
dōnɡ bù
  • east
  • eastern
东部 [dōng bù]
  • [east;eastern] 一定地域中靠东的部分

  1. 我出生在东部,但现住在旧金山。

    I was born in the East , but now live in San Francisco .

  2. 她送儿子上了东部的一所寄宿学校。

    She sent her son to a boarding school in the East

  3. 政府已经开始沿东部边境修筑防御工事。

    The government has started building fortifications along its eastern border .

  4. 在大西洋东部,一场热带风暴的风力正逐渐增强。

    A tropical storm is gaining strength in the eastern Atlantic .

  5. 繁荣的西部和贫穷的东部之间的差距仍然存在。

    The division between the prosperous west and the impoverished east remains .

  6. 一支小分队开进了东部郊区向飞机场挺进。

    One detachment pushed into the eastern suburbs towards the airfield

  7. 真正的危险是该国东部地区的民众动乱。

    The real danger is civil unrest in the east of the country

  8. 位于东部的国家机构迫切需要革新和添置新设备。

    National institutes in the east are sorely in need of renovation and modern equipment

  9. 罗茜的丈夫现在远在东部。

    Rosie 's husband was now out East .

  10. 发生在孟加拉湾的飓风正威胁着印度东部各邦。

    A cyclone in the Bay of Bengal is threatening the eastern Indian states .

  11. 政府正试图将更多的公共基金从西部转到东部。

    The government is trying to divert more public funds from west to east .

  12. 巨额私人资本将投入东部处境困难的一些行业。

    Huge sums of private capital will be ploughed into the ailing industries of the east

  13. 你经常回东部吗?

    Do you get back East much ?

  14. 我在得克萨斯州东部长大。

    I was reared in east Texas .

  15. 据说他们控制了该国东部和南部的大片地区。

    They are said to control large parts of the east and south of the country .

  16. 英格兰东部因大量使用化肥导致土壤硝酸盐浓度过高。

    High levels of nitrate occur in eastern England because of the heavy use of fertilizers .

  17. 在肯尼亚东部的塔纳河一带经常发现陷入沼泽的大象。

    Elephants were often to be found in swamp in eastern Kenya around the Tana River .

  18. 该岛北部和东部的冲突是一场你死我活的斗争。

    The conflict in the North and East of the island was a fight to the finish .

  19. 我出生在沃思堡,但由于常搬家,所以我是在得克萨斯州的东部长大的。

    I was born in Fort Worth but we moved around a lot and I was reared in east Texas

  20. 双方都表示想努力为处于战乱中的该岛北部和东部地区寻求政治解决方案。

    Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island .

  21. 事实上,人们有些过于恐慌。如地图所示,干旱仅限于英国的南部和东部地区。

    In fact , the panic is overdone . As the map shows , the drought has been confined to the south and east of Britain .

  22. 我国东部跟朝鲜接壤,跟日本邻近。

    In the east , our country adjoins Korea and is close to Japan .

  23. 1875年,来自东部的拓荒者在这个地区定居下来。

    Pioneers from the East settled in this region in1875 .

  24. 中国东部与朝鲜接壤,同日本邻近。

    In the east , china adjoins DPRK and is close to japan .

  25. 英格兰东部的河流都流入北海。

    All the rivers on the east side of England empty into the North sea .

  26. 现在,东部和南部的许多地方的降雨量比一百年前增加了。

    Much of the East and South now get more rain than a century ago .

  27. 英国东部所有的河水都注入北海。

    All the rivers on the east side of England drain into the North sea .

  28. 不过,未来在东部城市的公共场所叫卖报纸应该会成为司空见惯的事情。

    However , within a few years , street sales of newspapers would be common place in eastern cities .

  29. 北卡罗来纳州劳恩代尔市的道恩·洛金斯(DawnLoggins)即将前往美国东部八所世界著名大学之一的哈佛大学。

    Dawn Loggins of Lawndale , N.C. is on her way to Harvard , one of the eight world-famous universities in the eastern US .

  30. 另一个著名的城市,威尼斯,位于米兰的东部。

    Another famous city , Venice , is to the east of Milan .