- 名Sino-French War

The Change of Modern Socio-economic of Yunnan after Sino-French War
The Outcome of the War between China and France
During the Sino_France War , Tang Jing_song 's activity ran through the whole process .
Appraise Tang Jing-song in the Sino-France War
Li Hong-Zhang and the Sino-French War
Some history scholars hold that France and Russia were allies against Germany around Sino-French War .
The dispute of Vietnam caused the Sino-French war of 1883-1885.This war effected Fujian and Taiwan .
On the Relationship between the War of China and France and the Separation of Taiwan from Fujian Province
Sino-Japanese War , Sino-French War , the Opium War , so that our " mother " gradually weakened .
LI Hong zhang 's Pragmatic Diplomacy in the Eve of the Sino-French War & Taking as An Example of LI Negotiations
After Sino-French wars , the Government of Qing Dynasty began to take it seriously that Taiwan was invaded too much .
In part two , the paper inquires into the process of development of modern Guangxi-Vietnam border trade after the sino-France War .
The Sino-French war is an important event in modern history of China , is also a major event for Sino-Vietnam relations .
However , the japanese attitude to korea changed quickly after the erupt of Sino-France War with trying to ruin The Sino-Korean suzerain-vassal state relationship further .
In modern China 's five times of fighting against foreigners'aggression , China-France War was the only one which China didn 't cede territories and pay reparations .
Secondly , the developing Guangxi cities played an important function in resisting France to invade in the pure government , keeping the stabilization of the southwest frontier .
During the Sino-France war , the minister of tax bureau of Chinese Customs took an active part in the negotiation between China and Fanceand played different roles at different stages .
Catholicism and Christianity were introduced into Guangxi very late due to all sorts of reasons . It was only after the China-France war that missionary schools were started in Guangxi .
This thesis outlines the public opinions of Shen Bao from 1872 to 1885 based on the all kinds of articles on the War and explores into the basic stance of this newspaper on the War .
On the eve of Anti-France War , China carried on negotiation with France on the Vietnamese , which is a period of strengthening political relation and communication in order to resist the western powers together .
British Mediation for several times in Sino-French War from 1883 to 1885 was done with the intention to solely control Sino-French negotiation , to maintain its advantageous position in China and the order co-controled by some imperialists .
After the Sino-French war , hold the port as dragon , phoenix tree , Yong , etc. , a large amount of foreign goods input the regional market of Guangxi , impel the forming of the modern new-type market system in Guangxi ;
A Preliminary Study of the Difference of Revolution in Modern China and France On the Relationship between the War of China and France and the Separation of Taiwan from Fujian Province