
zhuān yǒu jì shù
  • know-how;proprietary technology
专有技术[zhuān yǒu jì shù]
  1. 苹果(Apple)iPhone搭载的系统采用专有技术,攻破难度更大。

    Apple 's iPhones use proprietary technology which is more difficult to breach .

  2. 如果采用专有技术,也许为了解决可伸缩性或弹性需求,可以添加服务网关组件以提供Web服务连接性。

    If a proprietary technology is adopted , perhaps in order to address scalability or resilience requirements , a Service Gateway component could be added to provide web services connectivity .

  3. IBM提供带有特定于行业的框架、最佳实践和专有技术的IndustrySolutionOfferings。

    IBM offers Industry Solution Offerings with Industry specific frameworks , best practices , and expertise .

  4. 答案很简单:坚持采用专有技术的服务提供商必须同意支持SimpleCloud等标准化项目。

    The answer is simple : Service providers who are stuck on proprietary technologies must agree to support standardization initiatives such as Simple Cloud .

  5. 本文以我国专有技术型小企业公司C的战略设计为例,试图为我国专有技术型小企业的竞争战略提供一种设计思路。

    Based on the formulating of the strategy of Company C , this paper tries to provide a method of formulating strategy for the know-how small business .

  6. 通过专有技术制备纳米蜂胶颗粒(NPP)。

    Namometer propolis pellets ( NPP ) were made by special technology .

  7. SOA解决方案提倡使用开放标准,然而当集成应用程序时,在某些地方还是需要使用专有技术。

    SOA approach advocates the use of open standards , while not ruling out proprietary technologies where they are appropriate , when integrating applications .

  8. 这不是SOA的专有技术,但是用于支持SOA与来自SOA良好软件工程实践规则的技术能够使该技术在SOA中更加轻松地得以实现。

    This is not unique to a SOA but the technology used to enable a SOA along with the discipline that comes from SOA 's good software engineering practices make it easier in a SOA .

  9. BluePages是IBM中流量最大的应用程序,每天处理数百万条员工请求,向员工提供联系信息和专有技术。

    It is the most highly trafficked application in IBM , serving millions of requests per day by employees looking for contact information and expertise .

  10. 在采购那些在过去的某一时期从欧洲,美国,日本或其他国家进口的工业设备的备件时,OCTOPUS的专有技术将会发挥有效的作用。

    OCTOPUS have a unique know-how in the procurement of spare parts , for industrial plants , which were originally imported from Europe , America or Japan .

  11. PK型环链电动葫芦是我厂从原德国曼内斯曼·德马格公司引进专有技术制造的新一代的产品,具有当代世界先进水平。在国际市场上享有盛誉。

    Type PK Electric Chain Hoist is manufactured after importing the know-how from Mannesmann Demag demag Company in Germany , which enjoys high prestige in the world market .

  12. 现在虽然有NP一类专有技术平台可以满足报文深度过滤的要求,但是由于其移植性差,价格昂贵等原因一般客户是无法接受的。

    Although NP is a class of proprietary technology platform , deep packet filtering to meet the requirements , but because of its portability is poor , expensive and other reasons the customer is generally not acceptable .

  13. DK800系列玻璃转子流量计是引进德国KROHNE公司专有技术和设备制造的产品。

    DK800 float-type flowmeter is manufactured by technique and equipment of KROHNE .

  14. QVM是我们的专有技术,人工智能算法检测恶意软件,通过机器学习的能力,以表彰新形式的恶意软件。

    QVM is our proprietary technology that detects malware through an artificial-intelligence algorithm capable of machine learning to recognize new forms of malware .

  15. SNEC(中国石化集团宁波工程有限公司)公司是一家组建不久的以设计和专有技术为龙头、以工程项目总承包(EPC)为核心业务具有总承包资质的大型工程公司。

    SNEC ( SINOPEC Ningbo Engineering Co. , Ltd ) is a newly established large engineering company with EPC contracting qualification , which is leading with engineering design and proprietary technologies and EPC is core activities .

  16. 不过,随着非关系型数据库(NoSQL)和Hadoop的出现,莱曼说,“我们看到使用者中出现了有创新之举的推动者。非关系型数据库和Hadoop技术并不真正属于专有技术之外的其他选择。”

    With the advent of NoSQL databases and Hadoop , however , " we saw innovation among the primary drivers of adoption and use , " Lyman said . " When it comes to NoSQL or Hadoop technology , there is not really a proprietary alternative . "

  17. 该公司一直从事铅锌矿山地质勘探、采选生产、冶炼加工,有自主研发的“GYQC”锌湿法冶炼专有技术。

    The company engages in lead-zinc mine geological exploration , mining and beneficiation production and metallurgical processing , it has independently researched and developed zinc hydrometallurgy proprietary technology " GYQC " .

  18. 体育专有技术及其法律保护

    Study on the Peculiar Technique in Sports and Its Legal Protection

  19. 这个价不仅包括专有技术,还包括专利。

    The price includes the know-how and the patent as well .

  20. 专有技术的保护:法律性保护、体制性保护、契约性保护、升级性保护。

    Protection : legal , system , contractual and upgrading protection .

  21. 已申报集团公司专有技术。

    This technology has applied a patent of the group .

  22. 拥有专有技术,并在快速增长的市场中具有强大的竞争力

    Proprietary technology with a competitive edge in substantial growth markets

  23. 提供在中国境内使用的专利权、专有技术、商标权、著作权等而取得的使用费;

    Rentals on property leased to and used by lessees in China ;

  24. 为了验证专有技术的正确性和可靠性

    In order to verify the correctness and reliability of Know-how

  25. 被许可方有权对本专有技术予以改进。

    Licensee shall be entitled to make improvement on know-how .

  26. 引进的专有技术要有助于提高我们产品的质量。

    The import know-how should help improve the quality of our products .

  27. 论专有技术出资的法律问题

    Studies on the Legal Problems of Capital Contribution of Know-How

  28. 所谓先进技术,我方指的是工业产权和专有技术。

    By advanced technology , we mean both industrial property and know-how .

  29. 专有技术的开发:有目的、有计划制定开发战略目标、路径、开发团队。

    Development : establish strategic objective , way and team for development .

  30. 基于粗糙集理论的专有技术价值评估模型研究

    A Study on the Know-How Value Assessment Model Based on Rough Set Theory