
  • 网络northeast forest region
  1. GIS在东北林区社会经济发展中的应用研究

    Application of GIS in the Social and Economic Development of the Northeast Forest Region

  2. 本文在GIS的基础上,探讨了在东北林区社会经济发展中的应用。

    On the basis of GIS , this paper probes into the GIS application in the social and economic development of the Northeast Forest Region .

  3. 中国东北林区棕色针叶林土壤和暗棕壤的N养分差异性

    Comparison of Nitrogen Nutrient in Brown Coniferous Forest Soil and Dark Brown Forest Soil in Northeastern China

  4. 吉林及辽宁东部地区植被NPP变化率随时间增加显著;A2、B2情景降水单独变化下,东北林区植被NPP将减少。

    The change rate of NPP of forest vegetation will increase significantly over time in the eastern of Jilin and Liaoning ; Under the rainfall change alone in A2 and B2 scenarios , the NPP of forest vegetation in Northeast forest will decrease . 3 .

  5. 中国东北林区草地的合理经营与利用

    Management and utilization of grasslands in forest zone of Northeast China

  6. 东北林区天然混交林单木生长模型的研究

    Individual Tree Growth Models of Natural Mixed Forest in Northern China

  7. 对东北林区商品林持续经营发展趋势的探讨

    Study on the Sustainable Development Operations Trend of Northeast Commercial Forest

  8. 东北林区自然保护区管理有效性初步评估

    Preliminary Assessment on Management Effectiveness of Protected Area in Northeast China

  9. 东北林区4种主要森林类型直径结构的比较研究

    Comparison of Diameter Structure of Four Forest Types in Jilin Province

  10. 东北林区化学除草问题的探讨

    Research on the chemical weeding in the forest area of north-east China

  11. 土壤植物群落分布区红叶李节肢动物群落动态及药剂对群落的扰动东北林区落叶松人工林群落演替趋势

    Succession Trend of Larch Plantation Communities in Forest Regions of Northeast China

  12. 我国东北林区蜱中伯氏疏螺旋体的分离及分型鉴定

    Genotyping of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato isolated from Northeastern Forest Areas of China

  13. 东北林区现有林分类经营的类型划分

    Type Division of Northeast Present Forest classification Management

  14. 东北林区退耕还林工程中存在技术问题浅析

    Analysis on Problem of Returning Cultivated Land to Forests Project in Northeast Forest Area

  15. 中国东北林区的苔藓群落类型与分布规律

    Classification and distribution of the moss plants communities in forest region of north-eastern China

  16. 浅谈我国东北林区苗圃机械化现状和发展方向

    Preliminary Discussion on Situation and Developing Direction of Nursery Mechanization in Northeast of China

  17. 并从生境、种类组成及演替等方面论述了东北林区草地的主要特征。

    The characteristics of the environment , composition and dynamics of the grassland was discussed .

  18. 东北林区森林资源可持续特征模型研究

    Study on North-east forest resource sustainable model

  19. 在东北林区使用多年,受到普遍欢迎。

    This type saw chain has been used widely for many years in the Northeast China .

  20. 东北林区天然混交林的随机生长与演替模拟系统研究

    Study on Growth and Succession Imitate System of Natural Mixture Forest in Northeast Wood 's Area

  21. 东北林区患病率为1%~4%。

    Prevalence rate of Lyme disease in forest region of northeast China was 1 % - 4 % .

  22. 我国东北林区卵孢白僵菌应用现状与发展前景

    The current situation and prospect of the application of Beauveria tenella in the northeast forest region in China

  23. 把握形势促进发展&兼论东北林区的改革与发展

    Grasping the Situation , Promoting the Development & On the Reform and the Development of Northeast Forest Region Concurrently

  24. 泥炭是重要的生物能源之一,在东北林区储量较大,为解决林区能源的短缺,节约木材,保持生态平衡,开发与利用泥炭具有非常重要的价值。

    Peat , a sort of bioenergy , is a kind of important energy substance and deposits quite much in Northeast Forest Areas .

  25. 水曲柳是我国东北林区的珍贵阔叶树种之一,由于长期的不合理采伐,这一资源已近枯竭。

    Fraxinus mandshurica is one of the valuable broadleaved trees in the northeast forest region , because of long-term unreasonable cutting , the resources of Fraxinus mandshurica are drying up .

  26. 在东北林区,由于气温低、冬季时间长,凋落物的分解及有机物的矿化过程较为缓慢,林地氮、磷营养常常成为落叶松生长的限制因子。

    However , the growth of larch is often limited by nitrogen and phosphorus shortage because slow decomposition rate of litter results by low temperature and long winter in boreal forest .

  27. 通过实际调查,在阐述东北林区发生的一桩林业刑事案件的基础上,从事实认定、案件定性和适用法律等角度对案件进行了评析。

    The author analyzed the case from the angle of the fact recognize , the case qualitative and the law affordable after thoroughly investigated on a criminal case happened in northeast forest region .

  28. 为适应林火动态和可燃物的变化,我国东北林区森林防火政策需要作相应调整,采用林火管理思想开展森林防火工作。

    In order to adapt the change of fire regime and fuel , we have to adjust the fire strategies in northeastern China and practice the fire management theory for future fire prevention .

  29. 结果表明:①不同透光抚育强度对东北林区栽针保阔红松林群落树种组成结构具有影响。

    The results showed that : ① The different crown thinning intensity had influence on trees composition structure of " Planting conifer and conserving broad-leaved " Korean pine forest in forest region northeast China .

  30. 针对东北林区大量生长的落叶松、白松、桦木小径木,从制材方式及干燥工艺等方面进行了大量的试验研究,并进行了批量生产试验。

    A great deal of test on lumbering mode and drying method on basis of larch , white pine and birch growed in the northeast forest area were made , and the batch process test was carried out .