
zhuān tí
  • special subject;special topic
专题 [zhuān tí]
  • [special subject;special topic] 特定的专项论题

  • 专题报告会

专题[zhuān tí]
  1. 探讨了中国古典戏曲小说文献专题多媒体WEB数据库建设的必要性和技术要点。

    This article has discussed the necessity and the technical main points of multimedia WEB database 's construction of literature of Chinese classical dramatic special subject .

  2. 利用Agent技术中的多Agent设计思想以及MSAgent技术来完善当前专题学习网站是本文研究的主要目的。

    It is main purpose of thesis research to use MAS designing idea and MS Agent technology in Agent technology to consummate special subject learning website currently .

  3. 专题小组将就最近发行的录像提出他们的意见。

    The panel will give their verdict on the latest video releases .

  4. 最后一学期的时间将全部用于专题研究。

    The final term will be devoted to project work .

  5. 这些书籍已按专题进行了分类。

    The books have been grouped thematically .

  6. 你这篇专题文章的可取之处是简明扼要地道出了取得的成就。

    Your feature has the merit of simply stating what has been achieved .

  7. 在就医学研究专题讨论一天后,会议接下来的主题集中在教学实践上。

    Following a day of medical research , the conference focused on educational practices .

  8. 我们高兴地看到《星期天时报》发表了有关乳腺癌的长篇专题文章。

    We are delighted to see the Sunday Times running a long feature on breast cancer .

  9. 关于女王的电视专题片《伊丽莎白女王》创下了收视纪录。

    ' Elizabeth R ' , a TV portrait of the Queen , had record viewing figures .

  10. 即使不在其研究专题范围之内,人们也可以列席会议。

    People can sit in on meetings , even if it 's not really in their subject area .

  11. 乐曲的音量减弱了,专题新闻广播开始了。

    The music faded down and a special news broadcast began .

  12. 该杂志下周将发表一篇关于环境的专题文章。

    The magazine will be running a special feature on environment next week .

  13. 电台在专题新闻广播之后重新逐渐增强了乐曲的音量。

    The radio station faded the music up again after the special news broadcast .

  14. 我的学生们真的全身心地投入了这种专题导向的学习活动。

    My students really got their teeth into this project-based learning activity .

  15. 他通宵埋头苦干以便做完专题研究

    He plodded away all night at his project to get it finished .

  16. 金融服务专题展外国参展方数量增�2020年服贸会金融服务专题展有43家外国金融机构参展,今年的外国参展商数量增加了16家。

    The CIFTIS hosted 43 foreign financial institutions at the financial services exhibition in 2020 , and this year saw the addition of 16 more .

  17. 专题式Web信息检索系统的设计与实现

    Subject Web information retrieval system design and Implemention

  18. GIS中统计专题图数据模型的设计与实现

    Designing and Realization of Statistical Thematic Map 's Data Model in GIS

  19. 第二阶段会议的主题是对MM实验进行专题讨论。

    Secondly , the theme of seminar was to discuss about MM experiment .

  20. 基于MapX+VISUALBASIC的专题地理信息系统二次开发&以开发海洋功能区划管理信息系统为例

    Secondary Development of Thematic GIS Based on MapX + Visual Basic & Taking the Development of a Marine Function Zoning MIS as an Example

  21. 基于MapInfo的土地利用现状专题地图的制作

    Making of Thematic Map of Map info-based Land Use Status

  22. 专题学习网站是基于Internet环境下,围绕某一专题进行较为广泛深入研究的资源学习型网站。

    Based on internet , it 's reserve-typed studying net station to make wide and profound researches on a certain special item .

  23. 该软件可以在网络环境下,和用户基于VB等开发语言开发出的产品融合在专题地理信息系统之中,用来显示专题地图,供决策需要。

    In network , the GIS software may work accompanying to the program developed by the users showing the map .

  24. 第65届美国糖尿病学会(ADA)年会专题报道青少年超重与肥胖的研究进展

    Advances in overweight and obesity in youth

  25. 随着我国计算机的普及使用和Internet网络建设的迅速发展,开发建设基于Internet的多媒体学习资源和专题学习网站具有重大意义。

    With the popularity of computers and the fast development of internet construction , it is of great importance to build multimedia studying resources based on internet and the net station for special item studies .

  26. 利用TRS全文检索系统建设专题数据库的研究和实践

    Study and Practice in Building Special-Topics of Database on TRS

  27. ISO提供标准文件的新机制&国际专题组协议(IWA)

    A New Mechanism for ISO 's Providing Standard Documents : The International Workshop Agreement ( IWA )

  28. 但在专题图自动化方面,以GIS为基础的制图系统仍有一定的不足,尤其是在专题图式、符号自动化方面仍需要人机交互来完成。

    But in the aspects of Thematic mapping automation , mapping system based on GIS still has many limitations , Particularly the Thematic map type and sign automation need manual disposal to be realized .

  29. 论专题数据库建设基于TPI的农机产品与技术专题数据库建设

    The Construction of Data Base on Special Topics Building of Database of Special Topics in University Library

  30. 利用CBERS-1卫星数据进行盐碱地专题信息提取研究

    Using the CBERS-1 satellite data to study the thematic information extraction of saline Dryland