
  • 网络History of Chinese Literary Criticism
  1. 郑振铎为中国文学批评史研究作出了一定贡献。

    Zheng Zhenduo made some contributions to the studies of the history of Chinese literary criticism .

  2. 肇端既邃密后来加深沉&中国文学批评史学科70年回顾与展望

    A Review of 70 Years ' History of Chinese Literary Criticism and Prospects for the Future

  3. 中国文学批评史课堂教学及统编教材修订问题琐议

    The Comment on Class Teaching of Chinese Literature Criticism and Revise Question Edit Teaching Material

  4. 一直以来,《诗大序》以其丰厚的理论内涵在中国文学批评史上占据着重要的地位,在两千多年的儒家诗论史上起到了承上启下的作用。

    It takes up an important status in Chinese literary critical history for its abundant theory connotation .

  5. 这两个逻辑基点既形成了中国文学批评史的内在体系,也客观上制约了本学科的形态特征。

    They form the internal system of Chinese literary criticism and determine the formal characteristics of this discipline .

  6. 由此也就可以重新论定金圣叹在中国文学批评史中的地位。

    Therefore , the Jin 's status in the history of Chinese literature criticism can be newly oriented .

  7. 第一章描述了中国文学批评史学科建设的文化背景。

    The first chapter describes the culture background of the subject construction of the history of Chinese literary criticism .

  8. 书信体文论是中国文学批评史上一种重要的文论形式。

    Epistolary literal theory is an important form of literal theories in the history of literary criticism in China .

  9. 中国文学批评史上的文体研究由来已久,但研究的重点一直是文学文体。

    It has been a long time of the " literary style research " On the Chinese literary criticism history .

  10. 他的小说、戏曲批评理论研究拓宽了中国文学批评史研究的领域;

    His researches on novels , critical theories of plays broadened the research scope of the history of Chinese literary criticism .

  11. 曹丕《典论.论文》是中国文学批评史上的重要篇章。

    Cao Pi 's The standard discusses · Expounding the literature is the important sections and chapters in China literary criticism history .

  12. 刘勰的《文心雕龙》是在中国文学批评史上最杰出的文学批评著作之一。

    Dissertation Abstract Liu Xies Wenxindiaolong is one of the most prominent works of literary criticism in the history of Chinese literature .

  13. 来自西方的文学观念及其理论批评体系,是中国文学批评史学科建立的前提和依据。

    The discipline of the history of Chinese literary criticism was based on the Western literary conceptions and their systems of theoretical criticism .

  14. 《诗大序》是中国文学批评史上的一部重要文献。

    As an important document in the history of Chinese literary theory , the Great Preface to the Book of Odes arouses interest of American sinologists .

  15. 本论文的另一重要内容是对复旦大学中国文学批评史研究的学术传统和学术风格的讨论和剖析。

    Another main part of this thesis is the discussion and analysis on the learned tradition and style of Fudan University 's research in this field .

  16. 在中国文学批评史上占有重要地位的《文心雕龙》也体现出了鲜明的诗性特征。

    Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature , which occupies an important position in the history of Chinese literary criticism , also embodies the clear-cut poetic feature .

  17. 《文心雕龙》作为中国文学批评史上理论体系最为周全详赡的理论专著,对后世产生了极为深远的影响。

    Wenxin Diaolong , or Literary Perfection , as the most overall and detailed theoretical system in Chinas history of literature criticism , has been giving profound influences for generations .

  18. 要:《文赋》是中国文学批评史上第一篇完整而系统的文学理论论文。

    Wen Fu is the first complete and systematic theoretic work in the history of Chinese literary criticism , which is focused on a series of theoretic matters about literary creation .

  19. 他的小说、戏曲藏书为研究提供了新资料,他的小说、戏曲批评理论研究拓宽了中国文学批评史研究的领域。

    His collection of books provides new data for the research . His research on novels , critical theories of plays broadened the research scope of the history of Chinese literary criticism .

  20. 作为研究对象,中国文学批评史研究的是中国古代文学理论批评,因此对于西方来说,它是缺席;

    The object of studying on the history of Chinese literary criticism is the criticism about Chinese ancient literary theory , and therefore it is absent from the western point of view .

  21. 中国文学批评史研究的开端是随着20世纪初文学观念的净化、中国文学史的撰写、批评意识的觉醒而展开的。

    In the early 20th century , researches on history of Chinese literary criticism began with the purification of literature , writing of Chinese history of literature and awakening of criticism consciousness .

  22. 此两方面的探讨,能使人们更加深入地认识到金圣叹在中国文学批评史、尤其是通俗文学批评史上的重要地位。

    The discussion of the two questions lead people to a further understanding of Jin ′ simportant position in the history of Chinese literature criticism , especially in the history of popular literature criticism .

  23. 面对中国文学批评史研究出现的迟滞沉闷局面,有必要从研究主体角度,提出当代意识的植入问题。

    Confronted with the stagnancy in the study of the history of Chinese literary criticism , it is necessary to put forward the issue of the introduction of contemporary consciousness from the perspective of research subject .

  24. 摘要在中国文学批评史上“兴”是一个非常重要的概念,它的产生与中国古代的天人合一思想密切相关。

    " Xing ", which intently relates to the thought of man 's imitation of nature in Chinese ancient tine , is a very important conception in the history of appreciation and comment of Chinese literature .

  25. 但具有现代学科意义的中国文学批评史研究,却兴起于西方文化涌入中国和中国文化急剧蜕变的二、三十年代。

    The studies on the history of Chinese literary criticism in modern sense , sprung up in the twentieth to thirtieth of the twenties century when the western culture was entering China in succession and Chinese culture was altering sharply .

  26. 文章认为,中国文学批评史的课堂教学应强化史的意识和史论结合意识,适当融入文人心态内容;

    It is considered that the consciousness of history and of combination of history and comment should be intensified in the class teaching of Chinese Literature criticism , properly adding the content of the literator 's psychology in the article ;

  27. 本文追溯了70年来,中国文学批评史学科研究的发展轨迹,就几种《批评史》代表著作的得失,给予尽量客观的评价。

    This paper traces the development of studies in the history of Chinese literary criticism in the past 70 years and tries its best to give an objective evaluation of the merits and demerits of representative works of Critical Hisory .

  28. 传统目录学里对古代文学批评学术理念的逐步深化和细密是现代形态的中国文学批评史得以建立的重要基础。

    The learning ideology of classical Chinese literary criticism was gradually getting deeper and more precious in traditional science of catalogue , which is an important basis on which the history of Chinese literal criticism in its modern form can be founded .

  29. 第一个专题的历史时期虽然定于20世纪初,却因文学批评史观念的引进实在是中国文学批评史学科创立的导线,初定了此后该学科研究的基调,所以专列一章。

    Although Chapter 1 focuses on the studies done at the beginning of the 20th century , it is linked to the whole century . The introduction of the idea " history of literary criticism " into China actually triggered its establishment as an academic branch in the Chinese Department .

  30. 李长之是中国现代文学批评史上一位非常有特色的批评家。

    Li Changzhi is a very distinctive critic in the history of Chinese modern literary criticism .