- Specialized;【航天】special way

SCM Agreement , the abbreviated form of Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures , fights and restricts the specialized subsidies , it has binding forces on all members of WTO .
Chapter three is the legal research of specificity standards .
My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end .
On the Specificity St and ards in the Subsidy and Anti - subsidy Norms
Microfinance refers to the consistent services of small credit exclusively offered to low-income groups .
So Henry turned his attention elsewhere .
These works can play a directive role when we do specific research on some mode .
2.3 Any subsidy falling under the provisions of Article 3 shall be deemed to be specific .
Turn and face the rear of the horse , with your left hand holding the lead rope .
Generally speaking , land-use rights in industrial parks authorized by central and local governments are not regionally specific ;
Actionable subsides are based on the definition of a subsidy under Agreement on SCM , specificity is their primary characteristic .
Microenvironments appear important in stem cell lineage specification but can be difficult to adequately characterize or control with soft tissues .
Combined with the specific standard analysis discussed before , illustrate the present situation of Chinese subsidy policy and existing problems .
2.4 Any determination of specificity under the provisions of this Article shall be clearly substantiated on the basis of positive evidence .
Its characteristics lie in its specificity , i.e. the subsidy given to specific enterprises are to be recognized by this agreement .
Patrons can crack into a chocolate terracotta warrior or a cheesecake that pays homage to the Chinese flag ( both signature desserts ) .
Specificity of Subsidy : Standards and Comments & Application of Specificity Test in the CVD Investigations by United States on the Products from China
2.2 A subsidy which is limited to certain enterprises located within a designated geographical region within the jurisdiction of the granting authority shall be specific .
Especially the local government subsidies , it is easier to affirm the subject of subsidy , financial contribution and specificity , compared to the central government .
Besides preface and epilogue , the text is divided into the following four chapters : Chapter 1 : The summary of the standards of the subsidies and countervailing .
China currently has no countervailing practice experience on other countries , the related provisions of specificity standard is mainly reflected in the anti-subsidy laws , but they are not complete .
" We also need to strengthen supervision of academic projects review and intensify the audit of funds allocated for scientific projects to guarantee the proper use of the funds ," it said .
It , as a filter to affirm subsidies , plays a vital role in subsidies and countervailing , and utilizing it can filter and screen the subsidies to exclude legal and rational behavior of government subsidies .
As far as the enemy is concerned , he is afraid to advance into our base area , but the main danger in his eyes is a Red Army that has driven into the White area .
First this article discussed the subsidy systems that are not in accordance with specificity test , which our country ought to reform as soon as possible , so that we can keep in a favorable position in international trade disputes .
In recent years , from the practice of Panel , we find the main elements of the consistence of subsidy including the followings : the way of subsidy , the direct influence of subsidy , export performance , specificity and industry prejudice .