
  1. 黄山,中国的名片,我为她骄傲!

    I 'm proud of Yellow Mountain , the name card of China !

  2. 现在,博物馆已经成为中国的名片和民族骄傲的象征。

    Nowadays , the museum has become a calling card for China and symbol of national pride .

  3. 我准备做个采访,需要名片,在中国,名片正式问候时必备品。

    I had an interview lined up and I needed business cards -- essential for any formal greeting in China .

  4. 清朝宫廷御制瓷胎画珐琅作为彩瓷皇后,在世界制瓷史上有着至尊的地位,也是世界瓷器收藏界代表中国的一张名片。

    The qing court drive makes porcelain body painted enamel as queen " color porcelain ", porcelain making history has supreme status in the world , is also a business card to the world on behalf of the Chinese porcelain collectors .