
  • 网络China Internet;Chinanet
  1. 据中国互联网中心的信息显示,截至2016年12月底,中国的青少年网民数量约为1.7亿。

    Information from China Internet Center shows that the number of teenage Internet users in China had been about 170 million by the end of December , 2016 .

  2. 根据研究机构“中国互联网观察”(ChinaInternetWatch),今年中国零售电商市场预计将达到9110亿美元,2018年或将达到1.57万亿美元。

    The retail e-commerce market is projected to reach to $ 911bn this year and could reach $ 1.57tn in 2018 , according to China Internet Watch , a research group .

  3. 周五公布的一份关于中国互联网发展的报告指出,截至2019年6月中国网民数量达到8.54亿,互联网普及率达到61.2%。

    The number of internet users in China had hit 854 million as of June 2019 , with the internet availability rate reaching 61.2 percent , according to a report on China 's internet development released Friday .

  4. IP地址短缺成为中国互联网发展的一个障碍。

    The lack of IP has become a bottleneck for Internet development in China .

  5. 中国互联网协会(internetsocietyofchina)负责人5月表示,实行“实名制”的条件“还不成熟”。

    The head of the Internet Society of China said in May the conditions for a " real-name system " were " not yet mature " .

  6. 特别是其它中国互联网公司,它们期望借此为自身的IPO或并购提供价格指引。

    Particularly other Chinese Internet companies looking for price guidance on their own IPO or MA aspirations .

  7. 特别是中国互联网企业的发展,一直采用复制(Copy)欧美企业模式的方式,很多企业在复制中失败。

    Especially the development of Chinese Internet enterprise , they always copy European and American enterprise mode , but many of them failed in replication .

  8. 中国互联网集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和腾讯(Tencent)搁置了彼此间的激烈竞争,合并了各自旗下广受欢迎的打车软件。

    Chinese internet groups Alibaba and Tencent have put aside fierce rivalry to merge their popular taxi-hailing applications .

  9. 作为中国互联网公司日益强大的标志,阿里巴巴上市时就超过了美国社交媒体巨头Facebook的上市市值。

    In a sign of the growing power of Chinese Internet companies , the listing surpassed the offering of Facebook , the American social media giant .

  10. 华纳音乐集团(WarnerMusicGroup)和中国互联网集团腾讯(Tencent)签署了一份分销协议。全球第三大唱片公司正在探索向中国扩张的新途径。

    Warner Music Group has signed a distribution agreement with Chinese internet conglomerate Tencent , as the world 's third-biggest record company experiments with new ways to expand in China .

  11. 腾讯公司董事长兼CEO马化腾在第三届世界互联网大会上对媒体表示,中国互联网行业的发展具有明显的中国特色。

    Pony Ma , chairman and CEO of Tencent Holdings Ltd , said to media during the third WIC that Chinese internet industry 's development has distinct Chinese characteristics .

  12. 阿里巴巴于2003年创建淘宝网(Taobao),进入消费者电商业务,当时正值中国互联网用户人数迅速增长之际。

    Alibaba created Taobao in 2003 to enter a consumer e-commerce business , as China 's Internet-user population was growing rapidly .

  13. 这家中国互联网巨头在其申请上市的文件中将上述问题列为风险因素。阿里巴巴IPO预期将是历史上规模最大的IPO之一。

    The Chinese Internet giant mentioned the issue as a risk factor in its filing for what 's anticipated to be one of the largest initial public offerings in history .

  14. 谷歌向中国互联网用户提供的不只是搜索服务,另外还有地图等服务,它同移动运营商也展开了合作,推出安装其Android操作系统的手机。

    Google also offers other products for Chinese Internet users besides search , like maps , and has partnerships with wireless companies to offer phones based on its Android operating system .

  15. 华尔街正热切关注着中国互联网零售商阿里巴巴集团本周末的首次公开募股(IPO),预计它将成为有史以来规模最大的IPO之一。

    Wall Street is eagerly watching what is expected to be one of the largest initial public offering in history : the offering of the Chinese Internet retailer Alibaba at the end of this week .

  16. 股价上涨——得益于雅虎所持中国互联网公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba)股份的大幅升值——无法掩盖其根本业务的萎靡不振。

    A rising share price - the product of dramatic growth in the value of Yahoo 's stake in the Chinese internet firm Alibaba - cannot conceal the malaise afflicting the underlying business .

  17. 对于一直离场观望的投资者而言,全球科技股的回调提供了一次重新评估市场现状的机会,但对于正准备进行IPO的中国互联网公司公司来说很可能不是好消息。

    The global tech correction is a welcome return to reality for investors who have been sitting on the sidelines , but probably not for the other Chinese Internet wunderkinder lining up to the IPO plate .

