- 名religious name of a Buddhist/Taoist monk/nun

[name in religion of a Buddhist priest] 即法号,指出家当僧尼或道士另起的名字
The sort method is then called to sort the method names according to their default ordering .
Because there is really no dharma called the Bodhisattva ( stage ) .
The attached calligraphy is for you ; it exponds on the meaning of your Dharma name .
To browse this page or related information , please enter your Dharma name and related password .
It happened that Guru was granting refuge ceremony to some people so I tagged along and received a dearly loved dharma name .
He also went by Wen Tao , Guang Hou , and Shu Tong , but was most commonly known by his Buddhist name , Hong Yi .
Mostly skinny children under the age of ten , the inductees are ushered in to prostrate themselves before the abbot , while he scribbles down their new monastic names .
They shared common faith in the " Mizong School " of Buddhism with admiration for Molichitsian Bodhisattva , and both of them had a religious name as " Fushan " .
Amazon declined to comment , saying it 's only renting the space to Minrevi to promote the service , which offers only for monk delivery and a separate 20000-yen ( $ 170 ) charge for a posthumous Buddhist title , not funeral packages .