
dōng xī fāng guān xi
  • East-West relationship
东西方关系[dōng xī fāng guān xi]
  1. 传统意义上的东西方关系退出历史舞台。

    The traditional East-West relationship has stepped down from the stage of history .

  2. 东西方关系的逐步改善。

    The gradual improvement of relations between East and west .

  3. 对东西方关系也产生了负面影响。

    And it brought negative impact on the East-West relation .

  4. 这种恐惧正使东西方关系恶化。

    This fear is causing East-West relations to deteriorate .

  5. 他们试图寻找一种更为圆通明智的处理东西方关系的方式。

    They 're trying to find a more sophisticated approach to East-West relations .

  6. 可能破坏东西方关系的危险。

    The risk of rupturing East-West relations .

  7. 但在俄罗斯吞并克里米亚之后,迅速恶化的东西方关系推迟了预期中的协定签署。

    But the deep freeze in East-West relations after Russia 's annexation of Crimea delayed the expected signing .

  8. 反抗霸权话语的他者声音:论黄哲伦《蝴蝶君》对传统东西方关系的颠覆

    The Other Voice Resisting the Hegemonic Discourse : Subversion to the Traditional East-West Relations in David Henry Hwang 's M.Butterfly

  9. 越南战争之外再加上一个中东危机或许会毁掉脆弱的东西方关系。

    To add a Middle East crisis to the war in Vietnam might shred the gossamer fabric of East-West relations .

  10. 赛义德受葛兰西文化领导权理论的很大启发,把这一理论扩大运用到西方对东方的关系上,指出当今东西方关系很大程度上表现为西方对东方的文化霸权。

    Edward W. Said , inspired by this theory , thinks that the contemporary relations between the East and the West represent this sort of cultural hegemony .

  11. 韩国的北方外交政策是韩国政府在世界局势逐渐缓和,东西方关系开始改善的情况下实施的。

    The Northern Policy of South Korea was carried out in a situation of the relaxing of situation in the world and the melioration of the relations of the East and the West .

  12. 20世纪70年代,西方阵营和东方阵营内跨国公司都获得了发展,并使相互割裂的两大阵营经济联系日益紧密,经济联系带来的客观效果使东西方关系走向缓和。

    1970s , the Western camp and the camp of the East have been the development of transnational corporations and mutual separates the camps increasingly close links , the objective effect of economic ties with the East-West relations eased .

  13. 1947年6月马歇尔计划出台以后,冷战气氛日益增长,12月伦敦四国外长会议的破裂使东西方关系进一步恶化;

    The Cold War atmosphere was increasing rapidly since June 1947 , when the " Marshall Plan " was brought forward , and the breakdown of Foreign Ministers Conference in London in December 1947 undermined the East-West relation seriously ;

  14. 后现代主义者的文化不可通约论是错误的,全球化时代的东西方关系必须首先承认差异与同一的辩证关系,才可以进行文化对话。

    As Aristotle says , the humanity has the same base of thinking and psychology . In my opinion , we must admit the dialectical relation between difference and identity first , and then carry out the cultural dialogue .

  15. 本论文致力于表述麦尔维尔对于美国对外扩张特别是文化扩张的负面影响的关注,对于被扭曲表现的东方的态度,以及对东西方关系的探寻。

    This thesis aims at demonstrating Melville 's concern for the negative impact of American expansion , especially cultural expansion , for the distorted picture of the east and for the relation between the Orient and the Occident in his works .

  16. 这种贸易关系促进了葡荷两国东方商业利益的发展,揭示了中外贸易关系对早期东西方关系的极端重要性,也反映了澳门港在中外贸易关系中的独特作用。

    This trade relation inspired the development of the oriental commercial profit of the Portuguese and the Dutch , which reflects the great importance of Sino-foreign trade relation to early east and west relation , and reflects the peculiar function of Macao Port in Sino-foreign trade relation .

  17. 他看到东西方之间关系的紧张不断加剧。

    He saw the tension between East and West steadily grow .

  18. 轴心时代东西方人伦关系的特点及现代启示

    Features and Inspiration of the Human Relations in the Axis Time ; Look on the Brighter Side

  19. 结论部分,总结全文,突显东西方文化关系问题的困境。

    In the conclusion , it reviewed the text , and the relationship between eastern and western culture has been highlighted .

  20. 翻译,尤其是文学翻译一方面要受制于这一虚构的神话,另一方面又强化了不平等的东西方文化关系,这为后殖民时代的文学翻译提出了新的思考和挑战。

    The whole process of translation , especially literary translation is inevitably manipulated by this discourse , and it also reinforces the unequal cultural relationship between Orient and Occident . This is a question that translators in postcolonial era must consider and resolve .

  21. 试论东西方经济学的关系及其意义

    On The Relation and Sence Between The East and West Economics

  22. 全球化背景下东西方体育文化关系的审视

    Scrutiny of Relationship between Eastern and Western Sports Cultures under Globalized Background

  23. 冷战结束后,东西方之间的关系逐渐解冻。

    After the Cold War , the relations between the East and West was gradually icing out .

  24. 《蝴蝶君》是对东西方话语权力关系的一次颠覆。

    M.Butterfly subverts the traditional opposition of West and East that continues to structure the Western gaze .

  25. 赛义德将东方主义发展的轨迹和东西方之间的关系作了深刻的分析,指出学者与作家们在建构与强化东方主义中做出了贡献。

    Edward Said , after tracing the development of orientalism , revealed that intellectuals and writers have contributed a lot to the construction and consolidation of orientalism .

  26. 我今天演讲的主题就是就是东西方之间的关系,能够而且必须修复——通过流行文化。

    And my thesis statement for today 's talk is that the relationship between the east and west , needs to be , and can be fixed via pop culture .

  27. 论宗教与东西方体育形成的关系

    On the Relationship between Religion and the Formation of Oriental and Western Sports

  28. 我呼吁的行动是建立和保护东西方之间的室友关系,珍惜它,拥有它。

    My call to action is this build and protect that roommate relationship between the East and West . Value this relationship and take ownership of it .

  29. 2006年诺贝尔文学奖得主土耳其作家奥尔罕·帕慕克的小说创作致力于表现东西方文化之间的关系,以土耳其的历史和现实为创作蓝本,展现了在现代社会不同文化之间的碰撞。

    The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2006 was awarded to the Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk , whose novels are dedicated to show the relationship between East-West cultures and to reveal a clash of cultures of modern society with a focus on the history and reality of Turkey .