  18. 3Q大战被称为中国互联网业界有史以来最大的战争。

    So far , " Star Wars " 3Q has become the biggest war in Chinese Internet industry .

  19. 然而,至少就目前来看,BAT已经成为了中国互联网行业的核心,而中国的互联网行业已经开始与美国相匹敌,基本上形成了一种中美双头垄断的格局。

    However , for the time being at least , BAT has become the nucleus of an internet industry that is starting to rival the US , creating what is essentially a US-China duopoly .

  20. 李开复表示,百度、腾讯(Tencent)和阿里巴巴(Alibaba)等中国互联网公司很可能保持各自在中国市场的压倒地位,而它们的美国竞争对手则被有关中国的种种疑虑所牵制。

    Mr Lee said Chinese internet companies such as Baidu , Tencent and Alibaba were likely to retain their stranglehold on the Chinese market as misgivings about China held their American rivals back .

  21. 中国互联网三巨头的本土身份具有极大优势:国际竞争对手基本上被排除在外,三巨头的成功至少部分归因于没有面临Facebook、Twitter和谷歌等的竞争。

    Calling China home offers the BAT companies a huge advantage : international competitors are largely locked out and the trio owe at least part of their success to the absence of the likes of Facebook , Twitter and Google .

  22. Weibo一种名为“翻跟头亲亲”的现象正风靡中国互联网,甚至促使中国公安部治安管理局发微博警告中国运动神经并不发达的动作模仿者。

    A viral phenomenon dubbed the ' somersault kiss ' is sweeping the Chinese Internet , prompting the nation 's public security bureau to intercede on behalf of the country 's not-so-acrobatic enthusiasts .

  23. 为了实现这一点,它们正学着爱上中国互联网三巨头——人称BAT的阿里巴巴、互联网搜索公司百度(Baidu)、以及社交媒体及游戏公司腾讯(Tencent)。

    To do this they are learning to love China 's internet conglomerates , informally known as BAT - Baidu , the search company , Alibaba and Tencent , the social media and gaming company .

  24. 该公司表示,预计将在未来6个月内完成在纳斯达克(nasdaq)的首次公开发行按照这一时间安排,该公司将成为首家公开上市的中国互联网视频网站。

    The company said it expected to complete the IPO on the NASDAQ Exchange within the next six months a schedule that would make it the first Chinese Internet video site to go public .

  25. 在2005年显示的一种可能是新反舰巡航导弹(ASCM)试射图片被经由中国互联网释放。

    A photograph showing the test launch of a possible new anti-ship cruise missile ( ASCM ) was released via the Chinese internet in2005 .

  26. 中国互联网三巨头之一的腾讯公司就是一个很好的例子。腾讯的发展始自即时通讯产品QQ,可以说是雅虎通和MSN等软件使用的系统的翻版。

    For example , Tencent , one of Chinas three Internet juggernauts , started with an instant-messaging product named QQ , which was a replica of the same system on which Yahoo Messenger and MSN Messenger were based .

  27. 身为中国互联网游戏先驱的一对亿万富豪夫妇向加州理工学院(Caltech)捐赠1.15亿美元用于大脑研究,目的是帮助人类接受死亡。

    A billionaire couple who pioneered internet games in China are donating $ 115m to the California Institute of Technology for brain research in an effort to help humans accept mortality .

  28. 在第十届中国互联网大会上,业内人士和相关领域专家一致认为,LBS将成为移动互联网时代整个行业应用的标配,且最有可能成为第一个百亿规模的3G移动互联网应用。

    On the 10th conference on Internet , professionals and experts from related fields have concurred that LBS will be a standard application in the mobile internet industry . Moreover , it is most likely to be the first application with a 10-billion market scale .

  29. 根据中国互联网信息中心(CNNIC)的数据,智能手机已经超过台式电脑成为大多数中国人接入互联网的主要手段。

    Smartphones have overtaken desktop computers as the primary means of accessing the Internet for most Chinese , according to data from the China Internet Network Information Center ( CNNIC ) .

  30. 去年,一个由中国互联网公司组成的反盗版组织向中国法院对优酷网提起了数起诉讼,其中一起诉讼指控可口可乐(Coca-ColaCo.)的一则广告在优酷网上播出时伴有优酷网没有授权的中国电视节目的片段。

    Last year , an antipiracy group of Chinese Internet companies filed a number of lawsuits against Youku in Chinese courts , including one that alleged that a Coca-Cola Co. ad had run on Youku accompanying a clip from a Chinese TV show that Youku hadn 't licensed .