
  • 网络Unsafe condition;unsafe state
  1. 许多机械事故都与设备的不安全状态和出现故障有关。

    Many mechanic accidents are related to the unsafe state and fault of equipment .

  2. 事故致因因素包括能量物质或载体、物的不安全状态和人的不安全行为、管理因素三个层面。

    Accident-causing factors include energy material or carrier , unsafe state of thing and unsafe behavior of person , and management aspect .

  3. 因此,提出了一种基于有色Petri网的安全协议分析验证方法,该方法分为4个步骤:建立安全协议的Petri模型,建立入侵模型,找出不安全状态,验证不安全状态的可达性。

    Thus , this thesis proposes a Petri net-based method to analyze and verify security protocols . There are 4 steps : describe the protocol in a colored Petri net form , describe the intruder model , find the insecure states and verify the reachability of the insecure states .

  4. 关中渭河盆地已严重超载,处于不安全状态;

    Weihe basin overloading seriously and in an unsafety state ;

  5. 家具机械加工事故中机的不安全状态分析

    Analysis of Unsafe Condition of Machines in Accidents Caused by Furniture Manufacturing Equipment

  6. 要解决生产中物的不安全状态,就必须保证机械设备、原材料的质量可靠性。

    To avoid unsafe physical condition , quality reliability of machinery equipment and raw materials must be guaranteed .

  7. 结果表明:秭归县生态安全综合值为0.48,处于不安全状态。

    The results showed that the comprehensive index of ecological security of Zigui County was0.48 , indicating a insecure state .

  8. 本文阐述了建设工程施工中人的行为与安全事故,物质、环境的不安全状态等内容。

    This paper describes the relationship between construction of human behavior and security incidents , physical , environmental insecurity , etc.

  9. 但常规的方法是把地基假定为刚性计算,忽略了结构&土之间的共同作用,使上部结构的实际内力往往与常规设计理论有较大差距,甚至出现不安全状态。

    By traditional design , soil is defined as rigidity calculation , neglecting the interaction of superstructure and pile-soil , resulting in great difference .

  10. 因此,开发出能实时监视驾驶员驾驶行为和疲劳状态,并在任何不安全状态下能对驾驶员进行预警的系统,对减少人员伤亡和经济损失,具有至关重要的意义。

    Therefore , the development of real-time monitoring of driving behavior and driver fatigue warning systems are essential to reduce casualties and economic losses .

  11. 研究结论认为,区域内土地生态安全有所改善,但仍处于较不安全状态。

    The research conclusion was that the land ecological security in the region had been improved , but still was at not the secure state .

  12. 由于核扩散,目前出现了这样一些核国家:它们长期处于不安全状态,国内政治动荡,对外关系紧张。

    As a result of proliferation , there are now nuclear states marked by chronic insecurity , with tumultuous internal politics and fraught external relations .

  13. 建立了刀具流状态演变模型,给出了刀具流死锁状态及无死锁不安全状态的定义。

    The evolving model of tools flow state is built up , and the states of tools flow deadlock and tools flow deadlock-free unsafe are defined .

  14. 攻击图是一种简洁的表现形式,它表现了一个系统中所有结束于一个不安全状态的路径,一个入侵者可以通过这些路径实现他的目标。

    An attack graph is a succinct representation of all paths through a system that end in a state where an intruder has successfully achieved his goal .

  15. 按现行规范的要求,6根立柱岩体都处于不安全状态,必须对9,10,12窟立柱进行加固整治。

    According to the criterion , all the six columns are in state of danger , and the grotto 9 , 10 , 12 should all be reinforced .

  16. 1990~2003年生态足迹压力指数由0.7334增加到1.7406,增长幅度巨大,从临界安全状态到不安全状态。

    The ecological pressure index of the period 1990-2003 increases from 0.83 to 1.74 , and the growth scope is huge from critical safe state to not safe state .

