
  • 网络china port;chinese port
  1. 中国港口乘势领跑

    China Port Striding Forward

  2. 请告知贵方是否能供应这种产品,包括订货至交货之间的时间、包装、中国港口离岸价和芝加哥到岸价。

    Please advise if you are able to offer this product and include lead time , packaging and price FOB China port and CIF Chicago .

  3. 高盛(Goldman)估计,中国港口的铁矿石吞吐量已用满了90%。

    Goldman reckons 90 per cent of capacity in Chinese ports to hold iron ore is already full .

  4. ANZResearch在一份研究报告里称,新规定其实是对载重吨超过25万吨货轮不得停靠中国港口禁令的延续。

    In a research note , ANZ Research described the new rules as a ' continued ban ' on cargo receipts of any vessels carrying more than 250,000 dwt .

  5. 加入WTO后,中国港口业的垄断壁垒正逐渐消融,市场的日益开放带来了更多、更强的竞争对手和变幻莫测的竞争环境。

    Since China joined in WTO , the barrier of entry into port industry of china has been collapsing . A lot of powerful new competitors are attracted by the more and more open port market , making the business environment increasingly competitive .

  6. 这场瘟疫爆发始于中国港口,并不断扩散;

    The scourge had been spreading westward from China 's ports ;

  7. 在中国港口卸载一个集装箱的费用;

    Expenses to be paid at the port to release one container .

  8. 中国港口信息化30年辉煌建设及其展望

    30 Years Brilliant Construction of China Ports ' Informationization and the Outlook

  9. 中国港口投资经济环境与机遇分析

    Analysis on the Economic Environments and Opportunities for China 's Port Investment

  10. 面向21世纪的中国港口发展剖析

    Prospects of Port Development in China During the 21st Century

  11. 总结了新中国港口装卸机械生产制造的发展。

    The paper summarizes the development of port operation machinery of China .

  12. 中国港口民营化和规制改革研究

    The Study on Port Privatization and Regulatory Reform in China

  13. 在中国港口,一个中国工人在集装箱旁扫地。

    A worker sweeps near containers at a Chinese port .

  14. 中国港口民营化改革:进展、问题与对策

    Privatization of China 's Ports : Progress , Problems and Policy Alternatives

  15. 目前,中国港口正朝着“市场化、法制化”改革方向迈进。

    Now Chinese port reform direction strides forward towards market and legal system .

  16. 中国港口建设的现状和未来

    Port Development in China-at Present and in the Future

  17. 预计在中国港口排放压舱水情况。

    Best estimate of BW discharge in Chinese ports .

  18. 中国港口管理体制改革对港口影响的实证分析

    Empirical studies of effects on port of China 's port management system reform

  19. 东北亚国际物流系统发展趋势与中国港口战略

    Trend of Northeast Asia International Logistics System and the Strategy of China Ports

  20. 展望21世纪中国港口的环境保护事业

    Prospect of Enviromental Protection Undertaking of the Harbors in China in the 21st Century

  21. 同时本文也对中国港口的民营化提出了具体的策略,故通过民营化管理来促进中国港口业的发展是切实可行的。

    Therefore it is feasible to push Chinese ports development through port privatization management .

  22. 中国港口建设及技术发展

    Port Construction and Its Technical Development in China

  23. 中国港口口岸手续对于装卸时间起算的影响

    Chinese Port Formality and Laytime Commencing to Run

  24. 浅谈中国港口运营模式

    Talking About the Running Models of Chinese Ports

  25. 外资在中国港口登陆

    Foreign capital has landed on Chinese ports

  26. 中国港口综合竞争力排行榜报告

    Report on Competitiveness Ranking of Chinese Ports

  27. 中国港口类上市公司的融资决策选择&A公司的案例研究

    Financing Decisions of Chinese Public Trade Port Corporation : a Case Based on A Corporation

  28. 丁家龙是中国港口工程公司在这个西非国家的一家子公司的负责人。

    Ding Jialong heads a subsidiary of China Harbor Engineering Company in the West African country .

  29. 中国港口的挑战与机遇

    Chinese harbor challenge and opportunity

  30. 我们若不转向并驶往中国港口,他会开火。

    And he will fire if we don 't turn around and go to a Chinese port .