
zhōnɡ jiè xiào yìnɡ
  • mesomeric effect
  1. 通过中介效应分析,发现父亲拒绝否认和母亲情感温暖通过自我表露程度间接影响孤独感。

    By means of analysis of mesomeric effect , it can be found that fatherly denial and motherly emotional warmth have indirect effects on loneliness through the degree of self-disclosure .

  2. 回归分析发现,贫困大学生就业压力、应对方式对心理健康有良好的预测作用;路径分析和中介效应检验发现,应对方式可以作为就业压力影响心理健康的中介变量。

    The result of regression analysis showed that employment stress , coping style were good predictors of mental health ; path analysis and mesomeric effect examination showed that coping styles can be regarded as the mediator of employment stress to mental health . 6 .

  3. 采用SPSS依次对所得数据进行差异性检验、相关性分析、回归分析和中介效应检验。

    The resulting sequence data using SPSS to test for differences , correlation analysis , regression analysis and mediating effect test .

  4. 本研究运用中介效应,对高技术服务业FDI对东道国制造业效率的影响路径进行实证分析,弥补了FDI行业间溢出效应研究的不足和缺憾。

    With mediation effect method , This study makes empirical analysis on the effects of high technology service industry FDI on manufacturing efficiency in host country .

  5. 其次,探讨企业员工组织信任的中介效应。

    Secondly , the mediating effect of organizational trust was studied .

  6. 所以,自尊具有完全中介效应。

    Therefore , the self-esteem has the role of complete intermediary .

  7. 职业倦怠在工作压力与健康功能间的中介效应

    Mediating Effect of Job Burnout between Work Stress and Health Function

  8. 营销创新对市场导向和营销绩效间关系的中介效应研究

    Research on Medi-Effect of Marketing Innovation between Market Orientation and Marketing Performance

  9. 友谊在活跃退缩行为和孤独感之间的中介效应是显著的。

    Friendship had a mediator effect between active isolation behavior and loneliness .

  10. 家庭功能对青少年疏离感的影响:有调节的中介效应

    Effect of Family Functioning on Adolescents ' Alienation : Moderated Mediating Effect

  11. 竞争性联盟内生合作效应的中介效应分析

    The mediation effects of endogenous cooperative effects for competitive alliances

  12. 顾客价值在顾客参与和顾客满意关系中的中介效应研究

    The Mediating Effect of Customer Value on Customer Participation towards Customer Satisfaction

  13. 实验结果表明,汉语词汇识别中存在语音中介效应。

    These results suggest that phonological mediation effects exist in Chinese word identification .

  14. 对变量的中介效应以及调节效应进行检验和分析。

    On the intermediary effect and moderating effect of variable analysis and examination .

  15. 内部创业环境中介效应的理论与实证研究

    A Theoretical and Empirical Research on the Mediating Effect of Internal Entrepreneurial Environment

  16. 学习策略在动机和英语成绩间的中介效应分析

    The Mediating Role of English Learning Strategy Between Learning Motivation and English Achievement

  17. 时间管理倾向在学习自我效能感和学业拖延之间起中介效应。

    Time management disposition has mediating effects between academic procrastination and academic self-efficiency .

  18. 调节效应与中介效应的比较和应用

    A comparison of moderator and mediator and their applications

  19. 战略实施与企业绩效:项目管理机制的中介效应

    Strategy Implementation and Company Performance : The Mediating Effect of Project Management Mechanisms

  20. 组织认同在心理资本和周边绩效之间起到部分中介效应。

    Organizational identification plays a partial mediating effect between psychological capital and contextual performance .

  21. 知识管理在信息技术和组织绩效之间存在中介效应;

    There was a mediate effect of KM between IT skills and organizational performances .

  22. 情绪在运动影响大学生心理健康中的中介效应

    Intermediary Effect of Mood in Effects of Sport on University Students ' Mental Health

  23. 性别与工作-家庭冲突的中介效应研究

    The Mediating Effect Between Gender and Work-Family Conflict

  24. 边界对跨边界经济合作的影响可以概括为屏蔽效应和中介效应。

    The impacts of border to transborder economic cooperation include shield effects and agency effects .

  25. 中介效应检验表明,自我效能感在内控性对抑郁倾向的作用中起完全中介作用。

    Self-efficacy plays a completely mediating role in the relation between internal control and depression .

  26. 中介效应检验程序及其应用

    Testing and application of the mediating effects

  27. 城市化、技术创新与经济增长&基于创新中介效应的实证研究

    Urbanization , Technology Innovation and Economic Growth

  28. 管理信念对企业绩效的影响&基于劳动关系和谐度的中介效应

    Effect of Manager 's Belief on Enterprise Performance : Mediating Role of Harmonious Labor Relations

  29. 提出并验证了企业客户知识管理企业客户响应能力企业绩效,这一具有中介效应的模型结构。

    Proposed and verified the model of customer knowledge management customer response capacity organizational performance .

  30. 述情障碍和无聊倾向性在神经质与焦虑、抑郁之间的中介效应

    Mediating Effects of Alexithymia and Boredom Proneness on the Links between Neuroticism , Anxiety and Depression