- 网络OPACITY;semantic opacity

About 45 per cent of the European market is synthetic and the Bank of England has warned that their complexity and opacity poses a systemic risk .
Matrix ( 8K ) & The vertical scrolling effect is created by moving a series of rectangles across the text with different timing properties and varying the opacity .
But , as the European Central Bank recently observed in a fascinating report , regulators are finding it tough to assess whether the net risks are being handled sensibly , since there is a paucity of detailed counterparty data .
That feature is inherent in most of what banks do , but the opacity and complexity of credit derivatives especially mortgage-related securities such as collateralised debt obligations let deception , overpricing and ultimately fraud flourish .
As the sun sinks over the horizon , animateColor is used to change the sky 's color , and the moon and the stars fade in by animating their opacity .
Some cases of r-suffixation in Chinese involve phonological opacity .
Markets no longer reward instruments for complexity and opacity .
Some of the opacity in the sector is clearing .
The professors concluded that ratings inflation corresponded not to opacity , but revenue .
Indications of interest merely increase their opacity .
Another problem was at play : the extraordinary complexity and opacity of modern finance .
Its advantage lies in its adequate capability of interpreting phonological opacity , especially multiple opacity .
Blur again , and drop the layer 's opacity if the shadows seem too harsh .
This trend for the hedge-fund industry to abandon its opacity will accelerate over the coming year .
The reshuffle left observers confused over the strategy , underscoring the opaque nature of China 's state enterprises .
But that brings us back to the excessive cleverness ( and opacity ) that we hope to avoid .
The offshore secrecy system has been a main element of the opacity that has undermined corporate and financial regulation .
Start by applying the same gradient map as before using a soft light blending mode at 50 per cent opacity .
Modern concept of human resource management has some contradicts against Chinese traditional culture that derives non-transparency from its non-principal-part and conservation .
This opacity presents challenges for law enforcement officials , who say billions of dollars in suspicious money move through shell companies each year .
And art language in design expresses " emotion " and makes the design semantic in a form of density , thickness , non-transparency , imagination and illegibility .
Ultrasonic measurement has broad applications in food industries both in process control and product assessment for its particular advantages of rapid , nondestructive , noninvasive and inexpensive .
As one-to-one contracts , information opacity is a fatal problem in OTC financial Derivatives trading , which is also the main source of the related transaction exposure .
But the opacity of the data means that the magnitude of a real shift in exports away from cheap processing operations for manufacturers is hard to pin down .
However , the opacity of the metal mould and the high metal pressure during casting make the mould filling process very hard to be directly and visually evaluated .
However , the opacity of the non-profit foundations for operation makes their stakeholders difficult to have access to their information and hard to carry out their supervision over it .
The so-called botnet scheme , which hijacked 120,000 residential PCs in the US and cost advertisers millions of dollars a month , highlights the increasing complexity and opacity of online advertising .
In the past few months it has become increasingly difficult to sell securitised bonds , because investors have panicked about the opacity and complexity of these instruments and in effect gone on strike .
There is concern about the growing influence of China and part of that reflects the opaqueness of the system here , says a diplomat . There are no public statements about the relationship .
Opacity of purpose where , even if given the algorithm and data payload for any given node , it is not possible for an observer to deduce what the system as a whole is doing