  17. 单纯由不安全状态和不安全行为引起的伤亡事故分别为23.3%和32.6%,二者皆有的占44.1%。

    Occupational injuries were caused only by no safety condition were 23 . 3 % and 32 . 6 % by no safety behavior , 44 . 1 % by both .

  18. 在得出我国木材产业处于不安全状态的结论后,就如何提高木材产业安全进行了国内和国际策略设计。

    After getting the conclusion of unsafe status of China 's timber industry , this paper lastly designs domestic and international strategies on how to improve safety of China 's timber industry .

  19. 这就使得现有的抗震设计谱无法全面的反映地震动以及结构在地震作用下的特性,使许多建筑物和构筑物可能处于不安全状态。

    In this situation , current seismic design spectra cannot fully reflect the characteristics of the ground motions and the structures under near-fault seismic action , which may lead to many structures involved in the status of insecurity .

  20. 根据协议的描述定义状态空间,建立以攻击者为核心的验证模型,使用搜索算法检测是否存在攻击者能完成攻击的不安全状态。

    First , a state space is defined according to the protocol specification , then a verification model under the control of the intruder is established and an exploring algorithm is applied to determine if any insecure states exist .

  21. 钢筋混凝土房屋在使用过程中常常会由于设计或施工中的缺陷、建筑物使用功能的改变、实际负荷的增加或外界环境对结构的腐蚀等因素而处于不安全状态。

    Reinforced Concrete Buildings often in the state of insecurity because of some factors , such as defects of design or construction 、 the changes of use functional in the building 、 the actual increased loads or the external environment of structural factors such as corrosion .

  22. 该模型不但隐含了系统静态电压稳定性的信息,也反映了将系统从当前的暂态电压不安全的状态引导到安全的要求。

    The model considers not only the cost for static voltage stability , but also that for transient voltage security .

  23. 长期以来,政府垄断的经营管理体制严重制约了城市基础设施产业的健康发展:设施总量严重不足、企业经营效率低下,多数设施因投资和维护不足长期处于低效、不安全运营状态。

    In the long time , the traditional system , of which the government monopolized , has failed to improve the development of urban infrastructure industry : causing the severe shortage , low running efficiency of corporations , insecurity and low efficiency of major facilities for insufficient investment and maintenance .

  24. 推行HSE观察,一方面创造了全员关注安全、平等沟通、相互提醒的氛围;另一通过观察发现的问题进行原因分析和及时整改,减少了不安全行为和不安全状态,降低了事故率。

    Implementing the HSE observation creates a atmosphere of full attention security , equality , mutual remind communication ; on the other hand , analyzing and timely rectificating the problems found by observing reduces the unsafe acts and the unsafe states .

  25. 事故发生的原因有:人的不安全行为,物的不安全状态,环境方面的缺陷,安全管理方面不足等。

    Causes of accidents : unsafe behaviors , unsafe status of articles , environmental defections , deficiencies in safety management , etc.

  26. 事故的发生不是独立的,而是相互联系的,主要是由于人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态所造成的。

    The occurrence of accidents are not isolated , but interrelated , mainly due to unsafe acts of people and material insecurity .

  27. 石油库和加油站的事故大都与人的不安全行为、物质的不安全状态和技术缺陷相关。

    Accidents in oil depots and gas stations are mostly contributed to human 's unsafe behaviors , unsafe states of subjects and defects of technologies .

  28. 安全生产管理主要分析了怎样落实安全生产责任制,消除人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态,以安全生产促进生产进度。

    It is analyzed on how to put safety construction responsibility into effect and to eliminate the insecurity situation of workers and substances to accelerate the project .

  29. 按传统安全管理的观点,事故发生的直接原因是人的不安全行为、物的不安全状态。

    According to the traditional view of security management , the direct cause of the accident is the unsafe behavior of the people , objects of unsafe condition .

  30. 近几年,我国煤矿频发安全事故,其直接原因是人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态,间接原因主要是企业管理的缺陷。

    The frequent happenings of China 's coal mine security accidents were caused directly by people 's insecure behavior and goods'insecure state , and indirectly by enterprises'management drawback .