
  • 网络Tokyo City
  1. 这些树需要更新换代。东京市政府曾做过尝试,却遭到当地居民的抵制。

    They need to be replaced and the Tokyo city government has tried to do that , but they have met resistance from local residents .

  2. 比如说,如果你在东京市想找位于第20街区的一个饭店,那你只要拿着地图找到标着20号的那个地方就可以了。

    For instance , if the restaurant you 're looking for in Tokyo City is located at Block 20 , then all you need to do is get a map and look for the area that has the number 20 on it and voila , you just found your destination .

  3. 走出位于东京市千代田区的东京站(TokyoStation),我转回身去,抬头望向它那壮观的砖石外墙。

    I walked out of Tokyo Station , the big commuter hub in the city 's Chiyoda district , and turned to look up at its gorgeous brick facade .

  4. 由东京市江户川区的灭火器工厂开始。

    Begins at a fire extinguisher plant in edogawa , tokyo .

  5. 纽约股市和东京市今天上午交易量不大。

    Trading has been slow on the New York and Tokyo markets this morning .

  6. 在东京市政府总部,地震警报响起,工人们跑步到庇护场所;

    Earthquake alarms ring at Tokyo 's metropolitan government headquarters , sending workers running for cover .

  7. 经济学家认为:辐射恐慌降低了消费者信心并且蔓延到了福岛核电站向南250千米的东京市。

    Economists say fears of radiation dampen consumer confidence and extend as far south as Tokyo , which is 250km from the Fukushima plant .

  8. 至于南相马市,那里的居民受够了为几乎没有为他们带来利益的核电站造成的核事故买单——毕竟那个核电站几乎把所有的电力都供给了东京市。

    As for Minamisoma , its residents are fed up with paying the price for a nuclear accident at a plant that brought them little benefit - after all , it sent nearly all its electricity to Tokyo .

  9. 因公众假日原因,亚洲规模最大的东京市场休市。

    Stock markets in Tokyo , Asia 's biggest market , were closed for a public holiday .

  10. 据媒体报道及一名官员介绍,由于近期油价飙升,位于东京附近横滨市的一所学校决定明年一月份取消两天的伙食供应。

    A school in Yokohama near Tokyo has decided to cancel school dinners for two days in January on account of the recent spike in oil prices , media reports and an official said .

  11. 在另一个案例中,一名在东京市郊三鹰市的化妆品公司工作的26岁女子表示,她收到了一封电子邮件,里面规定了自己和其他22名女员工结婚和生育的时间表。

    In another case , a 26-year-old working at a cosmetics company in the Tokyo suburb of Mitaka said she was sent an email mapping out the marriage and birthing schedule for herself and 22 female colleagues .

  12. 巴西奥运代表团下榻酒店内多人感染一名市政府官员称,东京西南部滨松市的一家酒店内7名员工新冠病毒检测结果呈阳性。

    Seven staff at the hotel in Hamamatsu , located southwest of Tokyo , had tested positive for the coronavirus , a city official said .

  13. 万幸的是,东京股市将休市到周五,利用这个空隙,索尼管理层现在应敛心静思一番。

    With Tokyo markets ( mercifully ) closed until Friday , management should now take a step back .

  14. 这张大白鲸的滑稽照片是圣诞节当天拍摄于日本东京东部鸭川市的鸭川海底世界。

    These amazing photograph of her underwater antics were taken at Kamogawa Sea World in Kamogawa , east of Tokyo , in Japan , on Christmas Day .

  15. 基于信息熵的基本原理,计算了东京23区以及市部和岛部的信息熵和均衡度,分析了其土地利用与产业发展的关系。

    The information entropy value ( H-value ) and equilibrium extent of 23 ku and all shi with other rural areas in Tokyo is calculated in the paper . We concern the relationship between urban land-use and industry development .