
  1. 榆次平川区生态经济园林村规划模式初探&东阳镇德音生态经济园林村规划

    A Preliminary Probe of Eco economic gardening village Planning Patterns in Flat Land Yuci City

  2. 分析结果证明,在东阳镇和城区,大气汞的空间分布都存在着半方差结构。

    The analysis results prove that the space distributes of the atmospheric concentration of Hg in Dongyang town and main city zone of Beibei possess semi-variogram structure .

  3. 以浙江省东阳市横店镇可持续发展实验区为个案,深入探讨地方政府与地方可持续发展的关系。

    This paper explore , the role of local governments in sustainable development based on a case from Hengdian Town Sustainable Development Experimental District .