
  • 网络China A Macro History
  1. 2009年6月10日,海口骑楼历史街区入选文化部、国家文物局支持评选的中国十大历史名街。

    June 10 , 2009 , Haikou arcade historic district selected to be one of the " Top Ten historic street " . Ministry of Culture and National Heritage Board support the selection .

  2. 并试图以此探寻上世纪80年代以来两岸三地电影逐渐汇流的精神根源以及上海电影传统作为中国电影大历史叙事的核心价值的历史文化依据。

    Moreover , the paper also aims to explore the spiritual source of the gradual converge of the three regions and the history and cultural reasons for the focus value of Shanghai cinema tradition in the study of the Chinese cinema history .

  3. 半殖民地半封建的社会形态、错综复杂的阶级结构和阶级关系、20世纪中国的两大历史主题等也是制约中国社会发展的重要因素。

    The form of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society , the complicated class formation and class relationship and the two historical themes of China in the 20th century were the important factors restricting the social development of China .

  4. 争取民族独立,加快社会发展,是近代以来中国面临的两大历史课题。

    Since modern times , the two major tasks confronting China are to strive for national independence and to speed up social development .

  5. 中国西部大开发作为历史性的壮举,重在要有创新思路及观念的大转变。

    Exploitation of west China is a historical feat , we must have innovational mind and break away from outdated traditional modes of thought .

  6. 在中国社会大转型的历史背景下,谣言有助于民众缓解焦虑、获得认知。

    In fact , they are essential for Chinese people , who are witnessing a great social transition , to ease nervous and achieve cognition .

  7. 关于世界交往与世界历史关系,吴于廑先生在《中国大百科全书·外国历史卷》的世界历史辞条中作了较为详尽的总体上的表述。

    Mr. Wu yu-jin discussed the connections between the world communication and the world history in the volume of Foreign History of the Encyclopedia of China .

  8. 在21世纪初期,国内和国际形势更加复杂多变,中国面临的三大历史任务中,完成祖国统一更具紧迫性。

    In the 21st century , more complex domestic and international situation , China faces three major tasks , complete reunification of the motherland is more urgent .

  9. 清代家具的发展处于中国封建社会的最后一个王朝,处于中国自然经济逐步解体的年代,处于西方政治经济文化大肆影响中国的大历史背景下,属于中国传统家具的后期发展阶段。

    After a prosperous development in Ming Dynasty , traditional Chinese furniture stepped into its latter stage in Qing Dynasty , the last period of Chinese feudal society when the self-sufficient economy started collapsing whereas western influences on Chinese politics , economy and culture deepened .