
  • 网络Professional points;specialties
  1. 在我国高校中,三分之一以上的英语专业点是在理工院校设置的。

    Over one third of the English specialties in China 's institutions of higher learning are established in universities of science and technology .

  2. 不过,我们现在还是专业点。

    But , uh , for now let 's just keep it professional .

  3. 请专业点并管理你的时间使得在上别的课时也能准时交作业。

    Please be professional and manage your time so that you can be punctual in this as well as other classes .

  4. 它正在成为越来越普遍,很多学生的拼写不认为是很好的英语专业点的掌握他们。

    It is becoming increasingly common that lots of students do not think spelling is the major point of mastering good English .

  5. 如果我们能试着专业点就会很好,我们应该把重点放在眼前的问题上

    Itd be great if we can all try and be professional about this – let 's focus on the issue at hand

  6. 10没人愿意雇用一个机器人是的,当你申请工作时要专业点,但要做自己。

    10 Nobody wants to hire a robot Yes , be professional when you 're applying for jobs , but be yourself .

  7. 拜托他能不能表现的更专业点,这样做显然不是寻求交易的好方法。

    From here on out , I expect Ronnie to be a professional * ( This ) isn 't the best way to get a trade done .

  8. 我有过很多次不愉快的合作经历,但你还是得接受,表现得专业点。

    I 've been on plenty of sets where I have not liked the people that I work with , but you suck it up and be professional .

  9. 而学位授权学科、专业点的评估又是学位与研究生教育评估的重要内容,是促进各学位授予单位加强学科点建设,提高学位授予质量的有力保障。

    In the evaluation of ADGE , evaluation of authorized disciplines and specialities conferring an academic degree is the most important , which can accelerate the authorized units conferring an academic degree to strengthen its discipline construction and improve quality of the conferring academic degrees .

  10. 我是指比较专业一点的服装。

    I 'm just saying maybe wear something a little more professional .

  11. 回想起来,当初选择这个专业有点草率。

    In retrospect , it was somewhat hasty to choose this major .

  12. 高校图书馆情报学专业硕士点调查分析

    Investigation on Information Science Master Post of University Library

  13. 相信我,如果你真打算做点邮件营销,那就专业一点。

    Trust me , if you 're going do email marketing-go with the pros .

  14. 对那家伙来说太专业了点。

    A little too professional for this bozo .

  15. 农业机械化工程专业硕士点的学科建设与研究生培养工作探讨

    Discussions on the Program for Training Master Candidates in Agricultural Mechanization Engineering and Its Execution

  16. 我国地质类专业办学点和人才供求状况分析

    Analysis about the School Points of Geology Major and the Relationship between the Supply and Demand of Talents

  17. 我的工作需要的是多样性,让我专业一点的是挑战。

    What I need in my job is a bit of variety , something to get my teeth into ? a challenge .

  18. 从不可替代的专业立足点来看,教育理论及实践能力和音乐学科知识及能力二者学术水平的同步提高是确立音乐教师专业化水平最为重要的方面。

    Viewed from the professional and non-substitutive angle , the most essential competencies are knowledge and skills in both education and music .

  19. 对于个体的偶,因此,也从没在非专业购物点采购过东东,一是怕麻烦多,而是怕不专业。

    Even for the individual , never shopping in the procurement of non-professional stuff too , because too much trouble , and not professional .

  20. 21世纪初,领导教育学专业博士点的设置,标志着领导教育学作为一门学科的诞生。

    At the beginning of 21st century , the professional establishment of doctoral empowerment of leadership pedagogy indicated the birth of leadership pedagogy as a discipline .

  21. 本文总结采矿工程专业硕士点十多年来硕士生培养过程中,深化改革,加强学科建设,全面提高硕士生质量的体会和经验。

    This paper summarizes 10 - year experiences in the education of Masters of mining engineering , discussing how to deepen reform , strengthen mining Subject constraction and enhance the Master 's overall quality .

  22. 因此,它的基本含义是一个人对自己的爱和兴趣,说的更专业一点,就是力比多投注到自我的结果。

    So , basically it is the love and interest that a person can have for himself or , a little more technically , the result of the influx of the libido on the Ego .

  23. 第三,运用数据统计分析的方法,对我国教育经济管理专业博士点、硕士点的时间分布空间分布以及专业研究方向情况进行描述。

    In addition , we depicted the issues of units granting doctorates and master programs of educational economic and management discipline from the aspects of time and regional distribution as well as research direction , by using statistics .

  24. 没人想作壁上观,他们每场都想踢,但你现在知道自己是球队的一部分,这些日子得专业一点。

    Nobody likes to be rested , they want to play in every game , but you do realise now that it 's part and parcel of being at United , and really of being a professional these days .

  25. 关于如何办好我院安全工程专业的几点思考

    Thoughts on Undertaking the Safety Engineering Specialty of our Institute

  26. 创办汽车服务工程专业的几点设想

    On Setting up the Specialty of Automobile Service Engineering

  27. 试论高职高专烹饪专业教学莱点筛选

    On the Selecting of the Dishes in Cuisine Major Teaching in High Professional Education

  28. 我国国际经贸人才市场透析&兼论国际经济与贸易专业市场立足点

    On the Standing Place the International Economic and Trade Discipline Should Have and the Professional Market

  29. 建筑教育应十分重视建筑师的职业素质培养&高职院校开办建筑设计专业的一点思考

    Cultivation of the Professional Quality of Architects & On Architecture Design Major 's Set-up in Professional Colleges

  30. 关于高职院校开设游戏专业的几点思考关于高校旅游专业本科课程设置的几个问题

    Some Considerations about the Game Speciality Offering in Professional Colleges and Universities Some Issues on the Undergraduate 's Courses Offering of Tourism Speciality in the Universities