,他们逐渐在用一种开放的文化心态来看待中日文化。

    Meanwhile , they seem to have developed a more liberal view of the Chinese and Japanese cultures .

  3. 中日文化差异与日语教学

    The difference between culture of China and Japan and Japanese teaching

  4. 中日文化有许多共同之处。

    The Japanese and Chinese cultures have a lot in common .

  5. 中日文化与语言差异点滴谈中日关系的大格局

    Cultural and Linguistic Differences between China and Japan China - Japan Relations

  6. 《体验展》&中日文化交流巡回展作品

    The Experience Exhibition & Works of The Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange Tour Exhibition

  7. 从红与白透视中日文化差异

    On The Cultural Differences between China and Japan Reflected by Red and White

  8. 漆器在中日文化交流中占有重要的地位。

    Lacquer players an important role in the cultural exchange between China and Japan .

  9. 中日文化交流是一个重要的研究领域。

    The cultural exchange between China and Japan has been an important research area .

  10. 中日文化差异在企业管理中存在问题的初探

    The Research of the Problem about Cultural Differences between Japan and China in Business Management

  11. 中日文化交流中的刺绣艺术

    Embroider Art of China-Japan Cultural Communication

  12. 从日本民族文化的形成过程探析中日文化冲突成因

    Probing the causes behind the clash between Chinese and Japanese cultures from the development of Japanese national culture

  13. 西文电磁学名词汉译与中日文化交流

    Chinese Versions of Western Electromagnetic Terms During the Period of 1840 1919 and Culture Exchange Between China and Japan

  14. 禅宗文化在中日文化交流中产生了重要的影响,并对日本的禅学及美学的发展有着不可忽视的作用。

    Zen culture has a significant influence on Sino-Japanese cultural exchange , and play an important role in Japan and aesthetic development .

  15. 此种“侨词来归”,正是中日文化面对西方文化东渐而发生互动的一种表现形态。

    This return of oversea Chinese words is just emblematic of the Sino-Japanese cultural interaction provoked by the eastward permeation of western culture .

  16. 今年的世博会期间,杭州和日本的旅行社合作,进行中日文化交流活动。

    During this year 's World Expo , Hangzhou will work with Japanese travel agencies to launch the activity of Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange .

  17. 汉语和日语颜色词文化含义的异同反映了中日文化的交流和互动。

    The similarities and differences in cultural meanings between Chinese and Japanese words of color reflect the intercourse and interaction between the two cultures .

  18. 禅文化:中日文化交流的一种载体&从中日茶道的渊源、特点谈起

    Zen : A Carrier of Culture Exchange between China and Japan & Analyzing from the origin and characteristics of tea ceremony in China and Japan

  19. 中日文化差异的社会根源探究&以儒家忠孝观视角

    A Research into the Social Foundation for Viewing the Difference of Chinese Culture and Japanese Culture from the Perspective of Confucian Conception of Loyalty and Filial Piety

  20. 本文的内容主要说明了中日文化差异对商务谈判的影响。

    This article mainly analyzes the differences of Chinese and Japanese culture in aspect of rank concept , etiquette and family education , and it also el .

  21. 中日文化的接近尤其是日本社会主义思潮和中国传统的社会理念有较多的相似之处,从而易引发中国留学生的共鸣。

    The similar culture between China and Japan , especially the similarity between Japanese socialist ideological trend and Chinese traditional socialist theory , easily stimulated Chinese to response .

  22. 本文介绍和分析日本犬民俗的传承,以从一个侧面加深对日本文化的理解,同时也了解中日文化之异同。

    This article introduces and analyzes the heritage of Japanese dog 's folk custom to deepen the understanding of Japanese culture and the cultural differences between Japan and China .

  23. 中国传统文化的根基、中日文化的差异和20世纪二三十年代中国社会现实是产生这种变异现象的原因。

    The Chinese traditional culture foundation , the difference between Chinese and Japanese cultures and the social reality of China in 1920 's to 1930 's has caused this kind of variation .

  24. 20世纪上半叶中日文化关系的一个片断&东方文化事业留学生学费补给制度考略

    Fragment of Sino-Japanese Relations in the Early 20th Century & Study of the Oriental Cultural Undertakings Foreign Student Tuition Subsidy System by Sun Ying PhD , Foreign Language College , Northeast Normal University

  25. 文章从日本遣隋使来华目的、遣使概况和遣隋使在中日文化交流中的地位与作用等方面进行了较为全面的论述。

    The article gave a comprehensive exploration about the aim and general situation of the Japanese envoy to China in Sui Dynasty , and revealing its role and affect in Chinese-Japanese cultural exchange .

  26. 在现代史之前的超过一千年的时间,中日文化交流一直都是单向的,即中国向日本输出文化。

    In the modern history of more than a thousand years before the time , the Sino-Japanese cultural exchange has always been a one-way , that is China to the Japanese export culture .

  27. 福泽的中国文化一元论与日本文化二元论的中日文化比较论,确实对日本国民树立学习西洋文明的信心起到巨大鼓舞作用,也成为时至今日日本人对中国认识的思维范式,影响深远。

    The comparative theory between monism of Chinese culture and the dualism of Japanese culture encouraged Japanese to learn western civilization . It also set the profound thinking module of Japanese people toward China .

  28. 探讨中日文化差异,对于揭示中国近代化缓慢的原因将有所启示,这对于研究现代中国经济发展将有所裨益。

    Combined with difference in culture between China and Japan , author elucidates the reason for laggardly modernization in neoteric China in order to provide some useful suggestion for economic development in modern China .

  29. 一山在日本不仅弘扬佛法,而且还传播了宋学、文学及书画艺术,促进了中日文化交流。

    In Japan , Yishan not only carried forward Buddha dharma but also spread the study of Song Dynasty , literature and the art of painting and calligraphy to promote the interchange of the cultures between China and Japan .

  30. 由此证明:文化上的亲缘,共同的历史文化记忆,对于中日文化艺术的交流与发展,是一笔珍贵的资源。

    This indicates that the cultural affinity and the historical and cultural memory shared by both the Chinese and the Japanese are a source of treasure for the development of the cultural and artistic exchange between the two nations .