
  1. 电话黄页中姓范孔的可不多

    Not many Van Coons in the phone book .

  2. 周代政治中的族姓有别现象述论

    Clan Names in the Politics of the Zhou Dynasty

  3. 选择将姓名中的“姓”省略来表现某种身份的失落。

    The choice to drop the last names represents a sort of loss of identity .

  4. 理论家正用新的标准对这些交易进行检验,即一个行业“姓中,还是姓外”。

    The ideologues are applying a new litmus test for such deals whether an industry is " surnamed Chinese or surnamed foreign " .

  5. 另外还有一种方式,她们在工作中使用娘家姓,而在私人生活中使用夫姓。

    Another approach is for a woman to use her family name in her business life but her husband 's name in her personal life .

  6. 例如最终用户是否想在套用信函中用自己的姓?

    For example , do the end-users want to use the person 's first name in a form letter ?

  7. 在另一个事例中,一位姓蒋的男人在相亲中爱上一个女孩。

    In another case , a man surnamed Jiang fell in love with a girl during a matchmaking event .

  8. 首先,我们将姓名分为名、中名缩写和姓,并将它们放在一组。

    First , we will separate the name into first , middle initial , and last name , and group them together .

  9. 清单9提供一个如何根据用户提交信息创建用户名暗示的示例&本例中是名字和姓。

    Listing 9 provides an example of how to create user name suggestions based on user-submitted data & in this case , the first and last names .

  10. 因为宋朝的皇帝姓赵,所以“赵”成为《百家姓》中的第一个姓。据说,后面的姓也是按照当时的政治地位来安排的。

    It was said that the arrangement of the family names in the book is in a particular way , because they were related to the political status .

  11. 表格中会填充入从Derby示例数据库中查询得到的姓与名。

    The grid will fill with first and last names queried from the Derby sample database .