
  1. 站在中国的立场上提出合理利用GATS局限性的现实态度。

    Putting forward the realistic attitude to reasonably use the defects of GATS on the ground of China .

  2. 但政府间气候变化问题小组(IntergovernmentalPanelonClimateChange,IPCC)最新报告的作者之一、荷兰环境评估局(PBLNetherlandsEnvironmentalAssessmentAgency)的德特勒夫•范维伦(DetlefvanVuuren)表示,中国的立场可以理解。

    China 's position is understandable , says Prof Detlef van Vuuren of the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency , who was also an author of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report .

  3. 这就是中国的立场和期待。

    This is the position and expectations of China .

  4. 中国的立场得到了许多国家的支持。

    Many countries have supported China 's position .

  5. 斯特朗:中国的立场在很大程度上受到了斯德哥尔摩的影响。

    Strong : I think the Chinese position was very much influenced by Stockholm .

  6. 世贸组织反倾销谈判及中国的立场

    WTO Anti-dumping Negotiation and China 's Standpoint

  7. 中国的立场得到了广大亚太国家的理解和支持。

    China 's position has won understanding and support from most of the Asian-Pacific countries .

  8. 迄今有多个迹象表明,中国的立场在发生转变。

    There have been numerous signs that the ground is indeed shifting on the Chinese side .

  9. 坚持一个中国的立场。

    To stick to one-China position .

  10. 在反对接受有约束力目标方面已有所松口的印度,应该向中国的立场靠拢。

    India , already softening its aversion to binding targets , should align its position with China 's.

  11. 新定义有如下理论特色:1.以中国的立场和观点来研究和表述一般外交学的普遍学理;

    The new definition has the following theoretical features : first-studying and expounding general diplomatic theories from China 's viewpoint ;

  12. 无论对政界人士和做多人民币远期合约的投资者来说多么令人困惑,中国的立场其实是完全合理的。

    However perplexing for politicians or investors who are long on renminbi forwards , China 's position is entirely reasonable .

  13. 这是一个各种趋势互相冲突的国家,但站在中国的立场意味着承认它正用中国特色定义自己的未来。

    It is a country of conflicting tendencies , but situating China means recognizing that it is defining its own future with Chinese characteristics .

  14. 梁光烈重申了中国的立场,即中国坚定支持印巴能够通过对话和合作,妥善解决他们的纠纷。

    He reiterated China 's position that it " firmly supports India and Pakistan to properly solve their disputes through dialogue and cooperation . "

  15. 他重申了中国的立场,因为发达国家应该在历史上为气候改变问题负责,并且应该比发展中国家做得更多。

    He restated China 's position that developed nations needed to do more than developing nations to fight climate change because they were historically responsible for the problem .

  16. 一个流行的说法是,一些议员在对上述双边贸易协定表示赞成并因此触怒拥护保护主义的选民后,感到必须支持汇率法案,以表明自己抨击中国的立场。

    One popular theory is that some lawmakers feel compelled to support the currency bill to establish China-bashing credentials , after provoking the wrath of protectionist voters by backing the bilateral deals .

  17. 站在中国的立场看,解决绿色壁垒问题的合理路径是构建绿色贸易法律制度,发展绿色贸易,从而超越绿色壁垒。

    From the standpoint of China , the most reasonable approach to solve green barriers problem is to build the green trade legal system and develop green trade so as to transcend green barriers .

  18. 他表示,中国的立场得到了部分发展中国家的支持和理解。但由于拥有大量投票权的少数发达国家和基金组织管理层的推动,《新决定》还是获得了通过。

    He said China 's stance received support and understanding from some developing countries , but , due to the push by a tiny number of developed countries with major voting power in the IMF , the decision still passed .

  19. 但他也强调了中国的立场,即发达国家必须在下周于哥本哈根召开的气候谈判中扮演领导角色,而且必须在资金和技术方面对中国这样的发展中国家给予支援,帮助它们解决全球变暖的问题。

    But he stressed China 's position that developed countries must lead the way in climate talks that start next week in Copenhagen , and must provide finance and technology to developing countries like China , to help them tackle global warming .

  20. 这不是一个试图达成某种单独协议的问题,而是使美国和中国的立场尽可能接近,从而让各国有机会在哥本哈根达成一个协定。

    It 's not an issue of trying to cut some separate deal , but there absolutely is an issue of trying to get us and China as aligned as possible so that we have a chance to get an agreement in Copenhagen .

  21. 警惕文化挑战中的文化侵略&21世纪中国教育的立场与使命

    On the Alert Against Cultural Invasion in Cultural Challenge

  22. 当代中国的文化立场&全球经济危机下中国文化发展战略笔谈

    China 's Cultural Standpoint under the Global Economic Crisis

  23. 中国的强硬立场是开场的布局,而非目标成果。

    Its tough stance is an opening gambit , not a target outcome .

  24. 从消极冷漠到积极支持&论1945-1949年斯大林对中国革命的立场和态度

    On the Attitude of Stalin towards Chinese Revolution 1945-1949

  25. 中国的强硬立场也将阻止出国旅游的复苏。

    China 's tough stance will also prevent any revival of travel to other countries .

  26. 被动等待是中国的默认立场,等着其他重要的参与者提出建议。

    Its default position is still to react , leaving other big players to take initiatives .

  27. 但是,单一的国家利益论或国际责任论都不能很好地解释中国的谈判立场及其变化。

    However , singal national interests or international obligations could not explain the negotiation positions of China and hers changes .

  28. 在很大程度上,正是由于中国的顽固立场,朝鲜本月基本上逃脱了联合国的谴责。

    Largely because of Chinese recalcitrance , North Korea was all-but let off the hook by the United Nations this month .

  29. 那么对这样一个一直无视中国一贯的立场,而且常常做出挑衅行为的客人,你们是否还会继续邀请他们来参加国庆大典?

    For a guest that constantly defies China 's position and makes provocative moves , will you continue to invite them to the celebration ceremony ?

  30. 要撼动中国根深蒂固的立场,唯一可能有效的政策就是编织一张多边协议的大网,既符合中国的利益,又能够约束中国。

    The only policy that could move China from its deeply entrenched positions would be to weave a web of multilateral arrangements into which China could fit , and by which China would be bound .